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  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Michelle Parko v. Oso Auto Corp., Juan Daniel TavarezTorts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 EXHIBIT C FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 lPage 1] July 26, 2023 )j SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BRONX ------x MICHELLE PARKO, PLAINTIFF, -agai-nst- Index No. 802963/20238 OSO AUTO CORP. and JUAN DANIEL TAVAREZ, DEFENDANTS. ------x : Ju1 y 26, 2023 DATE TIME: 'l-2:L0 p.m. EXAMINATTON BEFORE TRrAL of the Plaintiff, MICHELLE PARKO, taken by the Defendants, pursuant to a Court Order, held via videoconference, before Evelyne Higgins, a Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public of the State of New York. Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-01,66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 fPage 2) July 26, 2023 (1) (2t APPEARANCES (3) (4) JAMES NEWMAN, ESQ. Attorney f or the Pl-ainti f f (5) MICHELLE PARKO 281,5 Waterbury Avenue (6) Bronx, New York 10461 BY: DEVIN NEWMAN, ESQ. (7) (B) BAKER, McEVOY/ MORRISSEY & MOSKOVITS, P.C (e) Attorneys for the Defendants OSO AUTO CORP. and JUAN DANIEL TAVAREZ (1_0) One MetroTech Center BrookIyn, New York 1,I201, (11) BY: ALLAN LEZNIKOVA, ESQ., of Counsef File #: I723259 (r2) (13) (14) * * * (1s ) (16) (17 ) (18 ) (1e ) (20) (2r) (22) (23) (24) (2s) Court Reporting 8 0 0- 61 8-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 fpage 3] July 25, 2023 (1) (2) STIPULATIONS (3) (4) IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and (s) between (among) counsel- for the respectj-ve parties (6) hereto, that : (7) (8) A1f rights provided by the C. P. L. R. , incl-uding (e) the ri-ght to object to any question, except as to form, (10 ) or to move to strike any testj-mony at this (these) (11) examination ( s ) , are reserved, and, in addition, the (12) fail-ure to object to any question or to move to strike (13 ) any testimony at this (these) examj-nation (s) shall- not (14 ) be a bar or waiver to make such motion dt, and is (1s ) reserved for the trial of this action; (16 ) (17 ) rT 1S FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and (18 ) between (among) counsel for the respective parties (1e ) hereto, that this ( these ) examination ( s ) may be sworn (20l- to by the witness (es ) being examined, before a Notary (21) Public other than the Notary Public before whom this (22) (these) examj-nation (s) was (were) begun; but the (23) fai-1ure to do sor or to return the original of this (24') (these) examination (s) to counsel, (2s') STIPULATIONS Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 4] July 26, 2023 (1) (2\ sha11 not be deemed a waj-ver of the rights provided by (3) Rul-es 3116 and 3117 of the C.P.L.R., and shall- be (4) controlled thereby; (s) (5) IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and (7) between ( among) counsel for the respective parties (8) hereto, that thls (these) examination (s) may be (e) utilized for all purposes as provided by the C.P.L.R.; 1r0) (11) IT 1S FURTHER ST]PULATED AND AGREED by and (12) between (among) counsel for the respective parti-es 1r3 ) hereto, that the filing and certification of the 1r4 ) original of this (these) examination(s) shaII be and 1r5 ) the same hereby are waived; (16 ) (L1) IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and (18) between ( among) counsel for the respectj-ve parties 1r9) hereto, that a copy of the within examination (s) shal-l (20) be furnished to counsel representing the witness (es ) (2L) testifying, without charge. (22) (23) STIPULATIONS (24) ]T IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED by and (2s) between (among) counsel for the respective parties Lexitas Court. Reporting 80 0- 67 8-0156 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 [Page 5] July 26, 2023 (1) (2) hereto, that all rights provided by the C.P.L.R., and (3) Part 221- of the Uniform Rules for the Conduct of (4) Depositions, lncluding the right to obj ect to any (s) questi-onr eXcept as to formr or to move to strike any (6) testimony at this examination is reserved; and in (7) addition, the failure to object to any question or to (8) move to strike any testimony at this examination sha11 (e) not be a bar or waiwer to make such motion dt, and is (10 ) reserved to, the trial of this action. (11) (r2) (13) (14) (1s) 1r6) (17) 1r8) (1e) (20) (2L) (22) (23') 124) (2s) Lexitas Court 800-618-0165 