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  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Kevin Ramnarain, Vidya D Ramnarain, United States Of America, John Doe (Said Name Being Fictitious To Represent Unknown Tenants/Occupants Of The Subject Property And Any Other Party Or Entity Of Any Kind, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Property)Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Lakeview Loan Servicing, Llc v. Kevin Ramnarain, Vidya D Ramnarain, United States Of America, John Doe (Said Name Being Fictitious To Represent Unknown Tenants/Occupants Of The Subject Property And Any Other Party Or Entity Of Any Kind, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Property)Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/03/2023 08:46 AM INDEX NO. 615661/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/03/2023 SrnaN & Essenasac, PC 20 Couusace Darve, Surre 230 Caaurone, NJ 67O/ 6 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE CHent's File No.: NY202300000417-1 AMENDED SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Index Number: 61666142023 COUNTY OF NASSAU Date Filed: September 26,202S Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC vs Kevin Ramnarain, et at . ..... .... .. . __ ___ o"earamasastwga STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY , SS.: OF SUFFOLK The undersigned being duly sworn deposes ond says: that dep9nent is not a party to this action, is over 18 years of age and October 11, 2023 . at the following tinte: 1:32 PM . resides in the State of New York. That on the (btlowing date: dePonent served the within at ___ _ 6 Mahland Place. Oceanside NY 11572 CPLR 3012-B, Notice oiPendency of Action,1303 Notice of Commencement Fonn. Summons and Complaint with Certificate of Merit Pursuant to aint in Noticeprinted on a separate colored paper that Is other than the color of the Summons bold, fousteen-point type and the title of the notice in bold, twenty-point type and RPAPL Section 1320 (Exhibit A) Papers so served were properly endorsed with the Index Number and date of filing, [xJ Served at principai dweging pfem. -..____... ..... .. ...-._...-.--. Upon:KevinRantnarain . doponent knew the person so served to be the individual described therein. Individual By delivering a true copy thereof to smalrecipient personally; Doe afk/a Aliya Gopaul , Co·Occupant Responsible By delivering to and (eaving with respondent's a true copy thereof, a person of suita6le age and discretion. Said premises being the defendant / 1place of business/employment [ ] last known address wintin the State. [ ] usual place of abode [X) dwelling place [ Confidential" the Iegend "Personal arid sad not Indicating Mail A copy thereof was deposited In a postpaid, propedy addressed envelope, beadng or concems an action against the person on the outside thereof, by return address or otherwise, that the communication is from an attorney to be served in a depository maintained by the U. S. P. S., mailed by first-class maBto the above address on _October13, 2023 _ Corporation By delivering to and leaving with . . said individual to be Corporation/Govemment Agency/Entity. LLC / LLP who speciGcally stated harshe was authdrized to accept service on behalf of the Affixing By allixing a true copy thereof to the door, being the defendenttrespondents [ ] dwelling place [ ) place of business/employment To Door last known address within the State. [ ] usual place of abode [ ] Previous Deponent previously attempted to serve the above named defendant/respondent on: Attempts Height: 5' 0" - S' 4" Age: 34-42 Description Sex Female Color of skin: Middle Eastern Color of hair Black of Recipient Weight· . 110-140. Otherl:eatures; . ass advanced payment was made. whether·the defendant/respondent was in active stuTdaryservice and receivec a nega The person I asked the person spoken to informaton and the grounds of are the Military spoken with wore ordinary civilian clothsB and no military uniform.-Th9 source of my averathatthe is not In Service conversations and observations defendanttrespondent narrated above. Upon infonnation and belief, I military service. . Swom to before me on _ __.. Nelson Acerfedo NOTARY PUBLIC PROCESS SERVER LICENSE # work order # 2ness4s 44/E Tanwg 9 W. L Sraser, Susts 2360, East Rocustrea,NY 14445 NOTARY PUBUC, STATE OF NÎiW YORK Registration No.01TA6119236 Qtialifiedin Suffolk Coan Expires· My Commission I v 20 y 1 of 1