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  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview
  • Smashmallow, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company vs Tanis Food Tec B.V., a Netherlands Limited Liability Company Civil document preview


MALCOLM S. MCNEIL (SBN 109601) LYNN R. FIORENTINO (SBN 226691) JEFF LEUNG (SBN 310960) ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP 555 West Fifth Street, 48th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: 213.629.7400 Facsimile: 213.629.7401 Attorneys for Defendant and Cross-Complainant TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF SONOMA 11 12 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, a Delaware limited Case No. SCV-268477 liability company, 13 DECLARATION OF LYNN R. Plaintiff, FIORENTINO IN SUPPORT OF 14 DEFENDANT AND CROSS- Vv, COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC 15 B.V.’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., a Netherlands MOTION OBJECTING TO AND 16 limited liability company; JOHN DOES 1-50, MOVING TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF inclusive, SMASHMALLOW, LLC’S 17 AFFIDAVITS OF BOND UNDER Defendant. C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. 18 19 [Filed concurrently with Notice of Motion TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., and Motion to Strike and [Proposed] 20 Order] Cross-Complainant, 21 Trial Court and Department: Dept. 18 Vv, Trial Judge: Judge Christopher Honigsberg 22 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, ROES 1-50, Date: 23 inclusive, Time: Dept: 18 24 Cross-Defendant. Judge: Hon. Christopher Honigsberg 25 Complaint Filed: May 26, 2021 Trial Date: September 8, 2023 26 27 28 ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYS ATLAW LOS ANGELES DECLARATION OF LYNN R. FIORENTINO IN SUPPORT OF TANIS’ NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION OBJECTING TO AND MOVING TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND DECLARATION OF LYNN R. FIORENTINO I, Lynn R. Fiorentino, declare and state as follows: 1 Tam an attorney duly licensed to practice law in the State of California and am a partner in the law firm of ArentFox Schiff LLP, counsel of record for Defendant and Cross- Complainant Tanis Food Tec B.V. (“Tanis”). I am familiar with the pleadings, discovery and depositions in this case. I attended each day of the trial in this matter on behalf of Tanis. This Declaration is made upon my personal knowledge, and if called upon as a witness I could and would competently testify to the facts set forth herein. This declaration is submitted in support of Defendant and Cross-Complainant Tanis Food Tec B.V.’s Motion to Strike Plaintiff Smashmallow, 10 LLC’s Affidavits of Bond Under C.C.P. Section 995.010 et seq. 11 2. On November 22, 2023, Plaintiff filed an insufficient Affidavit of Undertaking 12 signed by a “representative of Smashmallow, LLC” (the “November 22 Undertaking Affidavit”). 13 3 Tanis objected to the November 22nd Undertaking Affidavit, and ultimately filed a 14 Motion to Strike it from the record, including on the basis that testimony at trial established that 15 Smashmallow has little to no assets. 16 4 On December 20, 2023, this Court granted Tanis’ motion on the basis that testimony 17 at trial indicated that Plaintiff is devoid of assets. The Court ordered Plaintiff to file a bond in the 18 amount of $250,000 no later than 5:00 p.m. December 26, 2023. The Court further ordered that the 19 November 22nd Undertaking Affidavit would be stricken as of December 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. 20 5 On December 26, 2023, Plaintiff filed two “Affidavit[s] of Bond Under C.C.P. 21 Section 995.010 et seg.” One was signed by Shahir Amin on behalf of both Sonoma Brands and 22 Smashmallow, and the other was signed by Jon Sebastiani in his individual capacity and by Shahir 23 Amin on behalf of Smashmallow. On December 26, 2023, Defendant filed Objections to these 24 original affidavits. True and correct copies of these filings are attached hereto as Exhibits A 25 through C, respectively. 26 6. On December 28, 2023, Plaintiff filed an Amended Affidavit of Bond signed by Jon 27 Sebastiani only and correcting the original’s failure to include Mr. Sebastiani’s residence address. 