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  • CommunityWide Federal Credit Union v. Kevin FlyCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • CommunityWide Federal Credit Union v. Kevin FlyCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • CommunityWide Federal Credit Union v. Kevin FlyCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • CommunityWide Federal Credit Union v. Kevin FlyCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • CommunityWide Federal Credit Union v. Kevin FlyCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • CommunityWide Federal Credit Union v. Kevin FlyCC - Civil Collection document preview


46C01-2312-CC-002289 Filed: 12/8/2023 7:57 AM Exhibit A aPorte Circuit Court Clerk IN-102 12/1/2020 LaPorte County, Indiana Retail Installment Contract and Security Agreeme: int ‘Sele Name and hadrons Raed AST) ‘Sammary MICHIGAN CITY CHRYSLER DODGE KEV: $ FLY No 501 E US HWY 20 1173. PRON A Date 371 21 a GAN CITY, N 46360 SICHIGA CIty. IN “16360 7 sinss, commerce or agricultural purpose Cont, [an Ez a ‘nual PercentageRate "Amounl Financed Total of Payments Total Sale Price The cstct ya cm as nyoty Th ot arou the edtn wit | The acon of credt providedto ‘The amount you wi have pat ‘The total cos of your purchase ‘oat you Yo. cn your Behl ‘wen you hove made a ne. ncating your down paynents payment of 14.24 16224 .97 3000 30968.03 3 $7193.00 ae 195.01 Payment Schedule. Your payment schect is: No.of Paymenss Amok of Paymanis When Payments ae Due 25 2924 629 —HouTHLy BEGINNING: N/A 04/24/2021 — N/A N/A af = Security, You are iting usa secur intrest in the Propoty purchased — Late Charge. I cr any porton of «payments not pi win 10 ys of is du dat, you wit be charged a at charge $5.00 $25.00 payments are cue every 15 days or more, oF bis contactts payable na single stalnert payments are dub every 16 day oes: or de ateas! 30 days ate ks made Prepayment. you pay of Bis Contract ear, you [I may SEK ck have to pay a Mmm Finance Charye Contract Provisions. You con see te terms of tis Cortract or any accitonal information about nonpayment delat, any aque repeyment bere the schodviec rupayment refunds ad dala, and 1500 ew Veticle ienticoton Number | IC6RRTLTOHS766348 45752 Cher: KD Used [Boom = = Payment. You promise pay us he principal amount of $ _31167.0: 2015 JEEP PATRIC 1C4NJPBA3FD419057 pha rance cparges aecrung onthe unpaid balano atthe rate af T= 7 (er year from the cae of is Contract unt pai ut. You are o pay is Contrach % ‘ezortng tothe payrent schedule and late charge provisions shown nthe Tath-h Ci conditional Ostivery.¥ checked, 04 agen that the folowing ageeemient reparcing Loci Disclose, You miso agree to pay any acttional amounts according fo the tems secuingfnancng (Agrsemenr appli: {4 conditions ol his Conrat N/A Agwlen The Agremort po hie Contract. The ng cntta ‘svgrment is accepted. hore are ary confits Down Payment. You nis age to pay or apply othe Cash Price, on cx bokore the date tis Contract. any cash, rebate ae nel rade valve described ine Remzaton between tbe tems othe Agreement and tie Contract, the tems ol his Contract wil apy ‘Aneunt Foanced. of re Caen a Dou agree to mate ceterrod down paymen 2s sottsoth i you Payment Schedles row of Vehicle 28730 O winionae |Finance Charge. You agree to pay a minimum france charge of Sales Tax 1549 8 i 0 — you pay Dis Contract in ul belo we have dared that N/A N/A A ‘nxch in nance charges Service Contract, pata A SER ON’ 2500.00 Cash Price (arorra) —32772.03 repaid Finance Charge. You agree to pay a Prepaid Finance Choxge Tradein atewance s 6800.00 5199.00. 