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  • Leeds, Nathaniel M vs County of Butte(02) Unlimited Writ of Mandate document preview
  • Leeds, Nathaniel M vs County of Butte(02) Unlimited Writ of Mandate document preview
  • Leeds, Nathaniel M vs County of Butte(02) Unlimited Writ of Mandate document preview
  • Leeds, Nathaniel M vs County of Butte(02) Unlimited Writ of Mandate document preview
  • Leeds, Nathaniel M vs County of Butte(02) Unlimited Writ of Mandate document preview
  • Leeds, Nathaniel M vs County of Butte(02) Unlimited Writ of Mandate document preview


11/14/2023 Jeffrey Mitchell, Esq. (SBN: 188751) 1 2 Nathaniel M. Leeds, Esq. (SBN: 246138) 3 MITCHELL LEEDS, LLP 290 7th Avenue 4 San Francisco, CA 94118 5 Tel: (415) 702-9928 Fax: (415) 276-9099 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 COUNTY OF BUTTE 9 10 NATHANIEL LEEDS, Case No.: 23CV02121 11 Petitioner, v. PETITIONER’S EX PARTE 12 APPLICATION FOR A SCHEDULING COUNTY OF BUTTE ORDER PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT 13 CODE SECTIONS 7923.005 and 7923.100 Respondent. SETTING: 14 RESPONSIVE PLEADING 15 DEADLINE 16 DATE FOR EN CAMERA 17 PRODUCTION OF RECORDS, and 18 A HEARING DATE 19 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND 20 AUTHORITIES 21 Date: Time: 22 Dept: 23 Action Filed: August 4, 2023 24 25 TO THE COURT, TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 26 Petitioner appears Ex Parte seeking issuance of a scheduling order pursuant to 27 Government Code Sections 7923.005 and 7923.100 so the Court can review Respondent’s 28 decision to withhold documents which were not produced in response to a request under the 1 PETITIONER’S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR A SCHEDULING ORDER PERSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 7923.005 and 7923.100 1 California Public Records Act (Gov. § 7921.000 et seq.)(“PRA”). 2 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 3 On August 4, 2023, Petitioner filed a verified petition initiating the present mandamus 4 action seeking judicial review of Respondent, County of Butte’s, withholding of documents 5 requested pursuant to the PRA. On August 14th, a summons was issued which was served on 6 county counsel for Butte County on August 23rd. Declaration of Nathaniel M. Leeds In Support 7 of Plaintiff’s Ex Parte Application (“Leeds Decl.” ¶ 3) 8 On September 18, 2023, Petitioner filed a Request for Responsive Pleading Deadline 9 seeking a scheduling order pursuant to Government Code Sections 7923.005 and 7923.100. A 10 proposed order was filed for the convenience of the Court on October 4, 2023. The Court has 11 not provided the code-mandated scheduling order. 12 * * * 13 Petitioner now appears Ex Parte seeking issuance of a scheduling order pursuant to 14 Section 7923.005 so the Court can provide judicial review of Respondent’s decision to withhold 15 documents which it has withheld. 16 Section 7923.005 states, in a proceeding under Section 7923.000 which includes writs of 17 mandate under the PRA, “the court shall set the times for hearings and responsive pleadings 18 with the object of securing a decision as to the matters at issue at the earliest possible time.” 19 (emphasis added) 20 Section 7923.100 states “Whenever it is made to appear, by verified petition . . . that 21 certain public records are being improperly withheld . . . the court shall order the officer or other 22 person charged with withholding the records to disclose those records or show cause why that 23 person should not do so.“ (emphasis added) 24 Because the Court has not issued a scheduling order Respondent has neither provided a 25 responsive pleading nor provided the Court with the documents withheld so that the Court can 26 determine whether the documents were properly withheld. 27 /// 28 /// 2 PETITIONER’S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR A SCHEDULING ORDER PERSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 7923.005 and 7923.100 1 Petitioner now respectfully asks that the Court set a date for Respondent’s responsive 2 pleadings, a date for an en camera review of the documents withheld, and a date for a hearing on 3 Petitioner’s PRA writ. 4 TIMELY NOTICE TO OPPOSING PARTIES (CRC 3.1203) 5 Petitioner's counsel provided timely notice of this ex parte application to counsel for all 6 Respondents via telephone call at 10:00 am on November 14, 2023 followed shortly thereafter 7 with email transmission. (Leeds Decl., ¶ 5) 8 IDENTIFICATION OF COUNSEL (CRC 3.1202 (a)) 9 Respondent, the County of Butte is represented in this matter by Chief Deputy County 10 Counsel, Roger Wilson, 25 County Center Drive, Ste. 210, Oroville, California 95965 (530) 11 552-4070. 12 DISCLOSURE OF PREVIOUS RELATED APPLICATIONS (CRC 3.1202(b)) 13 No party has brought a similar ex parte application, or previously moved for any of the 14 relief sought herein. 15 16 Dated: November 14, 2023 Mitchell Leeds, LLP 17 18 ___________________________________ Nathaniel Leeds, Esq. 19 Attorney for Petitioner 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 PETITIONER’S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR A SCHEDULING ORDER PERSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 7923.005 and 7923.100