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  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview
  • Sunmark Credit Union formerly known as Sunmark Federal Credit Union v. Claire Marie VanderberryCommercial - Other (Consumer Credit) document preview


FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 09/07/2021 10:35 AM INDEX NO. EF20212668 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/07/2021 DocuSign Envelope (D 109A3272-5864-4074-BOF4-E8572EE60D08 1187 Troy Schenectady Road Latham, NY 12110 518-382-0605 VISA CREDIT CARD APPLICATIOfà F EDERAL C RE D I T UNI ON 866-SUNMARK Date AccountNumbar 10/17/2016 APPLICANTINFORMATl0N.MarriedApphcants may apply for an individual loan/separateaccount Type of Credit. CheCkthetypeof creditforwhichyouwishto apply 8 Individual credit-If you areapplyingformdividualcredit,completetheApplicantsechon O Joint credit- Ifyouare applyingforpmtcreditwdhyourspouseoranotherperson,completetheApphcant sechonandtheSpouse/Co-Apphcant sechon YoumustinthathereIfyouintendto applyforJoint Cred11X X Spouse Information.You mustalsocompletetheSpousesectiontf any of the followingapply (1)yourspousewilluseyouraccount,(2)youarerelyingon yourspouse'sincomeasa source of repayment,(3) you Infein a communitypropertystate(AZ,CA, ID,LA,NM,NV,TX,WA,WI or PuertoRico),or (4)youarean Alaskaresidentandarecurrentlysubjectto a community propertyagreementor communitypropertytrust Credit Limit Requested $ 5,000 00 No.of Cards' 1 AuthonzedUserName You understandby usingthe creditcard("card"),or allowinganotherto use the card,youagreesuchuseconshtutesyouracknowledgment, receiptandagreementto the termsandconditions of the credil card agreementprovidedto you in connectionwith the card Referto the separatetablethatincludesrequiredcreditcarddisclosuresbeingfumishedwith this ApphcahonTo obtain any changein the requiredinformation sinceItwaspnnted,pleasecall usat (518)382-0605or wnteto usat theaddressabove yes' Optional PaymentProtection (if available)- lf you answer theCreditUnionwilldisclosethecostof optonalpaymentprotechontoyou A separateelectionthatdisclosesthetermsand conditionsmustbesignedfor protectionto becoineeffectiveAre you interestedIn loan protected? ¤ Yes O No APPLICANT O SPOUSE O CO-APPUCANT O GUARANTOR Completeonly if (a)creditwill besecuredby collateral,or (b)you hvema commumtyproperty Complete onlyif (a)creditwill besecured or (b)youlivem a commumty bycollateral, property state,or (c) youareanAlaskaresidentsubjecttoa commumtyproperlyagreement or commumty state, or (c) you are an Alaskaresidentsubjectto a communitypropertyagreement trust· or propertytrust community property O MARRIED¤ SEPARATEDO UNMARRIED (Single,Divorced, Widowed) O MARRIEDO SEPARATEDO UNMARRIED Divorced, (Sin,qle, Widowed) APPLICANT NAME SPOusE/Co-APPL1cANT NAME CLAIRE MARIE VANDERBERRY SOCIALGiprrVNO DRIVER'S NO&STATE BIRTH LICENSE DATE SOCIAL SECuRrrY No DRIVER'S LICENSE NO8STATE BIRTH DATE HOME NO PHONE CEU.PHoNE MAIDEN MOTHER'S NAME HOME PHONE NO cELLPHONE MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME ADDRESS E-MAIL E-MAIL ADDRESS -. . --- - nnm , onm a.,uncomoueeu .,nymiatertip) SINCE CuRRENT STREET ADDRESS (Street/Cay/StateF.p) sINCE 117 BROOKLINE ROAD DOYOu DOYOu BALLSTON SPA, NY 12020 ¤ owN O RENT OWN RENT REFERENCE PERSONAL andAddress) (Name RB.ATIONSHiP PERSONAL REFERENCE (Name andAddress) REl.ATIONSHP PHONENO PHONE NO EMPLOYMENT & INCOME Youneed from notAstmcome chdd abmony, suppodorseparate maintenance youwishaconsklered unless forpurposes ofgranting thiscredit cupmven HIRE DATE EMPLOYER (NameandAddress) HIRE DATE . - . . - .. ..