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  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview
  • Lavern Mckenzie, Karen Ochieng, Sasha Villalona, Valrie Broughton, Lory Jerome, Shayna Mckenzie, Bya Bah, Cindy Robinson, Yvette Duncan, Shernat Stewart v. Kim Champion, Stanley Lormestil, Deborah Francis, Zakiyyah Saleem, Rachel Belizaire, Marcia Taylor, Kareful And Karefree Training School In New York City Inc Torts - Other (intentional tort fraud) document preview


FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ROCKLAND LAVERN McKENZIE, KAREN OCHIENG, SASHA VILLALONA, VALRIE BROUGHTON, LORY JEROME, SHAYNA McKENZIE, BYA BAH, CINDY ROBINSON, YVETTE DUNCAN and SHERNAT STEWART, Plaintiff(s), -against- Index No.: 035608/2023 KIM CHAMPION, KAREFUL, STANLEY LORMESTIL, DEBORAH FRANCIS, ZAKIYYAH SALEEM, RACHEL BELIZAIRE, MARCIA TAYLOR AND KAREFUL AND KAREFREE TRAINING SCHOOL IN NEW YORK CITY INC. Defendant(s). PLAINTIFFS' MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO DISMISS PURSUANT TO C.P.L.R. § 3211 Defendants' Plaintiff submits the within Memorandum of Law in Opposition to the Motion to Dismiss. STATEMENT OF FACTS defendants' Here, Plaintiffs, all victims of the scheme, allege that the Defendants devised a scheme to run a fraudulent nursing school through a shell company, owned by Defendant Kim Champion, called Karefree Training School in New York City Inc. (Hereinafter "Karefree") (Ex. 1, ¶ 19). The defendants charged tuition to people in the nursing profession who were looking to further their education and become a registered nurse, even though Champion and the other defendants were not certified and lacked any credentials which would allow them to offer education that qualified any students to become eligible to take the nursing boards and become a registered nurse. (Ex. 1, ¶ 19). Plaintiffs further allege that the Defendants, to enrich themselves, conspired with each other to operate an unaccredited fraudulent nursing 1 1 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 school to cheat, swindle and charge their victims that were not entitled to. (Ex. 20- fees, they 1, ¶ 24). Plaintiffs consistently assert that they were all misled by the following misrepresentations made by Defendant Kim Champion; (i) that Karefree Training School in New York City Inc., offered an accredited nursing program at a Brooklyn location which was an offsite affiliate of Defendants' Kaiser University, (ii) that the Plaintiffs upon completion of program would receive nursing degrees from Kaiser University and (iii) that Plaintiff would be eligible to sit for the nursing board examination(s). (Ex. 1, ¶ 25, 26, 32, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 68, 74, 80). Defendants charged each Plaintiff, and each student in their fraudulent program, $26,650. (Ex. 1, ¶ 28, 34, payments" 49, 58, 61, 70, 82). Each defendant received a share of the "tuition and directly participated in the fraudulent scheme, by posing as officials and teachers and conducting mock classes, in the fake school, by collecting tuition payments, by utilizing their affiliations with legitimate hospital institutions to provide a false façade of legitimacy to the program and by reinforcing and reiterating Defendant Champion's misrepresentations. (Ex. 1, ¶ 86-95). From these Plaintiffs alone, Defendants have obtained $232,900 through their fraudulent scheme, not including the funds that they obtained from their other victims. (Ex. 1, ¶ 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, 58, 64, 70, 76, 82). Plaintiffs have proffered substantial documentary evidence, including a recorded conversation¹, between Plaintiff, Villalona and Defendant Champion in which Defendant Champion represents that she is running a Registered Nurse course, which will take up to a year, students' that all of the paperwork and applications are processed in Florida, but that they can sit for the New York State nursing examination. (Villalona Aff, Exs. 2, 3, p. 2-4). Champion further represented that the Plaintiffs will be participating in a program with an accredited Florida Defendants' 1The audio recording is represented by Exhibit 2, and will be provided directly to the Court and counsel, however, the undersigned had the recording transcribed by a Court reporting agency, and the transcript of same is attached as exhibit 3. 