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  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/09/2020 03:40 PM INDEX NO. 152990/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2020 NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF NEW YORK ___________________________________ XIAOYAN LU, et al. Petitioners Index No.: 152990/2020 v. NOTICE OF ENTRY SAGEWOOD SFF III, LLC, et al. Respondents. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the attached is a true and correct copy of the Order of the Supreme Court resolving Motion Seq. No. 2 entered on October 9, 2020 in the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County. Dated: New York, New York October 9, 2020 Respectfully submitted /s/ Ethan A. Brecher Ethan A. Brecher, Esq. Law Office of Ethan A. Brecher, LLC 244 Fifth Avenue Suite B241 New York, NY 10001 Phone: (212) 726-2085 Fax: (888) 821-0246 Email: 1 of 4 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/09/2020 03:40 PM INDEX NO. 152990/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2020 TO: Jacob Y. Chen DGW Kramer LLP One Rockefeller Plaza Ste. 1060 New York, NY 10020 Telephone: (917) 633-6860 Fax: (917) 633-6183 Email: 2 2 of 4 03:20 PM FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/09/2020 03:40 INDEX NO. 152990/2020 72 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2020 SUPREME  COURT  OF  THE  STATE  OF  NEW  YORK  —  NEW  YORK  COUNTY   PRESENT:   Hon.      EILEEN  A.  RAKOWER         PART  6                              Justice   XIAOYAN LU, YIMUN WU, XIAOZHEN ZHAN and COMPASS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT LLC, INDEX NO. 152990/2020 Petitioners, MOTION DATE -against- MOTION SEQ. NO. 1, 2 SAGEWOOD SFF III LLC and MOTION CAL NO. SAGEWOOD MANAGEMENT LLC, Respondents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The  following  papers,  numbered  1  to                        were  read  on  this  motion  for/to                                                      PAPERS  NUMBERED   Notice  of  Motion/  Order  to  Show  Cause  —  Affidavits  —  Exhibits  ...       Answer  —    Affidavits  —  Exhibits  ____________________________________                                                               Replying  Affidavits       After oral argument on October 9, 2020 and for reasons stated on the record, Wherefore it is hereby ORDERED that the Petition for an Order pursuant to Section 18-305 of Title 6 of the Delaware Code directing Respondents Sagewood SFF III LLC and Sagewood Management LLC to produce or make available for inspection, copying, and audit the requested books and records is GRANTED. Respondents shall produce or make available for inspection, copying, and audit the requested books and records at a time and location mutually agreed upon by Petitioners and Respondents within 5 business days of the Order; and it is further ORDERED that the motion to dismiss is DENIED. Dated: October 9, 2020 1     1 of 4 3 2 03:20 PM FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/09/2020 03:40 INDEX NO. 152990/2020 72 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 74 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/09/2020 Check one: X FINAL DISPOSITION NON-FINAL DISPOSITION   2     2 of 4 4 2