28 -2- ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYS ATLAW LOS ANGELES DECLARATION OF LYNN R. FIORENTINO IN SUPPORT OF TANIS’ NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION OBJECTING TO AND MOVING TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND The Affidavit of Bond signed by Shahir Amin on behalf of Sonoma Brands and Smashmallow and the Amended Affidavit of Bond signed by Jon Sebastiani only will be referred to collectively as the “Bond Affidavits.” Plaintiff also filed a Response to Tanis’ Objections to the Bond Affidavits. True and correct copies of these filings are attached hereto as Exhibits D and E. 7 Based on the financial representations of Plaintiff during trial, Smashmallow has little to no assets. Specifically, on October 10, 2023, during direct examination, Shahir Amin, board member and fiduciary for Sonoma Brands, the majority investor in Smashmallow, stated that Smashmallow has “very minimal” assets. A true and correct copy of this direct examination from the Transcript of Proceedings, vol. 13, p. 2250, lines 12-23 is attached hereto as Exhibit F. 10 8 Jon Sebastiani and Shahir Amin served as key witnesses for Plaintiff at trial and 11 presented evidence that they, along with Sonoma Brands Capital, played significant roles in the 12 events underlying the claims and defenses in this action. 13 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California and that the 14 foregoing is true and correct. 15 Executed on January 9, 2023, at San Francisco, California. 16 é a 17 a ata Ye h ‘i af in Lg at Le - Lynn R. Fiorentino 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYS ATLAW LOS ANGELES DECLARATION OF LYNN R. FIORENTINO IN SUPPORT OF TANIS’ NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION OBJECTING TO AND MOVING TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND EXHIBITA @ gy @. gy pg @ gy gy pubes = r Ear TT Te ps SSeS wut aS —— ee Ri a ed eae EXHIBIT B @ £ Vv —@G_8y_ Hee Sees eT ee oth ee Bere eeen F A aot Sr _ Berl a rater TSE : Ser —_ a } (ce herd ey oe 2 AArm 1 wee ican Sad EXHIBITC MALCOLM S. MCNEIL (SBN 109601) ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California LYNN R. FIORENTINO (SBN 226691) County of Sonoma 12/26/2023 8:56 PM JEFF LEUNG (SBN 310960) By: Alex Fleckenstein, Deputy Clerk ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP 555 West Fifth Street, 48th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: 213.629.7400 Facsimile: 213.629.7401 Attorneys for Defendant and Cross-Complainant TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF SONOMA 11 12 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, a Delaware limited Case No. SCV-268477 liability company, 13 DEFENDANT/ CROSS- Plaintiff, COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC 14 B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO Vv, PLAINTIFF/CROSS-DEFENDANT 15 SMASHMALLOW, LLC’S TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., a Netherlands AFFIDAVITS OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. 16 limited liability company; JOHN DOES 1-50, SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. inclusive, 17 Defendant. 18 Judge: The Hon. Christopher M. Honigsberg 19 Department: 18 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., 20 Complaint Filed: May 26, 2021 Cross-Complainant, Trial Date: September 8, 2023 21 Vv, 22 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, ROES 1-50, inclusive, 23 Cross-Defendant. 24 25 26 27 28 -1- ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYSAT Law DEFENDANT/ CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO SMASHMALLOW, LOS ANGELES LLC’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND TO THE HONORABLE COURT, PLAINITFF AND ITS ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendant Tanis Food Tec, B.V. (“Tanis”) hereby objects to the two purported Affidavits of Bond Under C.C.P. Section 995.010 et seq. signed by (1) Jon Sebastiani in his individual capacity and by Shahir Amin on behalf of Smashmallow, LLC (“Smashmallow” or “Plaintiff’) and (2) by Shahir Amin on behalf of Sonoma Brands Capital (“Sonoma Brands”) and Smashmallow (the “Bond Affidavits”) and filed and served by Plaintiff on December 26, 2023 on