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  • Revenued Llc v. Advice Chaser, Llc, Anthony TomashefskyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Revenued Llc v. Advice Chaser, Llc, Anthony TomashefskyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Revenued Llc v. Advice Chaser, Llc, Anthony TomashefskyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Revenued Llc v. Advice Chaser, Llc, Anthony TomashefskyCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2024 08:03 PM INDEX NO. 615152/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2024 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NASSAU COUNTY NEW YORK In re: NO. 615152/2023 REVENUED LLC; AFFIDAVIT OF ANTHONY Plaintiff; TOMASHEFSKY IN OPPOSITION Vs. TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR ADVICE CHASER; DEFAULT ANTHONY TOMASHEFSKY; Defendant. 1. Mr. Cohen failed to do basic due diligence as required by the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. 2. Mr. Cohen admits he failed to provide proper service. In his reply he states: “it appears envelopes were delivered to the original sender on 11/18/2023 (four days prior to the date of my affirmation), I have never been supplied with copies those returned envelopes nor was I ever informed about those returned envelopes.” 3. On October 3, 2023, Mr. Cohen filed an affidavit of service which included USPS tracking numbers. On November 22, 2023, Mr. Cohen filed this motion, and four days after his summons and complaint had been returned to him. Mr. Cohen claims he was unaware 1 1 of 2 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 01/02/2024 08:03 PM INDEX NO. 615152/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/02/2024 of this. Apparently, Mr. Cohen does not own a computer, cell phone, or tablet capable of visiting 4. Mr. Cohen has an ethical obligation pursuant to the New York Rules of Professional Conduct to do due diligence on anything he files in this Court. 5. It would have taken Mr. Cohen no more than 30 seconds to go to the USPS website and find that his Summons and Complaint were never served. Mr. Cohen either failed to do basic due diligence or he lied to this Court. 6. Revenued is attempting to collect a judgment on an invalid and illegal loan, and through a frivolous motion they seek to gain a judgment without giving me an opportunity to respond. 7. I respectfully ask the Court to consider entering sanctions against Mr. Cohen. SIGNED this 2nd day of January, 2024 at Port Angeles, Washington. _________________________ ANTHONY TOMASHEFKSY 2 2 of 2