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  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview
  • Ouza Cafe, Abdou Khalek Principal Member of Ouza Cafe v. Sahar Waheeb, Eastern 87 Corp., 2537 Steinway Llc, Giovanni Garofalo, Magdi ElkoumiTorts - Other (fraud) document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 01/23/2024 08:22 PM INDEX NO. 724451/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/23/2024 . 7/04 STANDARD FORM OF STORE LEASE The Real Estate Board of New York, Inc, greciticitt a f Krase, 25-37 STEINWAY madeas of this LLC day þ the year 2017 , between party of the Firstpart, hereinafterreferredto as OWNER, and OUZO CAFE INC, party of thesecond part, hereinalter referredto as TENANT, Klitat esset7 Owner herebyleasesto Tenantand Tenantherebyhires from Owner FIRST FLOOR STOREFRONT and BASEMENT (Except Boiler Room) in the building known as 25-37 STEINWAY STREET ASTORIA, NY 11103 in theBorough of , City of New York, for the term of QUEENS TEN(10) YEARS (or until suchterm shall soonerceaseandexpire as hereinafter provided) to commenceon the 1st day of FEBRUARY in the year 2017 , and to endon the 31st day of JANUARY in the year 2027 ' ""d both datesinclusive, agthe tinnual rental rateof ". SEE ANNEXED RIDER " which Tenantagreesto pay in lawful money of gheUnited Stateswhich sitall be legal tender in paymentof all debtsanddues. public and private, at the lime of payment,in equal monthly installmeitis in advanceon the first day of eachmonth during said term, at the ollice of Owner or suchother placeasOwner may designate,without any setoff or deduction whatsoever, exceptilial Teniantsliall pay the first rnonthly installinent(s)on theexecution hereof (unlesstitis leasebe a renewal). In the event that, at the commencemetitof the termof this lease,or thereafter,Tenantsliall be in default in the paymentof rent to Owner pursuantto the termsof anollier leasewitIt Owner or with Owner's predecessorin interest,Owner may at Owner's option and witltout notice to Tenantadd theamountof sucharrearsto any montlily installmentof rent payablehereunderand the sarneshall be payableto Owner as additional rent. their heirs,distributes,executors,administrators,legal representative,successors Tlie parties hereto, for 11iemselves, and assistis, herebycovenantas follows: Rent: I. Tenant shallpaytherentasaboveandashencinaller provided Occupancy: 2, Tenant shalluseandoccupythedemised for premises CAFE ONLY andfornootherpurpose. mahighgradeandseputable Tenantshallalall timesconductitsbusiness shallnotviolateArticle37hereof, maimer, and shallkeepshowwmdowsandsignsin aneatandcleancomlition Alterations: 1 Tenantshallmakenochanges in or to the thefixturesandappu:1enances therem.andthesidewalks afgacentthereto, demised premises of anynature withoutOwner's andatitssolecostandexpense, makeallnon-stmetural repairsthereto as pnorwrmenconsent.Suby:ct tothepriorwrittenconsent of Owrier,and andwhenneeded topreserve themingoodworkingorderandcondnton. totheprovisions of thisarnele,Tenant, atTenant's expense, snaymake reasonable wearandtear,obsolescence anddamage fromtheelements, aliciations.installations, additNnsor improvements whichare non- fireor othercasually, exceptedIf lhedemised premises beor become structuralandwhichdo not affectutility servicesor plumbingand mfested withvennin,Tenant shallutTenant's expense, cause thesame to electricalhnes,in or gotheinteriorof thedemised premises by using beexterminated fiomtimetotimetoIhesalisraenson ofOwner,Except as camtractorsormechanies firstapproved ineachinstance byOwnerTenant specifeally provided in Anicle9orelsewhere in thislease,thereslallhe shall, hefore making any allerations,additions.mstallationsor noallowance to theTeamat for thediminulionof rentalvalueandno improvements, atstsexpense, olnamallpennits, approvals andcenificates liabilityonthegunof Ownerby reason of inconvemence, annoyance or uequired by anygovemmental or quasi-govemnwnial bodiesand(upon injury tobusiness