the following grounds: 1 The Bond Affidavits are procedurally deficient. On November 17, 2023, the Court 10 issued an Order on Submitted Matter Re: Plaintiff's Motion for Post-Judgment Discovery and 11 Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (the “Preliminary Injunction Order”) granting the 12 Preliminary Injunction “in part, conditioned on Plaintiffs posting an undertaking of 13 $250,000.” (Order, p. 5:16-16)(emphasis added). It is well-established that “... the purpose of 14 requiring security is to afford compensation to the party wrongly enjoined or restrained.” City of 15 South San Francisco v. Cypress Lawn Cemetery Assn. (1992) 11 Cal. App. 4th 916, 922. See also 16 Oksner v. Superior Ct. In & For Los Angeles Cnty. (1964) 229 Cal. App. 2d 672, 687 (“[w]ithout 17 [a] bond a preliminary injunction is a nullity.”) 18 2. On November 22, 2023, Plaintiff filed an insufficient Affidavit of Undertaking 19 signed by a “representative of Smashmallow, LLC.” (the “November 22 Undertaking Affidavit”). 20 3 Tanis objected to the November 22 Undertaking Affidavit, and ultimately filed a 21 Motion to Strike it from the record, including on the basis that testimony at trial established that 22 Smashmallow has little to no assets. 23 4 On December 20, 2023, this Court granted Tanis’ motion on the basis that testimony 24 at trial indicated that Plaintiffis devoid of assets. The Court ordered Plaintiff to file a bond in the 25 amount of $250,000 no later than 5:00 p.m. December 26, 2023 (the “December 20, 2023 Order”). 26 5 On December 26, 2023, Plaintiff filed two “Affidavit[s] of Bond Under C.C.P. 27 Section 995.010 et seq.” One is signed by Shahir Amin on behalf of both Sonoma Brands and 28 Smashmallow, and the other is signed by Jon Sepastiani in his individual capacity and by Shahir ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYSAT Law DEFENDANT/ CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO SMASHMALLOW, LOS ANGELES LLC'S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND Amin on behalf of Smashmallow. These affidavits will be referred to collectively as the “Bond Affidavits.” The Court further ordered the Court ordered that the November 22 Undertaking Affidavit would be stricken as of December 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. 6. The Bond Affidavits are also substantively defective as they fail to comply with the requirements of the Bond and Undertaking Law, C.C.P. Section 995.010 et seq. Specifically, (1) the Affidavit signed by Mr. Sebastiani and Mr. Amin does not include Mr. Sebastiani’s residence address as required by C.C.P. section 995.220(b); (2) neither Affidavit includes the information required under C.C.P. section 995.520(c) as the bond exceeds five thousand dollars; (3) rather than filing a bond accompanied by affidavits of qualifications for each surety, as contemplated by C.C.P. 10 section 995.520, Plaintiff filed only the Affidavits; (4) the Affidavits are all signed by Plaintiff in 11 violation of C.C.P. section 995.190; and (5) the Affidavits are executed by the principal as both 12 Mr. Sebastiani and Sonoma Brands are alter egos of Smashmallow, when an undertaking is to be 13 executed by the sureties alone under C.C.P. sections 995.190, 995.510, and 995.170. 7 14 Plaintiff failed to post a bond, as required under Code of Civil Procedure section 15 529(a) and the Bond and Undertaking Law, Code of Civil Procedure sections 995.010 et seq. 16 Based on the Court’s Preliminary Injunction Order, the Court’s Undertaking Order, Code 17 of Civil Procedure section 529(a), the Bond and Undertaking Law under Code of Civil Procedure 18 sections 995.010 et seqg., and the foregoing objections, the Preliminary Injunction is no longer in 19 effect. 20 Dated: December 26, 2023 ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP 2 22 £ By: A,7 é Ate 23 MALCOLM Ss. MCNEIL LYNN R. FIORENTINO 24 JEFF LEUNG Attorneys for Cross-Complainant 25 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. 