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  • Espindola -v- Autozone, Inc. et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Espindola -v- Autozone, Inc. et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Espindola -v- Autozone, Inc. et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Espindola -v- Autozone, Inc. et al Print Other PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


\y i ' ArrORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Address, Telephone Number): FOR COURT USE ONLY Peter Dubrawski (65677) Courtney R. Arbucci (266036) T. John Arbucci (24981 1) HAIGHT BROWN & BONESTEEL LLP' 555 South Flower Street, 45th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071 (213) 542-8000 Attorneys for Defendant, AutoZone West LLC (erroneously sued as AutoZone Parts, Inc. and Amzme‘ In“ F l L E D Superior Court of Callfomla, County of San Bemardlno SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA GOUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO Justlce Center SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT 247 W. 3rd Street San Bernardlno, CA 92415—0240 . SEP 2 0 2022 W TITLE 0F CASE: BY PAO E AN Z, DEPUTY Fernando Isidro Espindola V. AutoZone Parts, Inc. CASE NUMBER; GENERAL CIVIL CASE AT-ISSUE MEMORANDUM D COUNTER CIV832205870 THE COURT IS REQUESTED TO SET THIS CASE FOR TRIAL: 1. l, T. JOhn AIbUCCi declare: - E , ~l- y . . :- a. A|| essential parties have been served with process or have appeared and this acti'on is' 'at‘issue. I request that all unserved parties named in my pleading, except fictitiously named parties, be dismissed without prejudice. b. All essential parties have not been served with process or appeared and this action is NOT at issue. C. | represent a defendant and | believe this action is at issue and ready to be set for trial. 2. A jury trial is demanded. 3. Estimated time for trial: hours 5-7 days 4. Case entitled to preference; DYes. Code and Section: 5. Date complaint was filed: March 15. 2022 6. List all other names, addresses, and telephone numbers of attorneys for the parties or of parties appearing without counsel Shaun Bauman, Bauman Law APLC Re resenting: 24003A Ventura Blvd, 2nd Floor CA 91302; Plaintiff D Defendant Calabasas, 818.285.0222 D Cross-Complamant _ D Cross-Defendant Re resenting: Plaintiff D Defendant D Cross-Complainant D Cross-Defendant Re resenting: Plaintiff D Defendant D Re Cross-Complainant resenting: D Cross-Defendant Plaintiff D Defendant D Cross-Complainant D Cross-Defendant 7. D See attached for additionalparties | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DateISept. 20. 2022 ‘ 4'3; ’ T. John Arbucci _ (Type or Print Name) (Slgnature) 13-12390-360 CivII (new 912013) GENERAL CIVIL CASE AT- ISSUE MEMORANDUM Optional \t ' ' \v CASE TITLE CASE NUMBER Fernando Isidro Espindola v. AutoZone Parts, Inc. ClVSBZZOng PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL (Must be completed in full or General Civil At-lssue Memorandum will not be accepted for filing) Any party not agreement with this General Civil At-lssue Memorandum in shall within 10 days after service thereof, serve and file its own General Civil At-lssue Memorandum. At the time of mailing, was at least 18 years of age, not a party to this cause and a resident of or employed I in the county where the mailing occurred. My residence or business address is (specify): 555 South Flower Street, 45th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071 |enclosed a true copy of this Notice of General Civil At-Issue Memorandum and referenced documents in a sealed envelope by first-class, postage fully prepaid mail and deposited the envelope directly in the United D States mail OR Eat my place of business for same-day collection and mailing with the United States mail, following our ordinary business practices with which am readily familiar. | The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows: 1) Addressed as shown in Item 6 m and in Attachment 7 D 2) Date ofmailing: SeptemberZO, 2022 3) Place of mailing: (City and State): Los Angeles. California | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: September 20, 2022 KATHLEEN D. CULPEPPER " I /’/ C a W“, c : 2 ‘5 - (Type or Print Name of Declarant) (Signature of Dec|arant) 13-12390-360 Civil (new 9/2013) GENERAL CIVIL CASE AT. ISSUE MEMORANDUM Optional