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  • Nbt Bank, National Association v. Lauren AndersonOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Nbt Bank, National Association v. Lauren AndersonOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Nbt Bank, National Association v. Lauren AndersonOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Nbt Bank, National Association v. Lauren AndersonOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview


FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/15/2021 12:14 PM INDEX NO. 2021-344 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/15/2021 OfSome Words:InthisContract ^l,""me," tliewords "we"and"my"mean anyone thisContract asa Ifeasing "you" signing Co-Boyer Buyer. and/or Thewords Co-Signef and"your"mean or.altertheSeller theSelter transfers itsrights All lilSTALSENT CONTRACT under anyone thisCa'ntract havingmosenghts. JiNUAL FINANCE Amount Financed ofPayments To.tal Total SalePrice 'ERCENTAGE RATE CHARGE Theamountofcredit I uillhave Theamount nami The telalcostofmypurchase on hecostofmycredit asa ThedoDar amount the tomeoronmy afterIliave provided made atscheduled cmditinclutfingmydownpayment rate. early willcosime credit behalf. payments. gg 7.57 % 5 4719.76 s 18887.68 5 23527.44 5 26408.44 , PaymentSchedulewilbe. emeansestimateSecuritgr. Iamgiving asecurity inthemotor interest purchased. vehicle being 1ofPatinentsI AmountofPayments I WhenPaymentsAreDue 72 s 326.77 | Monthlbesinnin,12/18/2017 . S NA Î toCharge:Ifapayment islatemore than10days.I willbecharged 12%ofthepayment. ifI payoffearly, Ipayment: I willnothavetopayapenalty ' Contract documents willhave additional information about nonpayment, anyrequired default, repayment infullbeforethescheduled dateandprepa yment andpenalties. unds .. isContract ThisContract istietmeatSeAer andBuyer. AA 4419 ROLITE 30 N. disclosureshave been madebySeBer. SeBer BROWN' S FORDOF AMSTERDAM, intends thisContract leassign istheAssignee IND. AMSTERD.AM NY 12010 named below. Name Address ZipCode Ifthere ismorethanoneBuyer,eachofus re 172 SETTLESMOLINTAIN I s msuev nf h - LAt.IREN layerM. H ANDERSON COBLESK.ILL NY 12043 greement Namels) Address(es) ZipCodels| AccL ofVeblegeqSee tiption lesmance Requirements section| !I Year andMake hlodgi 8odyStyle NoCyl. Serial Number Date 11/04/2017 2012 FORD F150 Itemization ofAmount financed P/U SC 8 1FTFX1EF8CKE28304 ped AI. P.S. A&FM M Prii-e19846.Be Radio Other $ A.C. P.B. P.W. Cash Downpayment I g icle:2MS W LIBERTY 1J8GN2. 1936 -s Rebate 181.00 orDiscount Year andMake D@cripbce NA 181.00 -g rade-in $ Cash Downpayment +g Value ciTradoIn teorDiscount +$ HA TotalDmmpayment = s 2881.00 -3 2700.00 styInsurance: I smrequirçd go.ebtain andmaintain insurnace ontheCogateral.endorud lopregett you asloss-payee. .MAY CHOOSE THE AGENT 011BROKER OFMYCHDICE. Lien Payofflo MOLDER OFCOLLATERAL. N REGISTRANT: LAUREN N ANDERSON +g NA ICAL DAMAGE: Comprehensive $ 250.00 , deductible Canision 5 500.00 deductible RANCE COMPANY: STATEFARMMLITLIAL ALIIGolicy liveDate11/04/17. ForGroup Credit LifeInsurance" T:Narne & Address I. 2043 Telephone na 518·-E34-4359 hy NA FTreupPinhiPy heirve* antee thattherequired insurance coverage asshown intheInsurance Requirements sectionwas obtained fromtheagenl3+ dabove. Ng lityinsurance coverage forbodilyinjuryandproperty damage isnotincluded orprovided forinthisContract. 