-, nuntNU WORK PHONE NO GROSS MONTHLY INCOME OTHER MONTHLY INCOME "°3 MoNTHLY GROSs INcOME OTHER MoNTHLY INCOME sOuRCE - Are you SIGNATURES currently on active military duty? O Yes B No You promisetheinformahonstatedin thisCreditCardAppkcahonis trueand correcttothe bestof yourknowledgeYouauthonzetheCreditUnionto obtaincreddreportsin connechon withthis apphcabonfor creditand for any update,review,increase,extensionor renewalof credit,and in connectionwith any collectionactivitesinvolvingcreditextendedto you Falseor misleading statementsinyourapplicationmaycauseany loanto be IndefaultYouagmethisapphcation shallbetheCreditUnion'spropertywhetheror notthisapphcabon isapprovedYouvallnohfytheCredit Unionimmedratelyof any changesin yourname,addressoremploymentYou understand it is a federalcameto willfullyand dehberately provideincomplete or incorrectinformationtoobtaincredit You understandandagreeif yourapphcation is approved,you are contractually hableaccording to theapphcabletermsof theVisaCreditCardAgreement andDisdosureandyou mustbecomea memberof theCreditUnion Youwd!receivea copyof thatAgreementno laterthanthetimeyoureceiveyourcardor yourfirstcreditadvanceandyoupromiseto payallamountschargedtoyour Accountaccordingto itsterms CONSENSUALSECURITYINTEREST.If your application for a Credit Card is approved,you acknowledgethat the granting of a security interest in your share accountsis a condition of the approval of a Visa Credit Card. By signmg below, you pledgeand grant a secunty interestto the Credit linion In all individual and joint share accountsyou have with the Credit Union now and In the future to secure your Account. You authonzethe Credit Unionto apply the balancein theseshare account(s)to pay any amounts due under your Visa Credit Card Agreementand Disclosure if your account is ever m default.You are not giving a security mterestin any sharesor funds m any IRA,SEP, Keogh, or any other share accountwhich would result m the loss of special tax treatmentunderthe InternalRevenueCode, IMPORTANTINFORMATION ABOUTPROCEDURES FOROPENINGA NEWACCOUNT:To help thegovernmentfightthe fundmgof terronsmandmoneylaundenngackvities,Federallaw requiresall financialinstitutionsto obtain,verify,andrecordinformationthat identifieseachpersonwhoopensanaccountWhatthismeansforyou Whenyou openan account,wewillaskfor your name,address,dateof birth, andotherinformationthatwillallowus to identifyyou We mayalsoaskto seeyourdnver'shcenseor ober identifymgdocuments Docusigned by 10/18 /2016 c hea EG5GDADDF17D Date Spouse/Co-Applicant/Guarantor Date Credit Union Use Only ¤ Yes Approved No,Reason NoofCards _ CreditLimit$ O ECOANobceandreason IorRejectron sentordelweredon Signature LoanOfficer Dale Peachtree GA30269-EFORM Cay, 17644-1 R R Exhibit "A" g FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 09/07/2021 10:35 AM INDEX NO. EF20212668 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/07/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID 109A3272-5B64-4074-BOF4-E8572EE60DoB VISA CREDIT CARD SOLICITATION DISCLOSURE IF YOU ARE APPLYlNGFOR A CREDrr CARD, THE FOLLOWINGIs YOURREQUIREDDISCLOSURE INFORMATION - The informationprovidedin this disclosureis accurateas of January 1, 2016 Theinformationmay havechangedafterthatdate To find outwhat may havechangedcontactus at theaddressshownin thisapplicationBeforewe approveyou for a credit card, we will reviewyourcreditreport,andthe informationyouprovidewith yourapphcationto confirrnyoumeettheentenafor thisoffer Thefulltermsandconditionswill be outhnedin theVisa CreditCard AgreementandDisclosurewhichwillbe sentyouaftera:¤roval Visa Signature -0.00% Introductory APR for 6 months. After that10.24% up to 17.24%eased on your creditworthiness when you open your account This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Visa Platinum Low Rate -0.00% Introductory APR for 6 months. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for Purchases After that,8.24% up to 17.24%Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account. This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. Visa Business -2.9% Introductory APR for 6 months. After that,13.24% up to 17.24%Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. Visa Signature - 0.00% Introductory APR for 15 months. After that, 10.24% up to 17.24% Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE Visa Platinum Low Rate - 0.00% Introductory APR for 15 months for Balance Transfers After that, 8.24% up to 17.24% Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account. This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. Visa Business - 13.24% up to 17.24% Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account. This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. Visa Signature -10.24% up to 17.24% Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account. This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. - 