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  • Bennett, Et.Al. Vs. Robins, Et.Al. CV document preview
  • Bennett, Et.Al. Vs. Robins, Et.Al. CV document preview


Clerk of the Superior Court *** Electronically Filed *** L. McCarty, Deputy 12/12/2023 4:36:20 PM Filing ID 17038809 1 Thomas M. Richardson, Bar No. 018582 2 FRIEDL RICHARDSON 19840 N. Cave Creek Road 3 Phoenix, Arizona 85024 4 (602) 553-2220 Attorney for Plaintiff 5 L 6 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA 7 IA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA 8 9 FLAVIA BENNETT and TROY ) NO. CV2023-054758 BENNETT, on behalf of their minor son, ) 10 G. BENNETT, ) ) COMPLAINT 11 12 13 14 vs. Plaintiff, TEMPE ROBINS and DYLAN ROBINS, wife and husband; DOES I-X, ) IC ) ) ) ) ) ) (Tier 3) (Negligence) FF ) 15 ) Defendants. ) 16 ) ) 17 Plaintiffs through the law firm of FRIEDL RICHARDSON, allege as follows: 18 O 1) All parties are residents of the State of Arizona, and the cause of action as 19 hereinafter alleged, arose in said County and State. 20 2) At all times alleged herein, Defendant Tempe Robins was acting individually and N 21 on behalf of the marital community of Tempe Robins and Dylan Robins. 22 3) DOES I-X are corporations, business entities, persons, agents, servants, or 23 U employees whose true names are not known to the Plaintiff at the present time. 24 Plaintiff is informed and believe and, upon information and belief, alleges that 25 DOES I-X are residents of Maricopa County, State of Arizona and contributed to 26 or caused an event to occur, resulting in injuries to Plaintiff. When the true names 27 of said persons, agents, servants, employees, corporations, or entities become 28 1