2 2 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 University, and that the classes will occur in New York, but that the Plaintiffs will receive a RN degree from the Florida University. (Villalona Exs. 2- 4). Aff, 2, 3, p. Champion further represented that the school is processing applications for their students to take the New York State Nursing Boards. (Villalona Aff, Exs. 2, 3, ¶ 2-4). Defendant also discussed in length, what the Plaintiffs needed to become licensed, in addition to graduation from their program. (Villalona Aff, Exs. 2, 3, p. 8, 9, 15). Champion further represented that Defendants would arrange a review course for the Nursing licensing tests. (Villalona Aff, Exs. 2, 3, p. 8). In response to a specific question, Champion represented that her course would allow the Plaintiffs to become a registered nurse. (Ex., 3, p. 15). Defendants also issued the Plaintiffs a syllabus for the program, which plainly included a Defendants' review for the licensing tests, which reinforced the representations that the Plaintiffs Defendants' would be eligible to take the examinations as a result of graduating from the class. (Jerome, Aff Ex. 10). Additionally, in furtherance of their scheme, the Defendants provided Plaintiff Laverne McKenzie with a fake diploma from Keiser University, which attests that Plaintiff obtained an Associates Degree in Nursing Sciences. (McKenzie, Aff, Ex. 5). Also attached as exhibit 6, is a fake transcript that the Defendants issued to Plaintiff Laverne McKenzie from Keiser University. (McKenzie, Aff, Ex. 6). Also attached as exhibit 7, are texts between Laverne McKenzie and Kim Champion, concerning taking the nursing licensing boards, and doing practice tests to prepare for the nursing boards, which the Defendants misled Plaintiff to believe that she was eligible to take based upon the fake degree that they issued to her. (McKenzie, Aff, Ex. 7). Also attached as Exhibit 8, are messages from a group chat between Plaintiff Karen Ochieng, Kim Champion and other students who were defrauded by the Defendants, including the Plaintiffs. 3 3 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 (Ochieng Aff, Ex. 8). As shown in exhibit 8, Kim Champion misrepresented to all of the Plaintiffs that they would obtain a nursing degree from a Florida University, and would be eligible for a New York nursing license. (Ochieng Aff, Ex. 8). These texts also show that the Defendant Champion repeatedly discussed graduation and coursework. (Ochieng Aff, Ex. 8) DISCUSSION The Defendant's motion should be denied in all respects because the signed enrollment forms, which the defendants proffer, do not conclusively refute Plaintiff's claims, are at best ambiguous and in fact, are internally contradictory. Moreover, there is undeniable corroborating evidence, that the defendant did in fact make the representations, as such, to the extent that there defendants' is a discrepancy between the documents and representations, that is for a jury to resolve. In determining whether a complaint is sufficient to withstand a motion to dismiss pursuant to C.P.L.R. § 3211, the sole criterion is whether the pleading states a cause of action. Cooper v 620 Prop. Assoc., 242 AD2d 359 [N.Y.A.D. 2d Dept 1997], citing Weiss v Cuddy & Feder, 200 AD2d 665 [N.Y.A.D. 2d Dept 1994]. If from the four corners of the complaint factual allegations are discerned which, taken together, manifest any cause of action cognizable at law, a motion to dismiss will fail. 511 West 232nd Owners Corp. v Jennifer Realty Co., 98 NY2d 144, 152 [2002]; Cooper, supra, 242 AD2d at 360. The court's function is to accept each and every allegation forwarded by the plaintiff without expressing any opinion as to the plaintiffs ability ultimately to establish the truth of these averments before the trier of the facts. Id., quoting 219 Broadway Corp. v Alexander's, Inc., 46 NY2d 506, 509 [1979]. The pleading is to be liberally construed and the pleader afforded the benefit of every possible favorable inference. 511 West 232nd Owners Corp., supra. 4 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 POINT I: PLAINTIFFS CLAIMS ARE NOT REFUTED BY DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE Defendants' Here, the enrollment forms, do not utterly refute the Plaintiff's claims, because (i) they do notdirectly contradict the substance of the Defendant's misrepresentations, (ii) the language in the forms is unintelligible gibberish, (iii) the forms are ambiguous and in fact internally inconsistent, and (iv) Plaintiffs have proffered undeniable corroborating evidence that the Defendant repeatedly made the fraudulent misrepresentations. A motion to dismiss a complaint based on documentary evidence pursuant to C.P.L.R. § 