8.24% ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE Visa Platinum Low Rate up to 17.24% Based on your creditworthiness when you open for Cash Advances your account. This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. Visa Business - 13.24% up to 17.24% Based on your creditworthiness when you open your account This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate Ï enalty APR and When it Applies 18.00% for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate; 17.24% for Visa Business This APR may be applied to your entire balance on your account if you are 60 days late in making a payment. How Long Will the Penalty APR Apply? If your APRs are increased for any of these reasons, the Penalty APR will apply until you make six (6) consecutive minimum payments when due. Minimum Finance Charge | None How to Avoid Paying Interest Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each bliling cycle. We will not charge you any interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date. For Credit Card Tips from the To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at: Transaction Fees Cash Advance Fee 3.00% of the transaction, minimum of $10.00 for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate 5.00% of the transaction for Visa Business Balance Transfer Fee 3.00% of the transaction, minimum of $10.00 for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate 3.00% of the transaction for Visa Business Foreign Transaction Fee 2.00% of each currency transaction in U S. dollars - ' Penalty Fees Late Payment Fee Up to $37.00 for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate, $30.00 for Visa Business Retumed Payment Fee Up to $27.00 for each returned payment for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate $30.00 for each returned payment for Visa Business How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "Average Daily Balance (including new purchases)". Loss of Introductory APR: We may end your introductory APR and apply the Non-Introductory APR if you do not pay the full amount of any minimum payment due within 60 days of its payment due date. Introductory rates cannot be reinstated once your account is past due "A" EXHIBIT 2015ConmarSystems,Peachtree Copynght 17644-1 Oty,GA30269-EFORM FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 09/07/2021 10:35 AM INDEX NO. EF20212668 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/07/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID 109A3272-5B64-4074-BOF4-E8572EE60DOB SERT FEDERA L Dit CEr?EC CRED I T UNI ON 1187 Troy Schenectady Road Latham, NY 12110 5228u² u°ñx OPENING DISCLOSURE ™ AND AGREEMENT Wower(s) Name and Address Account/MemberNumber Date CLAIRE MARIE VANDERBERRY Credit Limit 117 BROOKLINE ROAD BALLSTON SPA, NY 12020 $5,000 00 10/18/2016 Interest Rates and Interest Charges . O Visa Signature S Visa Platinum Low Rate O Visa Business PERCENTAGE RATE 0.000 % Introductory APR for 6 months. ANNUAL for Purchases After that, 9.240 % This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate. 0.000 % Introductory APR for 15 months. NUAL PERCENTAGE RATE for Balance Transfers After that, 9 240 % This APR will vary with the market based on the Pnme Rate _ _. ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 9 240 % This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. for Cash Advances Penalty APR and When it Applies 18.00% for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate; 17.24% for Visa Business This APR may be applied to your entire balance on your account if you are 60 days late in making a payment How Long Will the Penalty APR Apply? If your APRs are increased for any of these reasons, the Penalty APR will apply until you make six (6) consecuhve minimum payments when due. Minimum Finance Charge None How to Avoid Paying Interest Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you any interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date -For Credit Card Tips from the To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at: FEES Wnsaction Fees Cash Advance Fee 3.00% of the transaction, minimum of $10.00 for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate 5.00% of the transaction