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  • Araujo Vs. Guerrero CV document preview
  • Araujo Vs. Guerrero CV document preview


- JEFF FINE & Clerk of the Superior Court By ¢ngela Bell, Deputy Person Filing: Hector H. Araujo fate 12/21/2023 Time 13:51:10 Address (if not protected): 865 W. Del Rio St. allescription Assount ween eens CASEW Cy2023-096288 nenee eens City, State, Zip Code: Chandler, AZ 85225-4405 CIVIL NEW COMPLAINT 33.00 Telephone: 602-327-2226 non ee nee eee en, pence eee ene eeee Email Address:, TOTAL AMOUNT 333.00 Lawyer's Bar Number: Receipt 29556684 Representing [[] Self, without a Lawyer or []Attomeyfor ["] Petitioner OR [] Respondent SUPERIOR COURT OF ARIZONA IN MARICOPA COUNTY HECTOR H, ARAUJO case Number, CV\2023-096288 Name of Plaintiff Tite: CIVIL COMPLAINT KEVIN FRANCISCO SILLAS GUERRERO Name of Defendant . U } Plaintiff hereby submits this complaint against Defendant(s) and alleges the following: JURISDICTION and VENUE 1. Maricopa County Superior Court has the legal authority to hear and decide this case because: (Check all boxes that are true.) The value of this case exceeds $10,000 dollars. (1 Replevin or other nonmonetary remedy will take place in Maricopa County. The Plaintiff resides in Maricopa County. The Defendant resides in Maricopa County. The Defendant does business in Maricopa County. The events, actions, or debts subject of this Complaint occurred in Maricopa County. (2 Other reason: © Superior Court of Arizona in Maricopa County CVC10f 070118 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Page 1 of 4