1 wirbe conser hil eumed onthe dae otis Contractof ana wt Less: Amount omg, pad to (nates0 bbe C1 paid in cash on or below igring this Contact EX anced as art ofthis -chrysier _7750.00 ‘Ne rade-in (4; negative, enter $0 bere ad the amount on fine 0) 0.00 Err en Cash payment Manctadure’s rete 3000.00 ‘You may buy any ofthe following voluntary protection plans. They are not required {to obtain credit, are not a factor in the credit decision, snd are nota actor in the Dolores down payment NLA terms ofthe creditor the related sale ofthe Vehicle. The voluntary protectlona wil (Oter down payment (oenctie ‘ot be provided unless you sign and agre ta pay the addtional cast N/A N/A Your statue below means tal you want the dascrbed tem and that you have receives ‘and reviewed a cay oth contracts) Down Payment (rss Unpaid balance of Cash Price (en) s___3000.00 foran tem, you hava decked any such ortho product(s) Ho covera coverage we Ofer, oF chargege ® Qven 2977903. Frrancad aden balance (08 keh) 950.00 KikSerdee Contract AWS SERV. CONT Pod to pubic tion's Tem 48 _MTHs 50000 MILES VEILING FER 7 —__s_ 15.00 2500.00 othe ERG i = 15.00. Coverage 'Y FOR COVERAGE oot lnsurance proviums paid surance companytes) a Di Gap Waiver Agreement To: Sele: Prpaid Finance Charge i anced) & Tem N/A ToQLR FOR DOC FEE ~ $ Pro N/A Te: — —_ Lh Coverage Nk TeNZA N/A TeN/A —=i N/A NI _ soca te pai Term LA te V/A N/A Price 1a. N/A el N/A Coverage N/A ne To N/A i __N/A a To CHOEP/GWBOOSTERS 10.09 03/40/21 To N/A = KEV aie Total Other Charges/Amts Paid(o tru bt) 8 1388.00 Total of All Prooaid Finance Charnes ‘ 799.00 NiA en Poe ef Vahie 28730.00_ C1 tins Finance Charge. You agree to pay a minimum feance charge of Sales Tax 1549.03 8 0.00 4 yeu pay rs Contract in fl before wa hove eamed tat N/A we: N/A N/A much Bucs chars, Service Cones paidto AHS SERV. Oo 00 Cash Price a+beer6) 8 32779 03 {Prepaid Finance Charge. You agre to pay a Proved Finonce Chorye of Tradem stowance $s ef ae $199.09. nwa be conser tly eared ont dae of ths Corea and wil Legs: Amovet ewig, paid to (sce 0) ah tbe (1 paid cash oro betoe signing tis Contract. 63 fared as pf tis ~chrysier = Pal Conoct. h [Nettacesn (Lg: negate, enter $0 here and oriar tte croutons0} 2.00 ch El me Cas payment 002.00. | Yeumay oyred,acy areofthenot afecir Flowing vountary Manuoctre's rebate NAL They are ot required inthe eres: declan, wid are (0 factor I the Defomes doa payimert N/a ofthe crete the rated ase af hc Vici. The voluntary or wi ‘Ore down payment (deste) ot provided unless you sign and nove 19 pay te adtienal cost N/A —_ Nib Your sgrature bux: means tnt you wort rw Gescr0d kom an tat yeu have reco Down Payment (sesh) 3000.00 ‘nd reviewed copy ofthe contrac) or the producons tae hen Unpaid balance of Cash Price (em) {or an em, you have docinod ay such coverage we Financed bade-n balance (00 Wr h) s_____950.00_ Tiservice contact AWS SERV. CONT Paid o pb ft: Yom 48 MTHS 50000 MILES VEILING FEE a 15.00 Price 250i TLE FEE 15.00 Coverage SEE POLICY FOR COVERAGE NA N/A Insurance premiums paidtenswance companys) § na MER, 01 Gap waiver To Sater Props