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  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview
  • Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C., Gabriel Louis Dassa ,M.D. v. Skazka Llc, Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners Llc, Elite Orthopedics And Rehabilitation P.A., Stuart Ira Springer M.D., Grigory Goldberg M.D., Edward Feliciano M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian, Alexander UrbanovichCommercial - Other (Breach of Contract) document preview


FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BRONX _____________________________----___-_______________________Ç DASSA ORTHOPEDIC MEDICAL SERVICES, P.C. INDEX NO. 801006/2023E and GABRIEL LOUIS DASSA, M.D., AFFIRMATION IN Plaintiffs, OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS' MOTION TO -against- DISMISS SKAZKA LLC, SERGEY DENEVICH, YELENA SHUBINA M.D., ELITE ORTHOPEDICS PARTNERS LLC, ELITE ORTHOPEDICS AND REHABILITATION P.A., STUART IRA SPRINGER M.D., GRIGORY GOLDBERG M.D., EDWARD FELICIANO M.D., LI SUN, D.O., KISHORE KONDURI, ARTHUR KOSTANIAN and ALEXANDER URBANOVICH, Defendants. _______________________________,-----------___________________________Ç WALTER F. CIACCI, ESQ., an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the State of New York affinns the truth of the following under the penalty of perjury: 1. Your affirmant, fully familiar with the facts and circumstances submits this affirmation in in Opposition to Defendant YELENA SHUBINA M.D., STUART IRA SPRINGER M.D., D.O.s' GRIGORY GOLDBERG M.D., EDWARD FELICIANO M.D., and LI SUN, (herein "Moving Defendants) Motion to Dismiss. Defendants' 2. For the reasons discussed below, The Motion to Dismiss should be denied in Plaintiffs' its entirety, and alternatively, Cross-Motion for Leave to File an Amended Complaint and to Amend the Caption should be granted. BACKGROUND 3. On January 19, 2023, Plaintiffs filed their Summons & Complaint, based upon, Breach of Contract, Tortious Interference with Contractual Relations, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Unjust 1 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 Enrichment, Accounting, and Constructive Trust. See Plaintiff's Exhibit "1", Summons & Complaint. 4. The sworn affidavit of Plaintiff Dr. Gabriel L. Dassa for additional background facts not Plaintiffs' alleged in the complaint is annexed hereto as Exhibit "2". 5. The facts and additional allegations contained within Dr. Dassa's affidavit have been Plaintiffs' incorporated into Proposed Amended Complaint, which is annexed hereto as Plaintiffs' Exhibit "3". Plaintiffs' "4" 6. Annexed hereto as Exhibit are printouts from Elite Orthopedics and Rehabilitation's website. Plaintiffs' "S" 7. Annexed hereto as Exhibit is the contract between Plaintiffs and Defendant Skazka LLC. A. The Complaint 8. Specifically, Plaintiffs allege that on November 1, 2011, Defendant Skazka (through its principal, Defendant Sergey Denevich), entered into a license and administrative services agreement with Plaintiffs, whereby Defendants Skazka and Denevich would provide necessary equipment, supplies, and non-professional personnel services to the Plaintiffs so that the Plaintiffs could provide medical orthopedic and related services at various locations covered by Plaintiffs' "1" "16" the agreement. Exhibit at paragraphs and "17". 9. In 2013, this agreement was verbally extended to include a facility in Poughkeepsie, New York. Id. at paragraph "19". 10. In 2015, this agreement was again verbally extended to include a facility in Newburgh, New York. I_d. at paragraph "20". 11. Pursuant to the Agreement, the role of Skazka was strictly management and Skazka had absolutely no right or responsibility with respect to medical care and treatment of patients, nor 2 2 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 did Skazka have any right or responsibility involving the patients of Dassa Orthopedics. M. at paragraph "18". 12. Pursuant to the agreement, the Plaintiffs retained all authority to direct all of the medical, professional, clinical, and ethical aspects of the practice. Ld. at paragraph "33". 13. Defendant Skazka and Denevich did not have the authority to exercise any control over nor interfere with the physician-patient relationships of the Plaintiffs which was to be maintained strictly between the physicians of the Plaintiffs and their patients. Defendants Skazka and Denevich had no authority, directly or indirectly, to perform or supervise and could not perform or supervise any medical function. Further, Defendants Skazka and Denevich were not authorized to engage in any activity which may be construed or deemed under any existing or future law or regulation, to constitute the practice of medicine, the ownership or operation of a medical practice, or the operation of a health care facility. Ld. 14. Plaintiffs alleged that Defendants Skazka and Denevich breached this contract by engaging in the milawful practice of medicine by exercising control over and interfering with the physician-patient relationships of Dassa Orthopedic and Dr. Gabriel Louis Dassa by poaching, steering and referring Dr. Dassa's own patients, without Dassa's consent or knowledge, to the Moving Defendants. Id. at paragraph 34. 15. Plaintiffs further alleged that the Moving Defendants, who are also medical professionals, intentionally induced Defendant Skazka and Denevich to steer the Plaintiff's patients to them, for their own personal and fmancial benefit. id. at paragraph "34". 