4 106.00 ar'sSingle laterestInsurance: Ifthisboxischecked li5,yourequire Vendots SingleInteest Insurance. I maychoose +y the Vender's Single interest Irisurance nthrough whom Vendor's Single Interest Insurance islebeobtainegi thisinsmance islorthesole protectionoftheAssignee tyinterestisnotcovemd.llobtahise through the castd 95.00 sy 95.0B you, suchInsurance is$ ForSalesTax IISETOPAY: I agree 10payyoutheTotal SaleFrice lortheVehicle bymaking meCash Downpayment assigning the g 1373,gg -In.ifshown atione, 'interest' onmbefore thedate ofthisContract, andpaying youtheAmount Fmanced. plusthecredil service +; :e(called inthisContract| attheAnnual Percentage Rate shown aboutPayments aredueonorbefore the tiAP Waiver* day o feach month astheliestgityment dale.Payments must bemade atanyofRce of +g BTBANK,N.ATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 52 So.BroadSt.,Norwich.NY13815 (the*Assigneel aslScheduled Payment Rider ifattached herelo isintended lobeincorporated hereinaspartoftherelailinstalment contract Te • istotheretailinstalment saleofthemotor vehicle more funy described inIliesectionenlilled "DescriplianofVehicle" contained 8±L . "' retaHnstalmenteentract thisboxischecked, theLast poe yge Sclieduled PaymengRider mentioned above directly isaRached andIacknowledge receiptofsame. up eCredit tileandGroup Credit ofealth Insurance Coverage isvoluntary andnotrequired toobtain thisfinancing andwHI Amoum aplowided unless I request titem inwriting andagree topaytheadditional costI may selecltheinsurer toprovide Finauised I maylenninate this 18807.68 age. mycoverage bywritten noticetotheSeller utentified above. or.ifI chooseanother insurer. bywritten tothatinsurer. Theefleclive date ofcoverage.d purchased IromtheSeger named above. isthedate oflhiscontract I *yoûmay beretaining aportionof stand 0tiscoverage isnotpurchased fromNST N.A. 8ank. orfromanyofitsdivisiums. including Pennstar BanLIII thisamount achimorquestion absol thepolicy. I wdlcontacttheSeller identified aboutorifI cI1cese another imurer. I willcontact trarer. stif I choose trinsurer, I milcontact thatinsurer. I understand Iamresponsible fortimely psyrsents. IAGREE TifAT THE PROVISIONS ONTHE BACK ARE PART OFTHIS CONTRACT. (Cominued onreverse side.) AnnsralI'ercentaCn Ratetraaybe negotlablewitir the Seller.TheSellerinay assignthis contractand retainits right to . eapartof afae FirranceCharge. ETOTHEBUYEll:1.DonotsignthisAgreement before youreadit orif it contains anyblankspace. 2.Youareentitledtoa completely -incopyofthisAgreement. 3.Under thelaw.youbave therightto payoffinadvance thefull amount dut If youdoso.youmay.depending enatureofthecreditservice charge. either(a)prepay mithoutpenalty. or (b) undercertaincircumstances obtainarebate of thecredit :echarge.. 4.According tolaw.youhavetheprivilege ofpurchasing insurance ontheslotorvehicle provided forinthisContract fromanagent kerofyourownselection. agrees tothisCangract.indeding terms and conditionsonbaclt. andassigns it I IfAVE RECElVED ACOPY OFTHISCONTRACT SIGNED Assignee named alieve inseconiance withthefirstAssignment onule RETAIL 8YTHESELLER. pringed INSTALlilENT IITRACT. t side,imless othermme marked BROWH' S FORDOF AMSTERDAM, INC. Burer act u CO-SIGNERNOTICE setopayghe debtidentifiedabore.although I maynotpersonsity receive anyproperty. servicesormoney.I maybesued forpayment alltmugh mwhoreceives theproperty. the semicasormoney iscapable ofpayingthedebt. Thiscotice isnotthewriting thatobligates metopaythedebt.I should thattheTotalof PayranetslistedabovedoesactincludeFinanceClerges resultingfromdel'mquency.latechages. orforuelessen repossession . courtcostsorattorneysfees.orothercharges thatarestated intheContract I willalsohave topaysome orallofthesecosts andcharges.if the iseverindelaelt. tintfactasybecome apartofmycredit record. I have read theItetailinstalment andtheCo-Signes(s)Notice. Contract Date Co-Signer Co-Signer AEA : sHoute. eEADTHE NOTICE loCo-sit1tELABOVE.eEFoRE slGNINGTHEeths1CIIEFs AGREEIIENT. 