Fnarce Charge (i foanced) s Tem Ni ee WOLR FOR DOC FEE 7.00 te N/A ToN, sh N/A wN/A ToN/A —_$__ N/A o N/A =< To N/A — NLA N/A aati ToN/A N/A KA To N/A N/A NTA ToN/A = to CHDEP/GHBOOSTERS, be To N/A —§— Ker thy. 05/10/21 & Total Other Charges/Amts (ottru bt) 1388.00 or kevin s FL] {4 Total of All Prepaid Finance Chargos 199,00 N/A N/A Amount Financed (neo) —30968,03 By: We may ein or recive & pion of ay amourts paid to ober. re en N/A N/A iy Credit Insurance. reife anc crest csabity (accion! and heath) are not rqured to bin creat and are not» lack n cect decson Wa wi nt prove YOU Sgn Bed agree io pay he atonalthe xem thar unless ‘ttn i for you (t you cua for caverage), We ateIfyouQuotingwartelonsuch only surance, te we wil coverages ou The Annual Percentage Rate may be negotiable hve chosen to purchase with the Seller. The Seller may assign this Contract and retain its Cheng. Prarie $ hie ‘ight to receive a part of the Finance Charge. N/A Toon tnourea_N/I Credit Disability a Entire Agreement You ad cur one acorn contained nis Convo There CO single Odor Gt yone ‘ae ro unten agreement Promim § N/A Teo be in wrong and signe by you a us.fs Contract. Any change this Contract must insured N/A You signature = below means you war (rt nace. “None check, ou ——— 3) Quod ove. Wy By: 03/10/21 the coveragewe "KEVIN S FLY (7 Date N/A NSA _N/A _ ay Date N/A N/A N/A — _WsA iy |J By: _ — Notice to Buyer. 1 Do nat sign this Contract before you read itor By iti contains any blank spaces. 2 You are entitled to a completoly filled-in copy of this Contract. Propary Insurance. You must insure te Property. You may purchase te required By signing below, you spre to he rms of this Contract You received a copy of this insurance tom any surance company you choose prvi through an existing CConract ard hada charcw to ead an revew i blore you signed akoy owned or conte by you, he insurance aa naurance company are Buyer reasonably accapate us. The cason cnverane deduce may rot exceed < 5 NLA you get insurance tom or trough us you wi pay 03/10/21 s N/A tr __N/A _ — coverage KEVIN SF ‘This premium caked as ftw Qs NLA Dedvctibte, Colson Cov pea N/A si N/A Os. Nia Deductible, Compretnsive i Eley ef and Combi Adina!Cov NLA $____wa Nd, a S$__v/a Date ablity insurance coverage boxy injury and mator vehicle damage caused to ‘others isnot included inthis foxContract unless checkad and Indicated ‘Seiler MICHIGAN CITY CHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM C1 Singlednterest surance. You must purchase single eters insurance a8 part of 03/10/21 {hs sale ransacton. You may purchase te coverage tom a company of your chace, rssonably accepasle ous. Ifyou Buy Ine coverage from of taugh us. ou wl py 8 1 fee N/A = ot ‘Assignment.This Conract and Securty Agreement Aen s asin COMMUNITYWIDE FEDERAL CREDIT U15SS W WESTERN AVE_ SOUTH BEND IN the Assignee, phone ‘aement mace between the See Assignee] uncer totems ofthe Assign by Seler secon on page 2. C1_. ThThis assignment ate [fy ee la ear pessoasbe, Assignmentis made wih course. STIDCHRYSLER DODGE JEEP RAM BtO421. zs Nat Coat wea eastS score By: Occ {Getz ne Rayoodr tod Reyess TORE www oytyne: 9 one nSLE Yo content3400 006 fe 100-591-8086 RSSaMaF-m vac FITNESS‘PANTER waxes KO OFWARRANTY FOR PURPOSE THs FOR ‘OR URwieLizb CONSULTYO OWN es Payee? 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