16. Defendant Shubina is the principal of the Elite Orthopedics entities and the sister of Plaintiffs' "3" Defendant Sergey Denevech. Exhibit at paragraph 13. "67" "69" 17. Specifically, paragraphs through of the Complaint state, 3 3 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 67. "There was a contract in the form of a written agreement between Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C. and Skazka made as of November 1, 2011. The Agreement was verbally made applicable upon the same terms to medical offices located in Newburgh NY (2015) and in Poughkeepsie NY (2013). Defendants Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina, M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners, LLC, Elite Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, P.A., Stuart Ira Springer, M.D., Grigory Goldberg, M.D., Edward Feliciano, M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian and Alexander Urbanovich, had knowledge of the agreement and the applicable locations covered by the agreement. "67" 68. Specifically, the defendants enumerated in paragraph above knew the scope of the agreement, the type of services to be provided by Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C. pursuant to the agreement and that Dr. Gabriel Louis Dassa and professionals under his employ and/or control were specifically authorized to be the sole providers of orthopedic medical services at the locations covered by the agreement. "67" 69. The defendants enumerated in paragraph above intentionally induced patients to breach the agreement and/or otherwise rendered performance of the agreement between Skazka and the plaintiffs impossible due to the paragraph "67" defendants' willful and deliberate poaching of Dr. Dassa's patients for their own financial benefit without Dr. Dassa's knowledge or consent and while the Agreement was in effect, and by steering those patients and treating those patients to various entities in which the enumerated defendants had a financial interest and/or for the direct financial benefit of the paragraph "67"defendants, 70. As a result, plaintiffs have sustained monetary damages in an amount to be determined at trial but in no event less than $1,000,000.00. Exhibit "1". at paragraphs 67 through 70. 18. The specific cause of action against the Moving Defendants, i.e., Yelena Shubina, M.D., Stuart Ira Springer, M.D., Grigory Goldberg, M.D., Edward Feliciano, M.D., and Li Sun, D.O., is for Tortious Interference with Contractual Relations. OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO DISMISS 19. A motion to dismiss based on documentary evidence pursuant to CPLR §3211(a)(1) may be appropriately granted only where the documentary evidence utterly refutes the plaintiff s 4 4 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 factual allegations, conclusively establishing a defense as a matter of law. Rabos v. R&R Bagels & Bakery, Inc., 100 AD3d 849, 849 (2nd Dep't 2012). 20. In order to be considered documentary evidence within the meaning of CPLR §3211(a)(1), the evidence must be unambiguous and of undisputed authenticity, that is, it must be "essentially unassailable. Id. 21. On a pre-answer motion to dismiss pursuant to CPLR §3211, the pleading is to be afforded a liberal construction and the plaintiffs allegations are accepted as true and accorded the benefit of every possible favorable inference. Granada Condominium III Assn. v. Palomino, 78 AD3d 996, 996 (2010). See Anderson v. Armentano, 139 AD3d 769, 770 (2nd Dep't 2016). CPLR §3211(a)(1) Defendants' Plaintiffs' 22. Moving motion is for dismissal of complaint based upon CPLR §3211(a)(1). 23. Dismissal under CPLR §3211(a)(1) requires the moving defendants to establish a defense founded upon documentary evidence. 24. Motions to dismiss on the ground that the action is barred by documentary evidence may be appropriately granted only where the documentary evidence utterly refutes plaintiffs factual allegations, conclusively establishing a defense as a matter of law. Goshen v. Mut. Life Ins. Co., 98 N.Y.2d 314, 326 (2002). 25. On a motion to dismiss pursuant to CPLR §3211(a)(1), the court is obliged "to accept the complaints factual allegations as true, according to plaintiff the benefit of every possible favorable inference, and determining only whether the facts as alleged fit within any cognizable legal theory". Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP v. Fashion Boutique of Short Hills, Inc., 10 AD3d 267, 270-271 (1st Dept 2004). 5 5 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 26. Moreover, dismissal pursuant to CPLR §3211(a)(1) is warranted only if the documentaly evidence submitted "utterly refutes plaintiffs factual allegations". Goshen v. Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N.Y., 98 NY2d 314, 326, (2002); see Greenapple v. Capital One, N.A., 92 AD3d 548, 550, (1st Dept 2012), and "conclusively establishes a defense to the asserted claims as a matter of law". Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP, 10 AD3d at 270-271). 27. If the documentary proof disproves an essential allegation of the complaint, dismissal pursuant to CPLR §3211(a)(1) is warranted even if the allegations, standing alone, could withstand a motion to dismiss for failure to state a cause of action. See McGuire v. Sterling Doubleday Enters., L.P., 19 AD3d 660, 661-662, (1st Dept 2005). 