On September 5, 2023 a case was filed by B.G. An Infant By Her Parents And Natural Guardians, Dalinda Mones And Joseph Gebhardt, B G An Infant By Her P N G Dalinda Mones And Joseph Gebhardt, Dalinda Mones, and Joseph Gebhardt, represented by Smyth, Daniel Eamonn, against J M An Infant By His M N G Joanna Rodriguez, J.M., An Infant By His Mother And Natural Guardian, Joanna Rodriguez, Joanna Rodriguez, and Ricuarte Silva Agudelo, in the jurisdiction of Nassau County. Judge Infant Compromise Part Judge presiding.

FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 10/30/2023 04:54 PM INDEX NO. 614342/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 11 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/30/2023 Request for Judicial Intervention Addendum UCS-840A (7/2012) Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF Nassau Index No: 614342/2023 For use when additional space is needed to provide party or related case information. PARTIES: For parties without an attorney, check "Un-Rep" box AND enter party address, phone number and e-mail address in "Attorneys" space. Un- Parties Attorneys and Unrepr…

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