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 6] July 26, 2023 (1) (2) VIDEOCONFERENCE STIPULATIONS (3) IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between (4) counsef for af f parties present that pursuant to CPLR (s) section 3113 (d) this deposition is to be conducted by (6) video conference, that the court reporter, all counsel, (7) and the witness are all in separate remote locations (B) and participating via videoconference (Legal-View/Zoom) (e) meeting under the control of Lexitas Court Reportj-ng 1r0) Service, that the offj-cer administering the oath to the (11) Witness need not be in the place of the deposition and (12) the witness shall- be sworn in remotely by the court (13 ) reporter after confirming the wiLness' identi-ty, that (14) this vj-deoconference wil-1 not be recorded j-n any manner (15) and that any recordj-ng without the express written (16) consent of a1l- parties sha11 be considered (17 ) unauthorized, in violation of 1aw, and sha11 not be (18 ) used for any purpose in this 1j-tigation or otherwise. (1e ) (20') IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED that exhibits may be (27t marked by the attorney presenting the exhibit to the (221 wltness, and that a copy of any exhibit presented to a (23) witness shal-.1- be Email-ed to or otherwj-se in possession (241 of all counsel prior to any questioning of a witness (25\ regarding the exhibit in question. A11 parties shall- Lexitas Court. Reporting 800-678-0L66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 lPage 7l July 26, 2023 (1) (2t bear their own costs in the conduct of this deposition (3) by video conference, not withstanding the obligation by (4) CPLR to supply a copy of the transcript to the deposed (s) party by the taking party in civil Iitigation matters. (6) (7) (8) (e) (10) ( 11) (t2l (13) ) (14) (1s) (16) (17) 1r8) (1e) (20') (2rl (22') (23t (241 (2s) Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-01.66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 8] July 26, 2023 (1) (2t MS. POLLACK: Good morning. My (3) name is Toby iI. Pollackand I'm a notary (4) public in the State of New York, gualified (s) in Nassau County, number 01POs020275. My (6) commission expires on November 15th , 2025. (7) Will the witness please raise their (8) right hand. (e) (Witness complies. ) (10) MS. POLLACK: Do you solemnly swear (11) or affirm that the testimony that you're (72) about to give will be the truth, the whole (13 ) truth, and nothing but the truth, so help (14 ) you God? (1s) THE WITNESS: Yes. (16 ) MS. POLLACK: Please state and (r1) spell your full name for the record. (18 ) THE I{ITNESS: My name is Michelle (1e ) Abu Parko. And itrs spelled (20) M-I-C-H-E-L-L-E, middle name Adu, A-D-U, (2Ll last name is Parko, P-A-R-K-O. (22) MS. POLLACK: And what is your (23) current address? (24) THE !{ITNESS : It' s 432 East 162nd (2s) Street, Bronx, New York 10451, Apartment Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0L66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 9] July 26, 2023 (1) (2) l_ 0 -o, as 1n orange. (3) MS . POLLACK: Thank you. (4) MICHEL L E P A R K O, called as a witness, (s) having been first duly sworn by a Notary Public of the (6) State of New York, was examined and testified as (7) f ollosrs: (B) EXAMINATION BY (e) MR. LEZNIKOVA: (10) O. Please state your name for the (11) record. (12) A. Michelle Parko . (13 ) O. Where do you reside? (14 ) A. 432 East 162nd Street, Bronx, New (1s ) York 10451, Apartment 10-O, as in oranlte. (16 ) O . Good afternoon, Ms . Parko . My name (r7 ) is Al-1an Leznikova. f'm of counsel- to Baker, (18 ) McEvoy & Moskovits and we represent the (1e ) Defendants in this case. I 'm golng to go over (20t some brief instructi-ons with you before we begin (27) some questions. (22t Just to give you an overview, and (23) it's not always in the sorter, but for the most (24) part I I m going to ask you a 1ittle bit about (25) your background, then I'm going to try to get Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 10] July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) your side of the accident that you're here for (3) today, how it happened according to your and (4) then I want to find out how it's affected you. (s) But before I do all that, I'm just going to qo (6) over some brief instructions so that we're on (7) the same page. (8) Itm just going to ask that all of (e) your responses be verbaf and spoken. As you can (10) see, there's