3211(a)(1) may be granted ody if the documentary evidence submitted by the moving party utterly refutes the factual allegations of the complaint and conclusively establishes a defense to the claims as a matter of law. Goshen v Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y., 98 NY2d 314, 326 [2002] ; Harris v Barbera, 96 AD3d 904, 905 [2012]; Paramount Transp. Sys., Inc. v Lasertone Corp., 76 AD3d 519, 520 [2010]); Air & Power Transmission, Inc. v. Weingast, 120 A.D.3d 524, 524-25, 992 N.Y.S.2d 46 plaintiffs' (2014). Where the writing proffered does not utterly refute the factual allegations, the Court may not dismiss the complaint. Piccoli v. Cerra, Inc., 174 A.D.3d 754, 757 (2019). To succeed on a motion to dismiss based upon documentary evidence pursuant to CPLR 3211(a)(1), the documentary evidence must utterly refute the plaintiffs factual allegations, conclusively establishing a defense as a matter of law. Wilson v. Poughkeepsie City Sch. Dist., 147 A.D.3d 1112, 1113 (2 Dep't 2017); see Goshen v. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y., 98 N.Y.2d 314, 326, 746 N.Y.S.2d 858 (2002). A motion to dismiss pursuant to CPLR 3211(a)(1) will be granted only if the documentary evidence resolves all factual issues as a matter of law, and conclusively disposes of the plaintiffs claim. Cives Corp. v. George A. Fuller Co., 97 A.D.3d 713, 714, (2012). To be considered documentary that is sufficient to rebut a Plaintiff's claim, the proffered 5 5 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 evidence must be unambiguous; consequently a motion to dismiss based upon documentary evidence, must be denied where the proffered documents are ambiguous because ambiguous documents are insufficient to utterly refute a Plaintiff s claims. Parekh v. Cain, 96 A.D.3d 812, 815 (2 Dep't 2012); Piccoli v. Cerra, Inc., 174 A.D.3d 754, 756 (2019); Dabidat v. Sandoval, No. 653861/2012, 2013 WL 2356298, at *5 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. May 28, 2013). Where the purported documentary evidence does not contain express language that directly refutes the Plaintiff s contentions, the documents do not utterly refute the Plaintiff s allegations or conclusively establish a defense. Trask v. Tremper Prop. AssI, Inc., 122 A.D.3d 1206, 1207, 997 N.Y.S.2d 805, 807 (3 Dep't 2014); see also Harris v. Barbera, 96 A.D.3d 904, 905, 947 N.Y.S.2d 548, 550 (2012) [Retainer agreement, which stated that there was "no assurance or guarantee of the outcome" and that the agreement "does not include representation for ... legal services after the Judgment of Trial Court ...or the Appeal of any Trial decision did not utterly refute Plaintiff s affidavit that the defendants failed to pursue a motion for leave to reargue or other application to modify a decision in the underlying action, submitted deficient or inappropriate proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, and failed to adequately address various necessary issues during the trial] ; see also DeStaso v. Condon Resnick, LLP, 90 A.D.3d 809, 814, 936 N.Y.S.2d 51). defendants' First, the enrollment forms are insufficient, in and of themselves to utterly Plaintiffs' refute claims because they do not directly contradict the representations that the Defendant made to the Plaintiffs. No where in the forms, does it state that Karefree is not affiliated with Kaiser University in Florida, nor do the forms state that the Plaintiff s will not be eligible to take the nursing examinations. These are the representations that caused Plaintiff to Defendants' enroll in the program. 6 6 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 Defendants' Further, the language in the forms are unintelligible gibberish, which is at Defendants' best ambiguous, hence insufficient to utterly refute Plaintiff's claims. Here, forms state in pertinent part that Karefree "does not operate a credit bearing institution as authorized by in New A- Title VIII York State". (Def Exs. J, NYSCEF Does 10-19). First, an ordinary consumer would not understand that the language that the Defendant is not operating a 'credit institution' bearing negates Defendant's representations, that completion of the course, would enable the participant to take a licensing examination. Moreover, the language that the course if not a credit bearing institution as authorized by Title VIII in New York State, does not refute Plaintiff's claims because the Defendant misrepresented that the program was affiliated with Kaiser University, a Florida University. Moreover, this language