28. Moving Defendants point to the Agreement, provided by Plaintiff as an exhibit to their original Complaint, asserting that the contract does not involve an agreement between the Plaintiffs and their patients and does not involve a contract related to patient care and referrals. Defendants' 29. This portion of the Moving argument does not address that Plaintiffs allege the Moving Defendants involvement in the case is not about whether Plaintiffs had a contract with their own patients, rather, the Complaint alleges that Moving Defendants induced Plaintiffs' Plaintiffs' Defendant Skazka to interfere with practice of medicine, by directing Plaintiffs' patients to the Moving Defendants, in direct violation of the agreement. See Exhibit "5", page 3, section 4.2(a). 30. Defendant Skazka plainly agreed to have no authority, directly, or indirectly, to perform or supervise. and will not perform or supervise any medical function. Id. 31. Plaintiffs allege Skazka breached the contract by steering and scheduling Dassa's patients by diverting them to the Moving Defendants and even scheduling surgeries of Dassa's with the Moving Defendants. 6 6 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 Defendants' 32. The Moving involvement is the intentional and deliberate inducernent of Skazka to breach the contract. 33. As such, the documentary evidence Moving Defendants rely upon and cite is wholly insufficient for dismissal upon these grounds. 34. Therefore, this branch of the motion must be denied. CPLR 3211(a)(7) 35. The test on a motion to dismiss for insufficiency of the pleadings is not whether the plaintiff has artfully drafted the complaint but whether, deeming the complaint to allege whatever can be reasonably implied from its statements, a cause of action can be sustained. Jones Lang Wootton USA v. LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, 243 A.D.2d 168, 176. 36. On a motion to dismiss a complaint pursuant to CPLR §3211(a)(7), all allegations in the complaint are deemed to be true. Sokoloff v. Harriman Estates Dev. Corp., 96 NY2d 409, 414 (2001); Cron v. Hargro Fabrics, 91 NY2d 362, 366 (1998). 37. All reasonable inferences which can be drawn from the complaint and the allegations therein stated shall be resolved in favor of the plaintiff. Cron at 366. 38. In opposition to such a motion a plaintiff may submit affidavits to remedy defects in the complaint. Id. 39. If an affidavit is submitted for that purpose, it shall be given its most favorable intendment. bL 40. The court's role when analyzing the complaint in the context of a motion to dismiss, pursuant to CPLR §3211(a)(7) is to determine whether the facts as alleged fit within any cognizable legal theory. Sokoloff at 414. 7 7 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 41. In fact, the law mandates that the court's inquiry be not limited solely to deciding whether plaintiff has pled the cause of action intended, but instead, the court must determine whether the plaintiff has pled any cognizable cause of action. Leon v. Martinez, 84 NY2d 83, 88 (1994) 42. The criterion is whether the proponent of the pleading has a cause of action, not whether he has stated one. However, when evidentiary material in support of dismissal is considered the criterion is whether the proponent of the pleading has a cause of action not whether he has stated one. August Constr. Group v. Degroat, 2023 NYLJ LEXIS 1537; See Guggenheimer v. Ginzburg, 43 NY2d 268, 275 (1977). 43. In order to establish a cause of action for tortious interference with his contractual defendants' relations plaintiff is required to allege: (1) the existence of a valid contract; (2) defendants' knowledge of that contract; (3) intentional procuring of the breach of that contract; and (4) damages. See Click Model Mgt. v. Williams, 167 AD2d 279, 280 (1990). 44. Plaintiffs not only have a valid claim for tortious interference with contractual relations against the moving defendant, but have also properly plead this cause of action. 45. Plaintiffs allege the existence of a contract - "There was a contract in the form of a written agreement between Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C. and Skazka made as of Plaintiffs' "1" November 1, 2011. See Exhibit at paragraph "67". 46. This fact is not disputed. 47. Plaintiffs allege the defendants had knowledge of the contact - "Defendants moving Sergey Denevich, Yelena Shubina, M.D., Elite Orthopedics Partners, LLC, Elite Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, P.A., Stuart Ira Springer, M.D., Grigory Goldberg, M.D., Edward Feliciano, M.D., Li Sun, D.O., Kishore Konduri, Arthur Kostanian and Alexander Urbanovich, had knowledge of the agreement and the applicable locations covered by the agreement. Specifically, [these defendants] knew the scope of the agreement, the type of services to be 8 8 of 16 FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 10/11/2023 04:06 PM INDEX NO. 801006/2023E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/11/2023 provided by Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services, P.C. pursuant to the agreement and that Dr. Gabriel Louis Dassa and professionals under his employ and/or control were specifically authorized to be the sole providers of orthopedic medical services at the locations covered by the agreement." Id. at paragraphs 67 and 68. Emphasis added. 48. Plaintiffs alleged the moving defendants intentional procurement of Skazka's breach of the contract - "[these induced patients to breach the agreement and/or