26 27 28 -3- ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYSAT Law DEFENDANT/ CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO SMASHMALLOW, LOS ANGELES LLC'S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND Smashmallow, LLC v. Tanis Food Tec B.V. Sonoma County Superior County Case No.: SCV-268477 PROOF OF SERVICE I am a citizen of the United States. My business address is ArentFox Schiff LLP, 44 Montgomery Street, 38th Floor, San Francisco, California 94104. I am employed in the County of San Francisco where this service occurs. I am over the age of 18 years, and not a party to the within cause. On the date set forth below, according to ordinary business practice, I served the foregoing document(s) described as: DEFENDANT/ CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO SMASHMALLOW, LLC’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. 10 O (BY FAX) I transmitted via facsimile, from facsimile number 415-757-5500, the document(s) to the person(s) on the attached service list at the fax number(s) set forth therein, on this date before 5:00 p.m. A statement that this transmission was 11 reported as complete and properly issued by the sending fax machine without error is attached to this Proof of Service. 12 (BY E-MAIL) On this date, I personally transmitted the foregoing document(s) 13 via my electronic service address (Natalie. to the e-mail address(es) of the person(s) on the attached service list. 14 15 (BY MAIL) I am readily familiar with my employer’s business practice for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the U.S. Postal 16 Service, and that practice is that correspondence is deposited with the U.S. Postal Service the same day as the day of collection in the ordinary course of business. 17 On this date, I placed the document(s) in envelopes addressed to the person(s) on the attached service list and sealed and placed the envelopes for collection and 18 mailing following ordinary business practices. 19 (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) On this date, I caused the document(s) to be personally delivered to the persons(s) on the attached service list. 20 (BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY) On this date, I placed the documents in 21 envelope(s) addressed to the person(s) on the attached service list, and caused those envelopes to be delivered to an overnight delivery carrier, with delivery 22 fees provided for, for next-business-day delivery to whom it is to be served. 23 (State) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 24 Executed on December 26, 2023, at San Francisco, California. 4 25 {| 7 26 WAAR AA-7 \ 27 Natall ¢Moore 28 -4- ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYSAT Law DEFENDANT/ CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO SMASHMALLOW, LOS ANGELES LLC’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND Smashmallow, LLC v. Tanis Food Tec B.V. Sonoma County Superior County Case No.: SCV-268477 SERVICE LIST J. Noah Hagey, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff David Kwasniewski, Esq. SMASHMALLOW, LLC Robert T. Petraglia, Esq. Shirley Chan, Esq. Ellen Leonida, Esq. BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 351 California Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel.: 415.599.0210 10 Fax: 415.599.0210 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -5- ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYSAT Law DEFENDANT/ CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S OBEJCTIONS TO SMASHMALLOW, LOS ANGELES LLC’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND EXHIBIT D 1 J. Noah Hagey, Esq. (SBN: 262331) hagey@bi ey. Ellen V. Leonida, Esq. (SBN: 184194) Davi . Kwasnlewskl, sq. (SBN: 281985) vasniewski@braunhagey-com kwasniewski Robert T. Petraglia, Esq. (S 1 264849) BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 351 California Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 599-0210 Facsimile: (415) 276-1808 Shirley M. Chan, Esq. (pro hac vice) sn@braunhagey-com BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 118 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor 10 New York, NY 10011 Telephone: (646) 829-9403 11 Facsimile: (646) 403-4089 12 Attorneys for Plaintiff/Cross-Defendant SMASHMALLOW, LLC 13 14 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 15 COUNTY OF SONOMA 16 Case No. SCV-268477 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, a Delaware limited 17 liability company, and DOES 1-10, inclusive, AMENDED AFFIDAVIT OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. 