for Visa Business Balance Transfer Fee 3.00% of the transaction, minimum of $10.00 for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate 3.00% of the transaction for Visa Business Foreign Transaction Fee 2.00% of each currency transaction in U.S. dollars Penalty Fees Late Payment Fee Up to $37.00 for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate, $30.00 for Visa Business Retumed Payment Fee Up to $27.00 for each returned payment for Visa Signature & Visa Platinum Low Rate $30.00 for each retumed payment for Visa Business How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "Average Daily Balance (including new purchases)". See your Account agreement for more details Billing Rights: Information on your nghts to dispute transactions and how to exercise those nghts is provided in your Account agreement Loss of Introductory APR: We may end your introductory APR and apply the Non-Introductory APR if you do not pay the full amount of any minimum payment due within 60 days of its payrnent due date. Introductory rates cannot be reinstated once your account is past due Periodic Rates: The Introductory Rate for Purchase and Balance Transfer daily periodic rate is 0 000000 The Purchase, Cash Advance and Balance Transfer daily penodic rate is 0 025320 % The Penalty Rate for Purchase, Cash Advance and Balance Transfer daily penodic rate is 0.049315% Margin: 5.740 % above the Index. Purchase, Cash Advance and Balance Transfers will be charged at EXHIBIT "A" 2016ConmarSystems. Copynght City.GA30269- EFORM17644-2 Inc, Peachtree Page 1 of 3 FILED: SARATOGA COUNTY CLERK 09/07/2021 10:35 AM INDEX NO. EF20212668 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/07/2021 DocuSign Envelope ID 109A3272-5B64-4074-BOF4-E8572EE60DOB ThisAgreement estabhshes theterms andcondibons ofyourcreditcardagreement withtheCreditUmonIn annualpercentage ratecanchange onanychange dateotherthanthemaximum Annual Percentage Rate "you" "your" PERCENTAGE RATEthatcanapplyis 1800% thisagreement, thewords and meananyperson, business, company, partnership, organization, Themaximum ANNUAL assoclahon, each officer o rowner and receiving using thecardorwhouses any card orother a ccess d evice PERIODIC RATESReferlotheAccount Disclosure onpage1forthefollowing Thepenodic that may be issuedin connection voththisAgreement"Card"meanstheVISACreditCardand any apphcable to purchases, cashadvances, Opening andbalance transfersThepenaltyratethatmaybeimposed rates for duplicates andrenewals theCred,it Unionissues"Account meansyourVISACreditCardaccount withthe t omake apayment thepayment duedate ratechange w illbemade pursuant toapphcable "our" faihng by Any CreditUmon"CredilUnion,"we,'us, and meantheSunmark Federal CreditUnion lawThemihalrateonyouraccount forcertaintypesoftransactions maybean introductory discounted rate USINGTHEACCOUNTIfyouareapproved foranaccount, theCreditUnionwigestablish a kneofcredit (Introductory Rate)thatis lowerthantherateinatwouldordmanly applyforthattypeoftransachon if an foryou Byusinglhecardforthefirstlime,or authonzmg anotherpersontouseyouraccount, youagreeto introductory Rateappbesto youraccount, theratesandthepenodof timeit vallbeeffechveAfterthe andacceptanof thetermsandconditons m thisagreement Youagreeyourcreditlimitis themaximum Introductory Ratepenod expires, thepenodic ratevallautomaticalWncrease totheratesthatwouldordinanly amount(purchases, cashadvances, balance transfers, plus"othercharges*} whichyouwillhaveoutstandmg applyforthattypeoftransaction based onthetermsofthisAgreement onyouraccountat anytimeUnlessdisclosed otherwise, theCreditUnionwdlnotallowadvances overthe PENALTY R ATEIf yourrequired m mimum payment is notreceived within60daysafterthedue creditlimit If theCreditUmonhasaprogram whereby itallowspayment ofadvances thatexceed yourcredit monthly dateforthatpayment, andafterproviding youwithnoticeasrequired by applicable law,allratesforyour limit,theCreditUnionvallprovide youwithnobce,eitherorally,in wntmg,or eleclronically (notwithstanding therequirements of theparagraph entdled "Statements andNotices") explaimng yournghttooptmto Ihe account including all introductory rates,purchases, cashadvances, andbalancetransfers, wdlincrease to CreditUnion'sprogram