arisms from Owner, Tenant orothens, makmg or failing completson) certaticates of linal approvalthereof,mul shalldeliver to makeanyrepairs, altemlions, additions or improvements in orto any p omptlydupheates of all suchpermits,approvals andcernineates to portionof thetmilding,includingtheerection or operaigon oranycrmie. Owne:, andTenant agrees toentry,andwillcause Tenant's contractors and derrickorsidewalk shed,or mortothedemised premises or Ihefixtures, sub-contractoss tocarry,suchworker'scompensation, commercial general aspurtenances or equipment the1eof on' It is specilically agieed thatTemuit habilny,personal and.propedydamage insurance asOwnermayreqmre. ull benotentitledto anyset or aednesen of rentby reason of any If anmechanic's lienisliledagainst thedemised premises, orIkebuilding failureofOwnes to complywithghecovenants ofthisoranyotheranticle of w1uch thesameformsa , forworkclaimed tohavebeendonefor, of thisleaseTennan agreesilus Tenant's soleremedyat lawm such or matenals fumishedto, 'enarn, whether asnoldonepursuant to this instance will bebywayof anactionfordamages forbreach ofconnact article,Ihesameslall bedaselurged by Tenant withm30daystherealler, 'Iheprovisions of lhisAnticle"l withrespect tothemakmg ofrepairs shall atTenani's expense, bypayment or lilmgalmndaspermitted by law.All notapplyin thecaseof lire or othe casually, wincharedealtwnhm fixtures,mdallpaneling. partitions,railingsandlikemstallations, mstalled Anticle9hereof in thedesmsed premises at anytime,eitherby Tenantor by Owneron Tenant's behalf,shall,uponinslallation, become t hepmperty Owner of window 5, Tenaniwill notcleannorrequire,permit, andshallremainuponandbesurrendered with thedemised premises Cleaning: sufferor nilow any windowin the demised unless Owner,by reticetoTenani nolaterthan twentydayspnertotir premisesto be cleanedfrom the outsidem datefixedasthelermination of thislease, clectsto relinquish Osmer's violationof Section202of theNewYorkStateLalmrlawor anyolher nghtsthencto amito lure themremoved by Tenant, m wluchevent,the applicablelaworof theRulesofthe11:mrd ofSlamlardsandAppeals. of same shallberemoved fromthedemised premises byTenant priortothe of anyotherlioardor bodyhavingor asserting jurisdiction expiration orthelease, atTenang's expense. Nothinginthisarticleslullhe construed togiveOwnerittleto,or topreveng Tenant's removal of, trade Requirements 6- Pnorlothecommencemeng oftliclease term, lixtures.moveable oflicefumitureandequipment, butugenremoval of of Law,Fire if Temmiis thenin possession, andatall times samefromthedemised premises or uponremoval ofotherinstallations as Insurance: therealler, Teaman's solecostand may berequired byOwner, Termnt simll immediately andatitsexpense, expense, shallpromptlycomplywithall present repairandrestore thedemised premises tothecondition existingpriorto andAnurelaws.ordersandregulations muincipal ofall state,federal, and anysuchinstallations, andrepairanydamage tothedemised premises or local govemments, departments, commissions and hoardsand any thebuikhng duetosuchremoval. All property permitted orrequired totw directionof anypubheoilicerpursuant to law,andallorders. rulesand removed by Tenant a t theendof thetenn remaming m thedemised regulations oftheNewYork11oard of FireUndenwriters ortheInsurance premises alterTenant's removalshallbedeemed abandoned andmay,al Services Ollice,or anysimilarbodywhichshallimgmsc anyviolatmns, theelectionof Owner,cinherberetained asOwner'sproperty or maybe orderor dulyuponOwnerorTenant withrespect tothedemised premises, renmved fromthedemised premises byOwneranTenant sexpense andwithrespect to theportmnof thesidewalkadjacent to tir demised premises, if thedemised premises areonthestreellevel,whether ornot Repairs: 4, Ownershallmaintainanduepairthepubhe arisingoutofTeminfsuseormanner of useilwreof,orwithrespeeg tothe portionsof the building,both exteriorand buildms,if arisingoutof Tenant's useor manner of useof thedemised exce;nthatif OwnerallowsTenant