18 Plaintiff, 19 Vv. 20 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., a Netherlands limited liability company; JOHN DOES 1-50, 21 inclusive, 22 Defendants. 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case No. SCV-268477 AMENDED AFFIDAVIT OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. 1 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., 2 Cross-Complainant, 3 Vv. 4] SMASHMALLOW, LLC; DOES 1-10, inclusive. Cross-Defendant. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case No. SCV-268477 AMENDED AFFIDAVIT OF BOND UNDER C-C-P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. WHEREAS, the above-named SMASHMALLOW, LLC desires to give a bond of $250,000 for Preliminary Injunction as provided in California Civil Procedure section 995.010 et seq. WHEREAS, J, Jon Sebastiani, the undersigned, residing at 3948 Lovall Valley Loop Road, Sonoma, CA 95476, whose occupation is Founder and Managing Partner of Sonoma Brands Capital, and whose business address is 117 W. Napa St., Suite C, Sonoma, CA 95476, and whose name is subscribed as a surety of the above bond, being severally duly sworn, state: 1 I am a resident in and an owner of real property in the State of California. 2 I am worth the sum specified in the above bond, $250,000, in real or personal 10 property, or both, in this state over and above all debts and liabilities, exclusive of property exempt ll from enforcement of a money judgment. 12 3 I am the owner of real and personal property in California which includes $250,000 13 in cash unencumbered by any lien or other impediment. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned surety, does hereby obligate himself, jointly and 15 severally, to TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. under said statyto: ligations, in the sum of $ 250,000. 16 17 18 Jo: or Dat 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Case No. SCV-268477 AMENDED AFFIDAVIT OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. ACKNOWLEDGMENT ite A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of Placen _) On 12 | 2S La D> 2 __ before me, Stacey M. Estrada, Notary Public (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared Ton Sehkashan/ , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sheAkey executed the same in his/heritseir authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/hertheir signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. | certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Cea WITNESS my hand and official seal. ne STACEY M, ESTRADA, ate a COMM. # 2461232 - F NOTARY PUBLIC -CAJFORNNA oa SIERRA COUNTY sont SE (Seal SPD EXHIBIT E 1 J. Noah Hagey, Esq. (SBN: 262331) Ellen V. Leonida, Esq. (SBN: 184194) David H. Kwasniewski, Esq. (SBN: 281985) Robert T. Petraglia, Esq. (SBN: 264849) BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 351 California Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 599-0210 Facsimile: (415) 276-1808 Shirley M. Chan, Esq. (pro hac vice) BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 118 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor 10 New York, NY 10011 Telephone: (646) 829-9403 11 Facsimile: (646) 403-4089 12 Attorneys for Plaintiff/Cross-Defendant SMASHMALLOW, LLC 13 14 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 15 COUNTY OF SONOMA 16 Case No. SCV-268477 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, a Delaware limited 17 liability company, and DOES 1-10, inclusive, RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT/CROSS- COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC 18 Plaintiff, B.V.’S OBJECTION TO SMASHMALLOW, LLC’S AFFIDAVITS 19 Vv. OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. 20 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., a Netherlands limited liability company; JOHN DOES 1-50, Judge: Hon. Christopher M. 21 inclusive, Honigsberg Courtroom: 22 Defendants. Complaint Filed: May 26, 2021 23 Trial: September 8, 2023 24 25 26 27 28 Case No. SCV-268477 RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT’S OBJECTION TO AFFIDAVITS OF BOND 1 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., 2 Cross-Complainant, 3 Vv. 4 SMASHMALLOW, LLC; DOES 1-10, inclusive. Cross-Defendant. