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  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview
  • Xiaoyan Lu, Yimin Wu, Xiaozhen Zhan, Compass Real Estate Investment Llc v. Sagewood Sff Iii Llc, Sagewood Management Llc Special Proceedings - Other (Books & Records Petition) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/21/2020 04:44 PM INDEX NO. 152990/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 58 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/21/2020 EXHIBIT 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/21/2020 04:44 PM INDEX NO. 152990/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 58 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/21/2020 MEMBER'S SIGNATURE PAGE TO LLC OPERATING AGREEMENT OF SAGEWOOD SFF IH (the "Openn;: Agreement") of The undersigned,desiringto enterinto the OPERATING AGREEMENT in Delaware liinitëd liability comp±ay (the"C:--rf'), in or:±. rd:'ly SAGEWOOD SFF III LLC, a the Opcm‡ingAgreement and the form fumished to the undersigned,hereby agreesto all of the i'terms of andthe unden;ig-ed hereby agreesto bebound by the terms thereofandto becomea Member acunder, swearsto the Ae-.ont and hereby = this alga:?«c page joins in the executionand OpersEng to be attachedthereto. and indidddly. Witness the execution berebyby the undc-dgned as a Member of the C. REDACTED Social Security or E cyer Pridt Name of Subscriber Identification Number Ec::idence or "sicis Address of Subscriber: Street/City/State/ZIP code Date: ,201 ±QrIr.." -"--:Snhw-rihers: SignatureforS::‰c ers OtherThan Individuals: . By: Signature of Subscribe Signature of ^c±dzed Signatory Sigue- of Subr b if Joint Print Name and Title of.^ "F_±:rd Signatory Print Name of Co-Subscriber, if Joint THE LIMITED LIABFJTY COMPANY INTEu±STS OF THE COMPANY (THE "INTERESTS") HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTi¯RED UNDER THE SECURii LESACT OF 1933, AS AlvWNDED (THE "ACT") AND MAY NOT BE SOLD OR OTHERWISE TRANSFERRET) UNLESS (i) THE SAME HAS BEEN INCLUDED IN AN EFFECTIVE REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER THE ACT OR (ii) AN APPROPRIATE OPINION OF COUNSEL TO THE COMPANY HAS BEEN OBTAINED STATING THAT REU15 IRATION IS NOT REQUm_ED. IN ADDITION, TRANSFER OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF THE INTERESTS IS RESTRICTED AS PROVIDED IN THE AGREEMENT. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 08/21/2020 04:44 PM INDEX NO. 152990/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 58 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/21/2020 MEMBER'SSIGNATUREPAGE TO SAGE".'CO2SFFHI LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYAGREEMENTOF ' COMPANYAGREENCNT(the The unden,ia..od, desiringto enterinto the LIMITEDLIABILITY (the"C;=p=/"), herebyagrees limitedliabilitycompany of SAGEWOOD S FFIII LLC, a Delaware") to all ofthetermsoftheOperating Ag--=::t andagrees tobeboundby thetermsthereofandtobecomea Member Agreementandhereby thereunder, andtheundersigned herebyjoinsin theey-sh andswearsto theC--±; authorizes pagetobeattached thissignature thereto. Company. Witnesstheexecution herebyby thesdcGignedasaMemberofthe R E D ACTE D- Print Nate of S±:cMber SocialSmu¡iy or Employer IdentificationNumber Subscr' er: R=!d:=:: or Business Addressof Street/City/State/ZIlcode EmailAdd ess: Date: ,201 * refor IndividualSubscribysty OtherThanIpd __'..'___';; Sienaturefor RuL•-r::••-rs of ubs Sigdatifre Sigs:t= of AuthnrivedSignatory if Joint Sipa-e of Su'v.;Giber, PrintNameandTitle of AutharivarlSi-st:q __ if Joint PrintNameof Co-Subscriber, THE LIMITED LIARITTTYCOMPANYINTERESTSOFTHE CGIvIFá,-i(THE "INTERESTS")HAVE NOT BEENREGISTERED UNDERTHESEC'-"--3 ACTOF 1933,ASAk-Z±;nD (THE"ñC_[") AND MAY NOT BE SOLDOR GTHEivvsaxi TPRIZF-laRED Lyr RSS (i) THE SAME HAS BEEN INC'LL"JEDIN AN EFFECTIVE REGSTD_A TION STATEMENTUNDERTHE ACT OR (ii) AN APPriGPP3ATE OI-rauN OF COUNSELTO THE COMPANYHAS BEEN ODTA CD STATING THAT P±e wD ATION IS NOT REQTImm IN ADDITIO , TRANSFEROROTHERDISPo°™^u OFTHE INTERESTSIS RESTRICTED ASPRO'.CDED IN THEAGREEMENT. Signature PagetoLimitedLiabilityCompany OperatingAgreement