mterior, toerectontheoutside of the premises or the bmiding(includmgtheuse permittedu nder t he lease) huildinga signor signs.or a hoist,lin or sidewalkelevatorfor the lixceptasprovidedin Anticle29 hereof,nothingheremshallrensive exclusiveuseof Tenam, Tenantslall mainlainsuchexterio:installations Tenamto makestruegural unlessTenant repairsor alterations hasby its in goodappearance, shallenuse thesameto beoperated in agoodand manner of useof thedemised premises or methodof operation therein, workmanlike manner.shallmakeall repairstheretonecessary to keep violatedany such laws, ordmances, orders,rules,regulations or sameingoodorderandcondition, atTenant's owncostandexpense, und reqmrements withrespect therego.Tenant shallnotdoorpermitanyactor shalleausethesame tobecovered bytheinsurance provided f orhercaner thmg tobedone inortothedemised premises whichis contrary tolaw, or mArticle8. Tenantshall,throughout takegoodcare slictermofthelease. whichwill mvahdate or bein conflictwithpubhehability,lireor other ofthedemised premises(includms,wnhoutlimitation.thestorefmm) and pokeies ofmsurance atsw timecarriedbyorforthehenefn ofOwner, or FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 01/23/2024 08:22 PM INDEX NO. 724451/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/23/2024 iInecessary beto Rider added other or toilets, stairs, elevators, corridors, doorways, doors, passageways, entrances, public location and/or the arrangement changeto other er fire from ordamage as arcsult exist maythat habihty frorn Tenant therefore, of occupancy. Tenantto hability incurring withoutand eviction an constituting relieve shall hereinabove contained Noghing(e) Tenant's same the without time, anyat right the haveshall Owner hereunder. for ready substantially are premises the that Owner notice demised . ligations Tenant's or lease this on ect no have shallact and written after days (5) five resume lity forrent lia Tenant's pro on, cornanyfor Tenant to liability rent, such abatementotherand furniture, eqmpment, shall · * or of possible, reasonably movable and invent sal or limitaten without premises demised the redecorate or renovate s Tenantof all as promptly as ises from aher, emer, immediately may Owner therefrom, propertyTenant's by removirp restoration Owner's cooperate control. with shall Tenant elaims, casual of all ly suor all removedhaveshall Temmi term the of month such any After Owner's beyond cases and troubles labor lastthe duri affected. be hereimder obligations the shal insurance to due delays to subject expedition reasonable if therefore, Tenant of of hereof, adjustmeng event any m nor li itsor oumerrender agents not shall en all with (c) and (b)ofherein, conditions the under restorations and repairs property, Tenam's to is cme reasonable the make Owner for as notice termination a serve such forcibly, exercised permissible, provided shall Tenant. provided and or key master or necessary be may entry shall OwnerUnless to beI retumed datesuch to su such whenever same the enter may egents s Owneror Owner premises, period any of on were whichTenant madesent account of demisedthe into entiyan permit and open to present not is Tenant anyanddatesuch to up paid be shall owing rent anyand terminatioit moleslagion. without thereon remainto to pnor effect provisions If e", or permit shall Tenantnotices such in however,lease the underTenantagaimt remedies which od, and IAt""to notice mual the premises the demised and rights Owner's to quit, prejudice without premises demised upon nee monthssix sad dming may, tenants, prospective the vacate sunender and and forthwith shall knamand lease thisof to same the showing of purposethefor term the of months six lastthe semaination thefor above forthset date thewere ifsuchdate as completely uilding, or mortgagees purchasers prospective to same fullyas expire lease t)iis term the notice in and , of and shall notice, of such specified the of thefor hours reasonable at premises the demised