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  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview


DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D1BC32D-ED43-450C-957E-D1685168AC77 MC-OSO ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and aMmss): FOR COURT USE ONL Y - Micah A. Chavin (SBN 313634) 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2400 Sacramento, CA 95814 DLA PIPER LLP (US) TELEPHONENO.. (650) 833-2000 FAXNo.fopfio™/;. (650) 833-2001 E.MAIL ADDRESS fopsonao. micah.chavin@dlapiper.eom ATTORNEY FOR ^Name;. Intcmational Codc Council, Inc. JUL - 7 2022 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Sacramento STREETADDRESS: 720 9tti Stteet By:. A. Turner MAILING ADDRESS: 720 9th Stteet Deputy Clerk CITY AND ZIP CODE: Sacramento, C A 95814 BRANCH NAME: Gordon D. Schaber Sacramento County Courthouse ; CASE NAME: Public.Resource.Org., Inc. v. Califomia Office of Administtative Law CASE NUMBER: SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY—CIVIL (Without Court Order) 34-2021-80003612 THE COURT AND ALL PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED THAT (name): Intemational Code Council makes the following substitution: 1. Former legal representative"^ ! I Party represented self I >^ I Attomey (name): Louis Y . L e e 2. New legal representative I I Party is representing self f ^ l Attorney a. Name: Micah A . Chavin b. State Bar No. (if applicable): S B N 313634 < c. Address (number, street, city, ZIP, and law firm name, if applicable): 400 Capitol MaU, Suite 2400, Sacramento, C A 95814 LL. DLA Piper LLP (US) d. Telephone No. (/nc/ucfe area code): (916)930-3200 3. The party making this substitution is a I I plaintiff I I defendant I I petitioner I I respondent I I other (specify): intervener 'NOTICE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES • Guardian • Personal Representative ' Guardian ad litem • Conservator • Probate fiduciary ' Unincorporated • Trustee • Corporation association If you are applying as one of the parties on this list, you may NOT act as your own attorney in most cases. Use this form to substitute one attomey for another attomey. SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENT YOURSELF. NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS A party representing himself or herself may wish to seek legal assistance. Failure to take timely and appropriate action in this case may result in serious legal consequences.. 4. I consent to this substitution. DocoSlgnod by: Date: June 13, 2022 Intemational Code Council, Inc. V infMir.9FFAr.aMna . (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY) 5.1 «^ I I consent to this substitution. Date: June 30,2022 Louis Y . L e e (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF FORMER ATTORNEY) 6.1 «^ I I consent to this substitution ..Date: July 6,2022 Micah A. Chavm (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF NEW ATTORNEY) (See reverse for proof of service by mail) Page 1 of 2 Foim Adopted For Mandatoiy Usa Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 284(1), 285; Judlclal Coundl of CaOtinnla SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY—CIVIL Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1362 MC.050 [Rev. Januaiy 1,2009] (Without Court Order) DocuSign Envelope ID: 9D1BG32D-ED43-450C-957E-D1685168AC77 MC-050 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: — Public.Resource.Org., Inc. v. Califomia Office of Administtative Law 34-2021-80003612 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Substitution of Attorney—Civil Instructions: After tiaving all parties served by mail witti ttie Substitution of Attomey—Civil, have the person who mailed the document complete this Proof of Service by A/fa//. An unsigned copy of the Proof of Service by /Wa// should be completed and sen/ed with the document. Give the Substitution of Attomey—Civil and the completed Proof of Service by /Wa// fo the clerk for filing, if you are representing yourself, someone else must mail these papers and sign the Proof of Service by Mail. 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. I am a resident of or emplpyed in the county where the mailing occurred. My residence or business address is.^spec/^.): DLA Piper LLP (US), 2000 Avenue oftiieStars, Suite400N Los Angeles, CA 90067 2. I served the Substitution of Attomey—Civil by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope addressed to each person whose name and address is shown below and depositing the envelope in the United States mail with the postage fully prepaid. (1 ) Date of mailing: July 7, 2 0 2 2 (2) Place of mailing fc/fy and sfafe): L o s Angeles, C A 3. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: July 7, 2022 Anne O. Salano (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED 4. a. Name of person served: K e l l y M . Klaus b. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): MUNGER, TOLLES & OLSON LLP 560 Mission StteeL Twenty-Seventh Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 c. Name of person served: M a t t h e w D . Caplan d. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): COOLEYLLP 3 Embarcadero Center, 20th floor, San Francisco, CA 94111 e. Name of person served: Laura A . Randies-Little f. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): Office of the Attorney General 1300 I Street, Suite 125, P.O. Box 944255, Sacramento, CA 94244 g. Name of person served: h. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): i. Name of person served: j. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): I I List of names and addresses continued in attachment. MC^)50 [Rev. January 1,2009] SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY—CIVIL Page2of 2 (Without Court Order)