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  • American Express National Bank Vs. Martin CV document preview
  • American Express National Bank Vs. Martin CV document preview


Clerk of the Superior Court *** Electronically Filed *** DARREN TALLMAN, ESQ. (#033603) L. Sanchez, Deput 12/12/2023 2:22:48 PM LAMBROS KARANDREAS, ESQ. (#012213) Filing ID 17036987 ZWICKER & ASSOCIATES, P.C. A Law Firm Engaged in Debt Collection 1225 W WASHINGTON ST, STE 124 TEMPE, AZ 85288 (877)236-4042 / AZLIT@ZWICKERPC.COM ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA AMERICAN EXPRESS NATIONAL CV 2023-019434 BANK, No. Plaintiff, 10 COMPLAINT vs. 11 MICHAEL MARTIN AKA MICHAEL (Breach of Contract) A MARTIN and J. DOE, 12 Spouses, 13 Defendant(s). 14 COMES NOW the Plaintiff, by and through its attorney undersigned, and for its 15 cause of action against the Defendant(s) above-named, alleges as follows: 16 17 Plaintiff is a National Bank located in Utah. Plaintiff is the owner of the claim 18 sued upon herein. 19 20 The Defendant(s) are married. 21 The Defendant(s) reside(s) within the jurisdictional boundary of the Court. 22 23 24 25 26 Page 1 of 3 267538030628