11Et'saGREElllaf: obeleggly ).mepenan lorpersees) below signing as'CoEgmer." tocayloyou pronute a#sumsdue onUps sadtoperform contract stagreements re1he Centract I Imandbyalltheterras atthisCentracI. and separately t with ogether.t he Iani Buyer. triispromise orating toinduceyeo ilusContract togirate wilhtheBuyer. even yeo wingueIkegroceeds onlyIurthe8uyer's benefit I agree topay e ven though you m not ay havemade any psesdemandtorpayment satheArterofexercised I abe acemaleted schaowledgereceiving ulthisCarrgract your seconly copy ar'sSignature Address Date tr-sSignature Address DaLe JERroRmf TU-5LC 2N neI (rLDoolay NorlCE: sEE AEVEasE 5IDE FoR IIAPoeTAal 18FoeRAT)cR. sLoI-o9 • Ne'BuGnsurrR sur+cr sc FILED: SCHOHARIE COUNTY CLERK 09/15/2021 12:14 PM INDEX NO. 2021-344 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/15/2021 teral: AsCoHateral forthisContract to protect youifI don'tpay), I give youa 3.I have made anylalse orinisleadmg statement onthisContract and/or credit ityinterest intheVehicle being pathmed. Asecurity interest means that, if application; or "litchokler" on certificate il Ikeevents ofdefault occurs, yetcantake theVehida andunder certain 4.Yoor name does notappear as the only (claim) any of mstances seH il,asismore fullyexplained inthe"Right toDemand Payment in titleissued riow orinthefuture· or andthe"Right toRepossesC Vehicle shaH include tires, parts. equipment.i The VeIncle islost.stolen, ordamaged wthout adequate imurance coverage or :ement parts oradditions totheVehide oranyvehicle insurance refunds or mid.orgiven away. orsetted. or nsurance proceeds Iromloss ordamage lotheVehicle. III default L I filebankruptcy orifanyproceedmg amshtuted laseek releffrom mydeblE ce resulting unable lomanage or 'Right toDemand Payment inFufsection), youhave therighttoapply any 7 1die orbecome lepBy myaffairt thatI have ondeposit withyouandanygmup insurance refunds which you 8 Something else h appens IIntyou reasonality leet affects my ability to pay the reagainst anybalance thatIowe. remainmg instalments when due, of 9.Thevehicle isseized byathirdparty (including, without IIndation, a The Finnoce Charge is Figared· TheFmance Charge, which consists onlyof mGnicipaNy of0thsgampmental orquasLgommaentat entRy) hecause of st,hasbeen computed upon thebasis thatI willpay all i nstalments onthe the VelIWs sNeged oractual moWement mactual ceanged caningor ishn! duedales. If anyinstalment isreceived literIhan thescheduleif due acW md/orwhere afcMet paceed¼g hasbeta ted I attlbeoblipted topaysuch additional amounts asmaybecome payntde unlawM in/before state orlocal court orany admastrange body. ofsterest balance of anyfederal ason oftheaccrust calculated dailyupon thesnpaid toRepossess: You canreponess (takePtle VeluDe oftheevents Itone of inount Financout intheevent thatanyinstalment ismade inadvance ofthe Right Payment in Fall" occus Alter fuled themterest charges oillbereduced necordingly, The amount detault (Ilsted inthe 'lEght toDemand section) any duedate, Iwilldeliver theVehids. y our upon request, oryoucan enter the premises sdecrease orincrease willbereflected inthelinalpayment. I shall have the default, andyouneed notcolity 10prepay theunpud pancipal bahnce infullormpast