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case No. SCV-268477 RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT’S OBJECTION TO AFFIDAVITS OF BOND Plaintiff Smashmallow, LLC (“Smashmallow’) respectfully submits this response to Defendant’s objection to Smashmallow’s affidavits of bond under Code of Civil Procedure Section 995.010 et seq. Defendant’s assertion (Obj. § 6) that the affidavits are substantively defective lack merit. Pursuant to the Court’s order at the December 20, 2023 hearing and Code of Civil Procedure section 995.010 et seq., Smashmallow filed two affidavits in support of its bond on December 26, 2023. The bonds were executed by Smashmallow and sureties Jon Sebastiani and Sonoma Brands Capital. On December 28, 2023, Smashmallow also filed an amended affidavit of bond, executed by Mr. Sebastiani, to include Mr. Sebastiani’s residence address pursuant to section 995.520(b). 10 Together, the bond affidavits comply with section 995.520(c) because both sureties confirmed that 11 they are the owner of real and personal property in California, including $250,000 in cash 12 unencumbered by any “lien” or “other impediment.” Civ. Proc. Code § 995.520(c). The bond 13 affidavits also contain language compliant with sections 995.320 and 995.330 (regarding contents 14 and form of bond) in addition to section 995.520 (regarding contents of surety’s affidavit of 15 qualifications). Further, Defendant claims that the bond affidavits are signed by the principal 16 (Smashmallow) in violation of section 995.190. But as Defendant admits, that statute applies to 17 undertakings, not bonds which are executed by both the principal and surety. Civ. Proc. Code 18 § 995.140(a)(1) (a bond is “executed by both the principal and sureties”). 19 Defendant’s claim that “the Preliminary Injunction is no longer in effect” (Obj. at 3) is 20 incorrect. Smashmallow’s bond affidavits are compliant with the Court’s order that Smashmallow 21 file a bond in the amount of $250,000, and are sufficient for the Court’s issuance ofa preliminary 22 injunction prohibiting Defendant from making any transfers of assets outside the normal course of 23 business. 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 1 Case No. SCV-268477 RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT’S OBJECTION TO AFFIDAVITS OF BOND 1 || Dated: December 28, 2023 Respectfully submitted, 2 BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 3 } A8 By: David Ski Attorneys for Plaintiff/Cross-Defendant Smashmallow, LLC 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 Case No. SCV-268477 RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT’S OBJECTION TO AFFIDAVITS OF BOND EXHIBIT F TRANSCRIPTOF PROCEEDINGS Vol. 13 October 10, 2023 SMASHMALLOW vs TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. 2215 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SONOMA BEFORE THE HONORABLE CHRISTOPHER HONIGSBERG DEPARTMENT 18 SMASHMALLOW, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and DOES 1-10, inclusive, Plaintiff, vs. Case No.: SCV-268477 TANIS FOOD TEC B.V., a Pages: 2215 - 2413 10 Netherlands limited liability Volume: 13 company; JOHN DOES 1-50, 11 inclusive, 12 Defendants. ----------- ee ee ee ee 13 AND RELATED CROSS-ACTION. ----------- ee ee ee ee 14 15 Stenographic Reporter's Transcript of Proceedings 16 Tuesday, October 10, 2023 17 18 19 20 21 Stenographically reported by: LORRIE L. MARCHANT, RMR, CRR, CCRR, CRC 22 California CSR No. 10523 Washington CSR No. 3318 23 Oregon CSR No. 19-0458 Texas CSR No. 11318 24 Job No.: 310380295 25 California Firm Registration No.: 29 ZESQ UIRE DEPOSITION SOLUTIONS 800.211.DEPO (3376) EsquireS TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS Vol. 13 October 10, 2023 SMASHMALLOW vs TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. 2250 THE COURT: Okay. Just a minute. Okay. Go ahead. BY MR. KWASNIEWSKI: Q Do you recognize the people in this photograph, Mr. Amin? A I do. Q Who are they? A This was the Smash team at its best and brightest. 