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  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO GORDON D SCHABER COURTHOUSE MINUTE ORDER DATE: 08/27/2021 TIME: 10:00:00 AM DEPT: 27 JUDICIAL OFFICER PRESIDING: Steven M Gevercer CLERK: N. Smith REPORTER/ERM: L. Busath CSR# 10751 BAILIFF/COURT ATTENDANT: CASE NO: 34-2021-80003612-CU-WM-GDSCASE INIT.DATE: 03/17/2021 CASE TITLE: Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administrative Law CASE CATEGORY: Civil - Unlimited EVENT TYPE: Motion - Other - Writ of Mandate APPEARANCES Matthew D. Caplan, counsel, present for Petitioner(s) remotely via video. Keith Wurster, counsel, present for Respondent(s) remotely via video. Louis Y. Lee, counsel, present for Intervenor(s) remotely via video. Bryan H. Heckenlively, counsel, present for Intervenor(s) remotely via video. Kevin Fee, counsel present for Intervenor remotely via video Matthew Caplan , counsel present for Petitioner remotely via video Joseph Mornin, counsel present for Petitioner remotely via video PROCEEDINGS: Motion to Intervene by National Fire Protection Association, Inc. and International Code Counsel, Inc. and Pro Hac Vice Applications of International California Council, Inc. The above-entitled matter came before this Court for oral arguments as requested by the petitioner with all counsel present and appearing remotely via Zoom as indicated above. The Pro Hac Vice Applications of ICC's attorneys, J.Kevin Fee and Jane W. Wise to appear in this matter as counsel pro hac vice are granted. Motion to Intervene by National Fire Protection Association, Inc.: The Court, having read and considered the pleadings filed herein, and the tentative ruling posted on August 25, 2021 and heard counsel presented their respective arguments on August 27, 2021, and having taken the matter under submission for further reconsideration, the Court affirms the tentative. DATE: 08/27/2021 MINUTE ORDER Page 1 DEPT: 27 Calendar No.