atanytimeprovided me where itishept andtake ulyourself (aspermuted bytaw), before youdothisyoucanselltheVehicle afterrepossession andapply the styments arelilstapplied loaccrued Interest asofthedate ofprepayment proceeds tothebalance of whatl oweafterdeducting yourreasonable .ible onGroup Credit I.ifeand/or Insurance Premiums and repmsenion. safe a d es You wip Itefunds Disability see repapreparnon fr selHng emce Contract Pseunums: UthisContrad n paidintutipricitothelinal send me,within 7 daysnotice bymailDIarrysale oltheVehide. IfmyDefault entduedate, I may bedue arefund. Iunderstand thatImust contact theSeller consists solety ofaladure tomake timely payments, I mayhave carten rights to iliedontheIront side o fthis d ocument,imm whom I purchased the pubcylst to stopthesale ofmyVelucin even after you repossess it dI make Inglylender of aany refund I may bedue. • flieamount fequired toredeem theVehicle Charge III failtopaymyinstalment lormore than10days immthedate itis Insecover anyarticks Iclaim arenotpartoflheCollateral butwere contained inthe Id payalatecharge of12% ofthesepaid instalment. yelucle, I must nohfy youmwriting within 7days after repossession. Failure toclaim rnCheck Chargr Ifanycheck, draft, orother item Isend youinpayment cimy take possesson ofthese items promptly willbeanabandonment ofthem ation onthisContract isreturned forinsullicient tunds, I agree topayyoua thesale does notcover allthatIowe, 1willtieresponsible lortheamount stinowed. pheckCharge ol32ttil0- there issoysurplus maney.N d berefunded tome. nCostsIfyouhireanattorney tobring alawsuit tocollect anyamoun Optional Insurance orService Contracts: This Contracl may contam charges for gunder thisContract Iwigpayyouattorneyf leesupto15% oftheamount optionalimmrance orsennce contracts. IttheVehicle arepossessed. Iagree tfistyou due, pluscour,t costs, orsock lesser amounts asthecoultAAows. mayclaim tienefits under these contracts andtermrnate thern tootitain lands for tance Requirements- I agree ataGtimes tokeep theVehicle msvred with unnamed charges )fehensive, fiIeandthell,andaminimum.amount ol-deductible collision Care ofvehictrI apectoheep theVehicle mgood conditan andrepar· netto ance toyou,endorsed toprotect yanwithalicensed insuranceremove it Immtheaddress atwhich 11 ispresently hept without your priorwrities satisfactory itasccKalsal inanolber transacDon: notin :any. ItI talltoinsurn myVehicle, youmay dosoandIagree topaythecostI consect, noltosellortramler itofuse ! thatsayinsurance moneys psyable byreason ofdamage toorlossolthe usetheVehicle torhireorpernst itsusemanyillegal msmer nottoallos someone :1e shall bepaiddirectly andsolely toyouandmay beused topsymydetlto elsetosene theVehicle orcreate ahen|cinim) onst-andtoeveyouiminediate Il1he Vehicle isInst ordamaged, gau canusetheinsurance proceeds (money) vntlen notice ofloss ordamage toIheVehiclt lilaceorrepair it grtore0ay anyamounts I meryou. andI agree thatif Trade-In andDoompayment I guarantee thatI ownthevellicle traded in,il any, ssary. can you settle any a ssurance clans e rsign any i nsurance checks on mT andthatit isfree any orsecurity hom lien interest notshown inthe'Trade-In" AI agree thatloss,damage toofdestruction oftheVehicle slialnotallect my section oftheitemination ofAmount Fmanced I also represent thatIhave made the gomake thepaymings under thisContact ,· downpayment andRave oo1 borrowed it herAdvances Secared- IfI laillopayfees, taxes orthecosts necessary tokeep TitleandSecurity loserestif theVehicle asalready 14led oristobetitled,I