10 Q Any of them work for Smashmallow now? 11 A Unfortunately, no. 24 Q So, Mr. Amin, why not just write 25 Smashmallow off as a loss? Z ESQUIRE DEPOSITION SOLUTIONS 800.211.DEPO (3376) EsquireS TRANSCRIPTOF PROCEEDINGS Vol. 13 October 10, 2023 SMASHMALLOW vs TANIS FOOD TEC B.V. 2413 State of California ) County of Sonoma ) I, Lorrie L. Marchant, Court Reporter at the Superior Court of California, County of Sonoma, do hereby certify: That I was present at the time of the above proceedings; That I took down in machine shorthand notes, to the best of my ability, all proceedings had and 10 testimony given; 11 That I thereafter transcribed said shorthand notes 12 with the aid of a computer; 13 That the above and foregoing is a full, true and 14 substantially accurate record of said shorthand notes, 15 and a full, true and correct transcript of all 16 proceedings had and testimony taken; 17 That I am not a part to the action or related to a 18 party or counsel; 19 That I have no financial or other interest in the 20 outcome of the action. 21 Dated: October 31, 2023. 22 Por] Waschawte 23 24 Lorrie CL. Marchant, CSR No. 10523 25 ZESQ UIRE DEPOSITION SOLUTIONS 800.211.DEPO (3376) EsquireS Smashmallow, LLC v. Tanis Food Tec B.V. Sonoma County Superior County Case No.: SCV-268477 PROOF OF SERVICE I am a citizen of the United States. My business address is ArentFox Schiff LLP, 44 Montgomery Street, 38th Floor, San Francisco, California 94104. Iam employed in the County of San Francisco where this service occurs. I am over the age of 18 years, and not a party to the within cause. On the date set forth below, according to ordinary business practice, I served the foregoing document(s) described as: DECLARATION OF LYNN R. FIORENTINO IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT AND CROSS-COMPLAINANT TANIS FOOD TEC B.V.’S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION OBJECTING TO AND MOVING TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF SMAHSMALLOW, LLC’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND UNDER C.C.P. SECTION 995.010 ET SEQ. 10 (BY FAX) I transmitted via facsimile, from facsimile number 415-757-5500, the document(s) to the person(s) on the attached service list at the fax number(s) set 11 forth therein, on this date before 5:00 p.m. A statement that this transmission was reported as complete and properly issued by the sending fax machine without 12 error is attached to this Proof of Service. 13 (BY E-MAIL) On this date, I personally transmitted the foregoing document(s) via my electronic service address (Natalie. to the e-mail 14 address(es) of the person(s) on the attached service list. 15 (BY MAIL) I am readily familiar with my employer’s business practice for 16 collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the U.S. Postal Service, and that practice is that correspondence is deposited with the U.S. Postal 17 Service the same day as the day of collection in the ordinary course of business. On this date, I placed the document(s) in envelopes addressed to the person(s) on 18 the attached service list and sealed and placed the envelopes for collection and mailing following ordinary business practices. 19 (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) On this date, I caused the document(s) to be 20 personally delivered to the persons(s) on the attached service list. 21 (BY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY) On this date, I placed the documents in envelope(s) addressed to the person(s) on the attached service list, and caused 22 those envelopes to be delivered to an overnight delivery carrier, with delivery fees provided for, for next-business-day delivery to whom it is to be served. 23 (State) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of 24 California that the foregoing is true and correct. 25 Executed on January 9, 2024, at San Francisco, California, / } 26 27 Natalie Moore 28 ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW DECLARATION OF LYNN R. FIORENTINO IN SUPPORT OF TANIS’ NOTICE OF MOTION AND LOS ANGELES MOTION OBJECTING TO AND MOVING TO STRIKE PLAINTIFF’S AFFIDAVITS OF BOND Smashmallow, LLC v. Tanis Food Tec B.V. Sonoma County Superior County Case No.: SCV-268477 SERVICE LIST J. Noah Hagey, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff David Kwasniewski, Esq. SMASHMALLOW, LLC Robert T. Petraglia, Esq. Shirley Chan, Esq. Ellen Leonida, Esq. BRAUNHAGEY & BORDEN LLP 351 California Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Tel.: 415.599.0210 10 Fax: 415.599.0210 11