whereby itvallhonoradvance requests overthecreditlm)dIntheeventyouoptinto thePenalty Rateshown onpage1 Yournon-penalty ratemaybere-estabhshed (except mtroductory rates)if sucha program, youagree totheterms ofsuch a program You may request anincrease inyour credil limit theCreditUnionreceives six(6)consecubve required minimum monthly payments onorbefore thepayment onlyby a methodacceptable totheCredi(UnionTheCreditUmonmayincrease ordecrease yourcredit duedatesThePenodic andAnnualPercentage Ratesapplicable toothertransachons wdibeasdisclosed to limit,refusetomakeanadvance and/ortermmate youraccount at anybmeforanyreason notprohibited by youmtheNobce law If you arepermitted to obklincashadvances on youraccount,we may,fromhmeto bme,issue convenience checksto youthatmaybedrawnonyouraccountConvenience checksmaynotbeusedto OTHER CHARGES Thefollowing othercharges (fees)wdlbeaddedtoyourAccount, asapphcable makeapayment onyouraccount balanceIfyouuseaconvenience check,itull bepostedtoyouraccount 1 Late Plabnum L ow Rale-Ifyourpayment t o thenght refuseto paya convenience checkdrawnonyouraccount for Charge Visa Signature &Visa is10ormore dayslateyouwil asa cashadvanceWereserve shallnotconstitute wrongful dishonor becharged $2700which willincrease to$3700forsubsequent latepayments athinasix-month pened anyreasonandsuchrefusal Youmayrequestthatwestopthepayment ofa convenience checkdrawnonyouraccountYouagreeto VisaBusiness -lf yourpayment is 10ormoredayslateyouwillbecharged $3000 payanyfeeimposed to stopa payment ona convenience checkissuedonyouraccountYoumaymakea 2 ForeignTransaction Fee,Youwillbecharged a feetoyouraccount fortransachons madeoutside stoppaymentrequestorally,if permitted, or in wnhngYourrequestmustbemadewithsufficenttimein oftheUmted Statesormaforeign currency (seeForeign Transachons) advanceof thepresentment of thecheck for payment togiveus a reasonable opportumty toactonyour requestIn addition, yourrequest mustaccurately desenbe thecheckincluding theexactaccount number, 3 Returned Payment Fee.VisaSignature &VisaPlatmum LowRate- Youwigbecharged $2700or thepayee,anychecknumber thatmaybeapphcable, andtheexactamountofthecheckIf permitted, you theamount ofyourmmimum payment, whichever is less,whenapayment isretumed foranyreason may make a stop paymentrequest orally butsuch a request willexpire after14days unless y ou confirm your requestin wabngwithinthatkmeWatten ordersareeffective VisaBusiness - Youwdlbecharged $3000whenapayment isretumed foranyreason stoppayment onlyforsix(6)months andmay berenewed foradddianal sirmonthpenads byrequeshag mwnbngthatthestoppayment orderbereneweo $260foreachsalesdraftorstatement Wearenot requiredto nohfyyouwhena stoppayment orderexpiresIf were-credit youraccount after 4 Statement CopyFee Youwillbecharged thatyourequest, exceptveen therequest ismade mconnection witha bdhng errordispute payinga checkordraftovera vahdandkmelystoppayment order,youagreetosignastatement desenbmg thedisputewiththepayee,toassign tousallofyournghtsagamst thepayeeorotherholders ofthecheckor 5 RushFeeYouwdjbecharged $30.00 foreachrushcardthatyourequest, prOVKhng dehVery Ofthe draftandto assistusin anylegalachonYouagreeto indemmfy andholdusharmless fromallcostsand cardisalsoavadable bystandard mailservice, without paymg a feefordehvery expenses, includmg attomey's fees,damages, or claims,relatedto ourhononng yourstoppayment request or in fathngto stoppayment of anitemasa resultof incorrect information provided tousor thegMngof 6 PaybyPhoneFeeYouedbecharged$5 00each timeyoumakeapayment byphone onyouraccounL madequate bmetoactupona stoppayment request MONTHLY PAYMENTS· Eachpayment youmakeontheaccount wdIrestore yourcreditkmitbytheamount STATEMENT OFBUSINESS PURPOSE ForVisaBusiness Accounts, youagreethatyouhaverepresented of thepayment thatis apphed to theoutstandmg pnncipal of thepurchases, cashadvance andbalance tousthatyouareobtaining youraccount forbusiness purposes thatallpurchases, cashadvances, balance transfer features ofyouraccountAtanytime,d yourtotalnewbalance exceeds yourcredithmit,youmust transfers, useofanyconvenience checks issuedonyouraccount andanyotheruseofyouraccount willonly immediately paytheamount that e xceeds your creditkmd befora business