a court reporter here, Ms. Higgins, (11) who has a chaflenging job to take down (r2) everything that we're saying and put it in the (13) transcript . In order for her to do that r we (14) need to have verbal, spoken responses from you. (1s) Sometlmes people say things like uh-huh and (16 ) uh-uh, you know, when they're speaking casually (r1) as human beings, but today because everything is (18) being taken down in the transcript, we j ust need (1e ) to make sure we have words like y€s, nor maybe, (20) you know r dctual words. Okay? (2r) A. I understand. (22) O. A11 right. And j ust as you.'ve (23) correctly doner dnswered verbally and waited for (24) me to finish speaking before you responded, I (25) ask that you continue to do so. It becomes very Lexitas Court Reporting 800-518-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 I Page 111 July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) difficult if we talk over each other. Sometimes (3) I might ask you a question or be in the middle (4) of a question, and the answer might seem realIy (s) obvious to you because you're invol-ved in this. (6) But just keep in mind I wasn I t invol-vedr so (7) there's a lot of things I don't know, and please (8) let me finish asking my question and I promise (e) you f'm qoing to give you a chance to answer my (10 ) question. Okay? (11 ) A. Understood. (r2) O. For the most part, i-t's going to be (13) a question-and-answer format. I ask you (14 ) questions, you don't ask me questions; you give (1s) me answers, I donrt give answers myself. So we (16) have different roles today. If there comes a (17) point in time and I ask you a question and you (18 ) don't know or you don't remember somethinq, (1e) please don't guess, just Iet me know. If you (20) don't know or you don't remember something, (2r) we're al-I human beings and we can't know (22) everything. Okay? (23) A. Understood. (24) O. If there comes a point in time and (25) f ask you a questionr you just don't understand Lexitas Court Reporti-ng 800-618-0L66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 I Page 12l July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) my question, pfease Iet me know if you don't (3) understand my question and to the best of my (4) abilities I'l-l- do my best to rephrase it f or (s) you. Okay? (6) A. Okay. (7) O. If at some point during this (8) process you need to take a break, whether itrs (e) to refresh yourseff, use the restroom r or maybe (10) you're j ust tired of listening to re r which (11) happens, j ust l-et me know i f you need to take a (r2) break, approximately how long you need so that (13) we aII know when to come back, and I just ask (14 ) that if I've already begun to ask a question or (1s) I have asked a question, to the best of your (16 ) abilities if you coul-d just answer that question (17) first before you take a break. Okay? (18 ) A. Okay. (1e ) O. Al-1 right. And al-so during this (20) deposition, I just need you to remain in the (21) room that you're in by yourseff. Is that okay (22) with you? (23) A. Yes. (24) O. Okay. And please, Irm sure you (2s) probably won't, but just in case, I have to say Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 Page 131 I July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) it. While this deposition is happening, please (3) don I t record usr don I t, Iike, Facebook (4) livestream this l-ike that. or anything PartIy (s) because Irm camera shy, but more importantly (6) because this is j ust for the parties involved in (7) this case. Okay? (8) A. Okay. (e) O. It protects your privacy and (10) everything that we're doing between us and the (11) courts. A11 right? (L2) A. Okay. ( 13) O. AII right, great. There may come a (14) point in time that I ask you a question and the (1s) best you can do is approximate or estimate. (16) That' s okay, j ust please let me know if it's an (17) approximate or estimate so that the record is (18) clear it might not be exact. Okay? (1e) A. Okay. (20) O. Any other answers you give, I'm (2L) just going to assume it's based on your (22) knowledge and recoll-ection unless you te11 me (23',) otherwise. AII right? (24) A. Okay. (25) O. AII right, great. How tall are Lexitas Court Reporting 800-678-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 I Page L4) July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) you ? (3) A. I rm five-three. (4) O. How much do you wei-gh now? (s) A.Irm 160 pounds. (6) O. Back on December 20 in