datethe upon and lease, ofsuch gmng the afterdays eo thanmore be not emerto the haveshall Ownerhereof term the otherwise.Throughout shall date which ofthe expiration thefor date a sooner,specifying is or business casualty, of progress,interruption or loss of reasonby damages whicheveror fire such for immanceorthe after adjustment anyto nor in is work suchwhilerent of anyto abatement 30days or casualty or fire suchaAer withingrvenTenam to notice be Tenant the nor eviction, an constituting same the without written by lease this terminate to elect Ownerevents, emitted I such any premisessaidirgo eqmand mat may, necessay all take practicable. premises, in then, it, toor it rebuild to decide shall Owner in demised work of walls, any the during so be shall buildingthe if in or le in damaged are ines wherever or ceili floorspipes, the within concealed are provided demised thenotor or unmable whol are rendered premises therem,conduits ducts, new erect to and premises the the ded. as same the torestore to and demised demised If (d) not elect through and in conduits and pipes replace and maintain and use to Owner rigin Owner's to subjeeg msubsecton as provided apportuned permit Tenam ties. directions other be rent then nant the pet in sooner(or Owner govemmental of and shall reoccupied ulations with ying com of pmpose theforor lease, tlus under by restored and repaired beenhaveshall premises demisedthe when perform to obliis Tenant which any perfonn or perform, repatramake date the until cease shall and casualty thenceforth ofthetime thetoup pad to failure Tenant'sfollowmg demisedthein to elect proportionately be shall provided expressly as rent addittonal may Owner whichor buildmg theof portan any to desirablereasonably of items other rentthe then casually, other or fire unusable wholly necessay deem may Owner as improvements replacements or totally are premises the usable. is and rendered demised If (c) repaisuchmake to and same the to times, reasonable examine other whi · demised ofthe partthe to casualty the following at and, time, any at emergency any in pmmses the from rent, be shall apportioned ed, com substantially be shall the enter demised to be not shall(but obligated) Premises: r suchuntil of items additionai other rentthe Ownerof riginthe haveshall agentsOwner's or Owner 13, to Access expense theat and repairedby be shall the other or fueby unusable patially or rendered are premises satainmay Tenant loss, forth. which expenses or damages any the demised If (b) set hereinafter as for Tenant, to respons ore · 1eOwner make way no in shall service effect and force fullin continue shalllease this Casualty: ofelectric character theof time at change The building. the of tenants and to thereof notice immediate giveshall Other and etherby usereasonableexercised, thereof the with or installations such overload Tenam other or by be damaged shall Fire, iort which, equipment 9. Destruction, I i installation, clectrical thereofany or demised Ifthe (a) usenot may Tenant and or risers theor building d. theto feedersexisting of capacity the exceed not shall currentelectrio wi unreasonably beto not approval writing, of useiss times allat that agrees and covenants such in by a I, by counsel proceeding or action in d or res Tenant' Owner em notice to in conditions 12. Electric er adion any case subtenam. invitee employce, respect and Rates contractor, agent, In any of subgenant, licensee or anyand any of omissions andaces to ng. or assigmnem extends lease this under liabilityTenant'slicensees. or invitees father anyto Owner m writing coment obtaining contractors, agents, 's Tenant, theof conduct · or of from %nant sclieve to be way anyin not construed shall contained. underletti negligencecarelessness, or lease this condition of centractors, on any covenant or anso Owner assignmeng by conseraThe hereinTenang licensees, or invitees, agent, Tenant's knma, of of paid,fees, puttheon ofemenants by Tenant performance the from ofTenamby father