purposeYouagreethatyouwdlneveruseyouraccountforanypersonal, household or familypurposes -. A PAYMENT ISREQUIRED EACHMONTH Youmustpayat leasttheminimum payment shownonyour to payanyandall chargesmcurred statement bythedatespecified onyourmonthly statement Youcanrepayanyoutstandmg balance pnor10 RESPONSIBILITY: Youpromise by youor by anypersonwhomyou authonze to usetheCreo11 Cardissuedtoyou,andanyfeesorchargesincurred m therecovery ofacredit matunty inwholeormpartatyourophon withoutpenaltyYourmonthly payment mustbemadedirectlyto card,retnevalof transachon data,or collechon ofthisaccount in accordance withthetermsandcondihons theaddress shownonyourstatement a oryoucanmake payment directlyat theCreditUmonif avadable, issuedbyVISAIntemational, Incmaccordance unththepatiaesestabhshed bytheCreditUmon youmayhaveyourminimum payment automahcaly deducted fromyourcheckmg orsavings account Yourobligahonto pay theamountowedon youraccountcontinuesuntilpaidin fulleventhoughan VisaSignature &VisaPlabnum LowRate- Themmimum penodic payment required foryourAccount wdlbe agreement, divorce decree or other court j udgment to whichtheCredit U nion is nota partymay direct 300%of yourtotalnewbalance or$2700whichever is greater,plusanyportionofrmn1mum payments someone elseto paytheaccount balance shown onpnorstatements whichremam unpaid, anyamounts bywhichyouexceed yourcredithmit,andany JOINTACCOUNTIf morethanonepersonappliesfor thecardeachis indmdually responsible for all otherapphcable charges wdlalsobeadded toyourreqmred minimum monthly payment amounts owedontheaccount andisjointlyandseverally responsible forallamounts owedThismeans the or allof youtogetherEachmay VisaBusiness - Theminimum penodic payment required foryourAccount wiltbe300%ofyourtotalnew CreditUnioncanenforcetheAgreement againstanyofyou individually obtamcreditadvances without theknowledge oftheotherandbothareobligated torepayalladvances made balance or$2500whichever is greater, plusanyporbon ofmmarnum payments shownonpnorstatements totheaccountYouagreetonotifytheCreditUnionof anyaddress change . whichremam unpaid, anyamounts bywhichyouexceed yourcreditDmit, andanyotherapphcable charges USINGTHECARDYoumayusethecardissuedtoyoutomakepurchases fromanyone whoaccepts VISA wdlalsobeaddedtoyourrequired mimmum monthly payment CreditCardsYoumayalsoobtaincashadvances fromtheCreditUmon,fromotherlinancialinshtubons Subject toapphcable law,payments wdlbeapphed mthefolloungorderor in anymanner thecredtumon participating m theVISAprogram andfromautomated tellermachines (ATM's)thatprovide accesstothe Finance Charges Identification chooses Firstto anypreviously biRed andunpaid onpurchases, cashadvances andbalance VISAsystemYourVISAPersonal Number (PIN)is neededto obtamcashadvance froman thentoanytxiledfees,thenlothepnncipal balance ofpurchases intheordertheywereposted toyour ATM(notaffATMsacceptVISACards)Youagreenottousethecardfor anymegaltransachons suchas transfers, advances for gambling or wagenng wheretheseprachces aremviolabonof thelaw Evenif youuseyour account andlhentothepnnapal balance ofcashadvances However, in everycase,inIbeevent youmakea cardforandlegaltransaction, youwillberesponsible forallamounts andcharges incurred inconnechon with payment inexcess oftherequired minimum penodic payment, theCreditUmon vallallocate theexcess amount thetransachon firsttothebalance vaththehighest annual percentage rateandanyremaining porban totheotherbalances in PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) Wevallfumishyouwitha Personal Idenhfication Number descendmg order b ased o napphcable annual percentage rateIf twoormorepurchases were postedonthe (PIN)Youagree keep to thePINsecret Y oualso agree youwon't w ntethePINontheCard or anythmg you same day, y our payment willbeapphed tothelowest amount firstYou understand that any payment that d elays keepvnththe cardYouruseof thePlNandCardin makinga purchaseor obtaining a cashadvance therepayment ofyourunpaid balance willmcrease YourFmance Charge andanypayment thataccelerates the consbtutes youragreement lo beresponsible forallamounts andchargesincurredinconnection withsuch reduchon ofyourunpaid balance valldecrease YourFinance Charges transachons FINANCE CHARGES Forpurchase, cashadvance, andbalancetr