rehicle ingood condition andrepsir, youmay. IIyoualone choose, advance anT guaranlee thatI amord betheregistered owner andyousecurity inlartsi shaR i necEssary toprotect yourutterest intheVelucle. Anysuch advances wiAbe appear astheonlysecurity onanycartihcate oftillenow orinthefutore assued. I iredbytheVehicle andwillbesubject toaFinance Charge atthe Annual agree thatyoucanapply larceâtiates oftitle toslew your security interest and I entage Rale ofthisContracL . agree toassist youmdoing so.Ialso give youpermissen tobleatinancing statemeni obtain (nolice ofyour securdy intemt b led forpubic record1 coverint your security ladtomaintaler required preporty lisurance, youmay, il yescÏroose, - mterest onil. . valent Amits ofr*rdrersat insurance. This replacement asurance willgrotect without mysynatme interests, butyouareunder noobligation toobtain replacement msuranceWaivers andReleases: You canfaive ordeigy_eaforcmg anyofyour righswithout Awinalsoproject myintmasts. THE INSURANCE YOU PURCHASE NAY BE losing them. You canwante ordelay enforceg aright astoone ofuswithout waiting 11FICANTLY MORE EXPENSlVE AND PR0VIDE htELESS THAN COVEltAGE it as10the other. you need n ot g ivea nyone notice ofthe waiver. deby orrele3se MVSELF. youadvance wi besecwed Your faihue Infileaseconly interest. larlore tokeep theVehicle insmed, release ala IRAllCE I COULD PURCHASE Anyamount extenssons oftime61payment shallnalallectmy teVehicle andwilbesubject toaFinance Charge attheAnnualPercentate Rate secunty interest ofgrantmg isContract Atthebutoftheadvance. Iwi5benotilled mwriting ofmyoplions obhgation under thisContract pay theadvance· Wanaatius andRepresentationr I pmmar thatthelunds (Collatera0 otItamed d he inlullwithis tendays ofthenotice- used inconnecton inthtowful activibek pumpts, endeavors, ventures orbusinesset alset withmymonitdy payment; r and I wig cot u set he funds|CosateraG lovdate a ny l aw that could resull inlorfeiIme davailable, asasingle monthly payment, onemonth folbwing payment ofall pmceedings being Instituted, amounts dueunder theContract' I agree toprompUy mform youofanyproposed proceedings oractual proceedmg I available, asadditional monthly payments. notexceeding themonthly which would subject thefunds |CoBateraq tofortedure loarry gouernmental hody. nests dueunder theContract- TheContract shall begoverned escast forits rpayments onmybehall wiltnotcure myhilure laperform mypromises inthis Apphcable 61cons isbe ineffective under anyheer consict ofbwprevaions IIany o rovisen ,,ct remander heWMgand c ment AfterAltAmounts Owing Become laumediately BeeUnder certain regula thanpersonal. lamily. or atamounts inderthisContract iminediately (The fuDowh1g notice shall notaggdy toanyuleforsther amstances, youcandechre onlag houdold u se 11youdoandatemounts owing atepaidoryousuelorthem andobtam a / ynent youwilicalcubts widlewe asirIwere bpayinadvance. NOTICE: ANYHOLDER OFTHISCONSUMER CREOlT CONTRACT IS saing ANDOEFENSES WHICH THEDEBTOR COU LO nto0emand Payment in Full-tlpenthefollowing events eldefault youcan SUBJECT T0ALLCLAIMS or ASSERT AGAINST THE SELLEA 0F600DS ORSERVICES OBTAINED aire that1be entire balance ci inyloan bepaidatonce. without grior notice HERE0F. RECOVERY PURSUANT HERETO ORWITH THEPROCEEDS ,and,it HEREUNDER BYTHEDESTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAIDBY denot payanindarment ontime·er THE DEBTOR HEREUNDER. break one ofmypmmisesnadu thisCedract-g aRANTIES" If thisContract involves thesaleofanewVehicle. theSellermakes nowarranty. eitherexpressed