is negated by language in the very same document which states that Karefree will instruct the participant in the format review in accordance with Education Law and Commissioner's recommendations. The document further incorporates oral statements made during orientation, which includes the oral representations in Ex 3, that the program is affiliated with an accredited Florida University and that upon completion of the course, the Plaintiffs will be eligible to sit for the nursing examination. Further, the language which seeks to disclaim that the program is a nursing program, is belied by and rendered ambiguous, by the language on the very same forms, which asks the applicant to select a course of either LPN, (Licensed Practical Nurse) or RN (Registered Nurse). Defendants' Finally, given the other documentary evidence of the misrepresentations and fraudulent scheme, which is now before the Court, the enrollment forms alone are insufficient to conclusively resolve Plaintiff's claims as a matter of law. These proofs include a recording in which the Defendant misrepresents to the Plaintiff(s) that her program is through a Florida University and that they would be eligible to sit for the Nursing Examinations and obtain a New 7 7 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 York Nursing license, (ii) Fake diplomas and Fake Transcripts which the Defendants gave the Plaintiffs from Keiser University, (iii) Syllabus which outlines a nursing course and has a week to prepare for the nursing licensing examination, (iv) numerous text messages in which the Defendant reiterates to all of the Plaintiffs in a group chat that they will receive a nursing degree from a Florida University and a New York nursing license, as well as representations that they will be graduating, along with reminders to study for the licensing exam. In light of this Defendants' overwhelming proof of the fraudulent scheme and fraudulent representations, the Defendants' ambiguous, contradictory, vague gibberish language in the enrollment forms does not conclusively demonstrate that there was no fraudulent misrepresentation by the defendants. In fact, in light of the enormity of the fraudulent representations, the language in the enrollment form can only be viewed as an ill conceived and half hearted attempt by Defendant to shield herself from liability for her massive fraudulent scheme. Based upon the foregoing, there is adequate proof that the Plaintiffs relied upon the Defendants misrepresentations, in paying her collectively over $232,000 for a degree and a qualification to take the nursing boards, all of which the Defendants could not. Simply stated the ambiguous, vague and gibberish language in the enrollment forms, do not negate Plaintiff's reliance, especially when considered cumulatively with the undisputable evidence of the Defendants' rampant and brazen misrepresentations. 8 8 of 13 FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 01/12/2024 04:55 PM INDEX NO. 035608/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 26 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/12/2024 POINT II: THE PURPORTED PROSPECTIVE RELEASE LANGUAGE, WHICH SEEKS TO AVOID LIABILITY FOR FRAUD IS VOID AND OF NO EFFECT The language in the enrollment form, that generally disclaimed prospective liability, is no barrier to the Plaintiff's instant case, because the Plaintiffs complain of willful tortious behavior. Exculpatory provisions in a contract, purporting to insulate one of the parties from liability are disfavored by the law and closely scrutinized by the courts, and such an agreement will be viewed as wholly void where it purports to grant exemption from liability for willful acts or where a special relationship exists between the parties such that an overriding public interest demands that such a contract provision be rendered ineffectual. Lago v. Krollage, 78 N.Y.2d 95, 99-100 (1991); Gross v Sweet, 49 NY2d 102, (1979). Here, the Plaintiffs complain of willful misconduct, as such, the disclaimer of liability or prospective release has no application to this case. PLAINTIFFS' POINT III: COMPLAINT MEETS AND EXCEEDS THE PLEADING REQUIREMENTS TO STATE A FRAUD CAUSE OF ACTION Plaintiffs' complaint is more than sufficient state a cause of action for fraud. The elements of fraud action, are a misrepresentation or a material omission of fact which was false and known to be false by defendant, made for the purpose of inducing the other party to rely upon it, the other party's justifiable reliance on the misrepresentation