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  • 101-01 One Group, Llc v. New York City Department Of Housing Preservation And Development, New York City Department Of FinanceSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • 101-01 One Group, Llc v. New York City Department Of Housing Preservation And Development, New York City Department Of FinanceSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • 101-01 One Group, Llc v. New York City Department Of Housing Preservation And Development, New York City Department Of FinanceSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • 101-01 One Group, Llc v. New York City Department Of Housing Preservation And Development, New York City Department Of FinanceSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2023 02:40 PM INDEX NO. 153346/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2023 STJPREME COURT OF TITE STATE OFNEW YORK COI.JNTYOFNEW YORK L In the Matter of tfie Applicaior of r0l41 oNE GROI P, Ua, STIPT'II\TION STAYING Petiliorer, PROCTEDING IndexNo.: l5334DA3 For a ludgmant Purunnt to Article 78 ofthe Civil Practice Iaw and Rulcq +gainst- NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT and NEW YORK CIry DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Reqordents. WHEREAS, the instant proceeding was fully submitted to the Court on July 17, 2023, and is orrently awaiting determinatioo; and WffiREAS, the partics are in the proccss of daemrining whaher they may reach an amicable seulement of the matters raised in the petitioq which would obviate the need for the Corrt's review and dct€mination of fiis marer: and WEEREAS, this matter was prwiously stayed throtgh December 1,2023, it Stipulations dated Septernber 15,2023 and Octobe 25, 2023; NOW, TEEREFORE IT IS ffiREBY STIPITLJ\ITD AND AGREED by and bef,ween the undersigned attorneys for the respective parties herein, as follows: L The stay of this proceeding ctrrcrtly in effect is extcnde{ on consent, until laruary 5,2O24. 2. The stay may be odended upon cons€nt and subsequent stipulation of the . parties. 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 12/18/2023 02:40 PM INDEX NO. 153346/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/18/2023 3. If the stay is not extended upon consent and subsequent stipulation of the parties, either party may notily the Court via the e-filing systern that lhe Court may resume its review and determination of this matter. 4. Neither party's rights, remedies, claims or defenses are impaired, impeded, waived, or otherwise impacted by virtue of this Stipulation. 5. Facsimile or electronic signatures shall be deemed originals for purposes ofthis Stipulation. Dated New York, New York November 30.2A23 ER PLLC HO SYI,VIA O. I.IINDS.RADIX Attorneys lor Petiti Corporation Counsel of the City ol New York BY: ALEXA ENGLA ER, ESQ Attorney for Respondent 43 W. 43rd Street, Suite 2 By: ISABELLA KENDRICK New York, NY 10036 Assistant Corporation Counsel Tel:(718) 909-1030 100 Church Street Email : New York, NY 10007 Tel:(212) 356-2210 Email : ikendric@law. SO ORI) D: J.S.C. Hon. Shahabuddeen A. Ally, AJSC Supervising Judge New York County Civil Court 2 2 of 2