orimplied. including anyimplied pitrpose. anless Sellerhasgiven Buyer aseparate written warranty orunless Seller enters into franty of merchanlability orfitnessforaparticular Guide forUsed Cars. ervice contract withBayer inithin90days fromthedateofthisContract. orexcept foranywarranty setforthmtheBuyer's INVOLVES THESALE OFAUSED VEHICLE, ASDEFINED UNDER 16CFR PART 455,THEINFORMATION I SEEONTHEWINDOW THIS CONTRACT ANYCONTRARY PROVISIONS INTHE RMFOR THISVEHICLE ISPART OFTHISCONTRACT. INFORMATION ONTHEWINDOW FORM OVERRIDES NTRACT OFSALE. ASSIGNMENT transiss andassigns toAssignee named onthefacehercol, itssoccessors andassigns, allright. htleandmterest mtliis value received, theSeller hereby seAs, thisContract andanyGuarantee made asconnection withthis 11ract andtotheVehicle described inthisContract andtoallmoneys dueandlabecome dueunder andenforceable without defense orcounterclaim, thatanparlies tothe Contract are quer eighteen ntract 5eterwarrants thatthisContract isgenuine,unamended oftheVehicle anddisregistered andtitledtothe usofageandhave legal capacity toexecute theContract. thattheBuyer (orCo-Buyer) hasaccepted delivery has been p aid toSeller and has not b een b ormwed toSeEer's imowledge. thattheAssignee isactguinng apurchase money yer, t hat t heCash Downpayment requests Seller todosoand pays Sener the appmanate lee, intheVehicle freeandclear ofanylien,chimandencumbrance. and that ifAssignce :vrityinterest ofTitleasthefirstandonlytienhotter. IfSuyer hasmdecared he/shewishes anyGroup t Seler willimmediately cause Assigoce's name loappear ontheCertillcale from claims onth r espect to such Seller warrants thatsuchcoverage has been o btained and paid lorand agrees tohold Assignee harmless any aditInsurance. and/or theContract isprepaid,Upun abreach ofanyoftheprovisions inthis :urance.and promptly tomake theuppropriate refunds IIsuch insurance iscanceled ou!ofthisContract orunder lignment oriftheBuyer, Co-Buyer orGuarantor notifies theAssignee |craRy orinwritin2) thattheyhave anyclaim ordetense arismg torepurchase or1984oftheNew York General Business taw-whether ornotthere isadefault in payment-Sener agrees, ondemand. immediately clions 198-a ofrepurchase Seller agrees toheat itarmiess andsrulemnify Anigner lorany s Contract lortheunpaid balance. including earned Finance Charges asofthedata asaresult ofagudicial ofanyclaim ordefense Buyer, Co-Buyer orGuarantor mayhave against SeKer. whether or'not tinsfoss n sustained Vehicle- asustained asaresolt mudilitation oftam release orsubshtulian o1parties or andagrees the thal termmalkm. Seller hereby consents Inanyextensions oftimelorpayment signee's failure topeffect itsliennoIheVehicle willnotallect thisAssignment ASSIGNMENT FUt1REC0titSE duedate onghe inthetutpayment ofanywistalment thereal under paysble the eragreek inadditium mtheevent above.111st tothesarranties byBuyer o1delault demand lortitmdh the repurchase etract perimmanceef çrintheprompt tobeperformed obligaten anyelhar theContract under byBurer. wil.upon Seller byAssignee. Chuge. aquel u bikefull npaid Cbntract ofthe befance as atsuchrepurchase ofthedate any sectedmg e arned Fmance InmiAssigneeint 41tract pricein areperchase cash SeHer 0THERASSIGNMUlf getlorthabove. sechen defaults thatiftheBuyer under inanymanner thefollowing thisContract, dieragrees tothewarranties inaddition inthelirstAssignment stated andAssignee SeNer iditional shall covenants c such apply. ovenants beingmore acilinny inan deRned between agreement Seser ofAssigmnent Type Date Title s.œsumrarons mzisitwasramsI