the year of (7) 2022, were you invol-ved in a car accident ? (8) A. Yes. (e) O. And back then, did you also weigh (10) about 160 pounds? (11) A. Yes. (L2) O. Okay. The address where you (13 ) currentJ-y l-ive, is that where you were Iiving (L4) back on December 20, 2022? (1s) A. Yes. (16) a. Okay , gr eat. The next question I 'm (17) going to ask you, f don't mean any offense by (18) it, but as your attorney probably knows, when I (1e ) was being sworn in or appfying for the bar, as (20) he was, we're all asked whether we've been (2L',) convicted of a crime. So my question to you is, (22) have you ever been convicted of a cr j-me ? (23) A. No, I have not. (24) O. AII right, thanks . And what I s your (2s) highest level- of education ? Lexitas Court Reporting 800-678-01,66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 15] JuIy 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) A. I have a masters degree in (3) heal thcare administration. (4) a. And from which universj-ty or (s) coll-ege? (6) A. Grand Canyon University. (7) a. And where i-s that Iocated? (B) A. That's located in Phoenix, Arizona. (e) o. When did you get that deqree? (10) A. August of 2O2L. (11) O. Okay. Are you currentJ-y employed? (r2) A. Yes, I am. (13) O. What are you employed doing? (14) A. I am a personal care assistant for (1s) my mother. (16) o. Are you employed doing anything (17) else? (18 ) A. No. (19) O. How many hours a week do you work? (20) A. 40. (2Ll o. How long have you been doing that (22) for? (23) A. I've been doing it for five years. (24) o. Is there an agency thatrs your (25) employer officj-aIJ-y? Lexitas Court Reporting 800-678-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 I Page r6l July 26, 2023 I (1) PARKO (2') A. Yes. (3) a. Which agency? (4) A. Heart to Heart Home Care. (s) a. Have you been with Heart to Heart (6) these five years that you have been doing this (7) work for your mom? (B) A. Yes. (e) A. And from December 20, '22, Okay. (10) from that date up until now, have you been ( 11) employed doing anything else besides this? (L2) A. No. (13) A. Okay. And prior to today, have you (14) ever testified under oath in a deposition or in (15) court before? (16) A. Yes. (17) O. When was the last time you did (18) that ? (1e) A. I would say about four years ago. (20) O. Okay. And what was the matter that (2r) you testified in or what was it regarding? (22) A. It didn't involve me directly, (231 so... (24) O. Okay. (2st MR. NE!{MAN: ilust tell him what it Lexi-tas Court Reporting 800-618-0L66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 fPage 771 July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) lta s about, Miche1J-e. (3) A. It rilas about my mom. (4) O. Okay. You were, like, a witness or (s) something? (6) A. Yes. ('t ) O. Okay. I understand. And besides (B) that, have you testified under oath in anything (e) efse before this deposition today? (10) A. No. (11) O. Okay. And in the December 20, 2022 (12) accident, w ere you inj ured? (13 ) A. No. (14) MR. LEZNIKOVA: Just go off the (1s) record one second. (16) (Whereupon, dD off-the-record (17) discussion was held. ) (18) MR. NE!{MAN: Michel1e, I don' t know (1e) if you understood it, but he asked if you (20r, were injured in this accident, December (21) 20th of 2022. (22) THE WITNESS: Yes. I made a I (23) got confused a bit, but y€s, I was (24) inj ured . (25) O. A1I right, sorry about that. I Lexrtas Court Reporting 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 I Page r8l JuIy 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) don't mean the one with your mother because (3) that's I'm not rea11y interested separate. in (4) what happened to your mother in that prior (s) testimony that. you had. f'm asking about this (6) accident. Okay? (1) A. Okay. (B) a. AII right., great. (e) MR. LEZNIKOVA: Just go off the (10) record for a second. (11) (llhereupon, BD o ff - the - record (12) discussion was he1d. ) (13 ) O. On December 20, 2022, were you (r+1 living with anybody or were you living on your (15 ) own ? (16 ) A. I was living with my mom, my son, (17) and my younger brother. (18) O. How ol-d is your son? (1e ) A. My son is ten. (20) O. And how old is your ofder brother? (2r) A. He's 22. (221 O. What is the name of your older (23) brother? (24) A. oh, my younger brother. (2s) O. How ol-d is your younger brother? Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 I Page 191 July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) A. Hets 22. (3) O. What is the name of your younger (4) brother? (s) A. Marvin. (6) O. Last name? (7) A. Darko, D-A-R-K-O. (8) O. And is your last name spelled with (e) a P? (10 ) A. Yes. ( 11) O. Okay. What is your mother's name? (r2) A. My mom's name is Lisa I L-I-S-A, (13) D-A-R-K-O, as in Darko, for the last name. (14) O. Okay. And back on December 20, (1s) 2022, ofl that d"y, did either your brother or (16 ) mother have, lease, or own a car of their own? (17) A. No. (18 ) O. And how old are you? (1e ) A. I rm 30 years ol-d. (20) O. I'm going to ask for your date of (2r) birth, but before you give it to me I'm goinq to (22) instruct the court reporter to redact everything (23) except for the year for your privacy. But you (24) can go ahead, Ms. Parko, and give me your full (25) date of birth. Lexitas Court Reportj-ng 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 20) JuIy 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) A. rt' s xx/xx/ L992 . (3) O. And don't give it to me just yet, (4) but do you have a Social- Security number? (s) A. Yes. (6) O. Itm qoing to instruct the court (7) reporter to redact the entire thing for the (8) privacy of the witness, but you can go ahead and (e) give me your Social- Security number, just nice (10) and sl-ow so I can take it down, please. Thanks. (11) A. XXX-XX-XXXX. (L2) O. Where were you born? (13) A. Bronx, New York. (14) O. Back on December 20th, 2022 when (1s) the accident happened, were you the driver of (16 ) the car ? (17 ) A. Yes. (18) O. Was that your car? (1e) A. Yes. (20) O. What was the maker rodel, year, and (2L) color of that car? (22) A. It's a 2OLG Toyota Rav 4 XLE and (23) the color is silver. (24) MR. LEZNIKOVA: Irm just going to (2s) go off the record for a second. Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0]-66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 2I) July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) (Wbereupon, irD off-the-record (3) discussion was he1d.) (4) O. Vihen this accident happened, were (s) you wearing a seatbel-t ? (6) A. Yes. (7) O. And was that a seatbel-t that went (B) over your Ieft shoufder and over your waist? (e) A. Yes. (10 ) O. The vehicl-e that was involved i-n (11 ) this accident, your vehicle, the 20I6 Toyota Rav (r2) 4 XLE in silver, on the day of the accident was (13 ) that vehicl-e insured? (14) A. Yes. (1s) O. And which company was it insured (16) by? (17) A. GEICO. (18) MR. LEZNIKOVA: This is for the (1e ) record for your attorney, just because I (20) donrt know what the policy or S.U.M. (2L) limits might have been on that GEICO (22) policy, the Defendants just demand the (23) declarations page and any S . U. M. (24) endorsement. To the extent that it (25) exceeds our policy, it could provide Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0L66 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 IPage 22] July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) additional coverage to the Plaintiff and (3) serve as a form excess coverage for my ", (4) cl ient . (s) MR . NEI{MAN : Jus t f ol low up in (6) writing with any demands, that's fine. (1) O. Did this accident happen on the (B) Bronx River Parkway? (e) A. Yes. (10) A. Okay. And did it. happen in an exit (11) or close to some exit, to your knowledqe? (12) A. It happened at an exit. (13) O. Okay. Which exit? (!4) A. It was the East 177th and Sheridan (1s) exit. (16) O. Okay. And is Sheridan spelled (17) S-H-E-R- I -D_A_N? (18) A. Yes. (1e) O. Okay. And is the Bronx River (20) Parkway a two-way or a one-way? (21) A. It's a two-way highway. (22',| o. And which direction were you (23) heading in when the accident happened? (24) A. I was heading south. (25) O. Okay. Where were you coming from Lexitas Court Reporting 800-618-0166 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/18/2023 03:16 PM INDEX NO. 802963/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/18/2023 fPage 23) July 26, 2023 (1) PARKO (2) before the accident happened? (3) A. I was coming from Bay Plaza MalI. (4) a. Is that afso in the Bronx? (s) A. Yes. (6) o. And where were you heading if the (7) accident didn't happen? (B) A. I was coming home. (e) O. Okay. Around what time did this (10) acci-dent happen ? (11) A. It happened around noon. (r2) o. Okay. And when the accident (13) happened, at that moment, was it raining or (14) snowing? (1s) A. No. (16) O. In the l-ocation where the accident (17) happened, was the ground flat and levef or was