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  • Garcia, Et.Al. Vs. CV document preview
  • Garcia, Et.Al. Vs. CV document preview


Clerk of the Superior Court *** Electronically Filed *** D. Lugo, Deputy 12/12/2023 9:38:17 AM Filing ID 17033418 Berin A. Fite, Esq. (021074) 1 Jennifer B. Fite, Esq. (021441) 2 Simon P. Kennedy, Esq. (023938) FITE LAW GROUP 3 11225 N. 28th Drive, Ste. D202 4 Phoenix, AZ 85029 Phone: (602) 368-1869 5 Fax: (602) 926-0585 L Email: 6 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff IA 8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA 9 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARICOPA 10 EVANGELINA GARCIA as next best 11 12 13 14 friend of JOSELYN DOMINGUEZ, vs. Plaintiff, IC NO: COMPLAINT CV2023-054752 FF 15 ROSARIO PIELOW and JOHN DOE PIELOW, wife and husband; JOHN 16 DOE and JANE DOE I through V, TIER 1 17 fictitious individuals; ABC CORPORATION and/or 18 PARTNERSHIPS, I-X; fictitious O (Tort/Motor Vehicle) 19 entities, 20 Defendants. N 21 Plaintiff Evangelina Garcia as next best friend of Joselyn Dominguez for her 22 Complaint against Defendants alleges: 23 U 24 1. Plaintiff is, and at all times relevant, was a resident of Maricopa County, State 25 of Arizona; that the events giving rise to the cause of action set forth herein took place on 26 public highways within Maricopa County, State of Arizona; and that this court has 27 jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties to this litigation. 28