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  • Patricia Geller v. Clarkstown Town OfOther Real Property - SCAR document preview
  • Patricia Geller v. Clarkstown Town OfOther Real Property - SCAR document preview


FILED: ROCKLAND COUNTY CLERK 10/08/2021 11:07 AM INDEX NO. 060156/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/08/2021 SIJPREME COURT OF TI{E STATE OF NBW YORK COUNIY OF ROCKLAND F, *u WITHDRAWAL I ID tho Mltt ,! of I Smdl Claims Assessmc-nt Review INDEX # {t6fi1\61?,fi2'.1 I As sEssMEl.rr YEAR 2021 Prtricla Gsller I Peri one(s) MLINICIPALIry Tovr of clatlstown I Sokolcrou! 14 Rollingwood Dr REPRESENTATNT 2:8 E erRrid.59. Su1r. lJo N&usr, NY 1095+2095 Propgty Locatio[ 84J 2 I 5.8 I 00 I brolol@Ir.tll(.€m SECTION 43.5 BLOCK 1 LOT 81 IT ISt SEREIY STEULATED AND ACREED by sDd betwe€n tbe sbovo Droed petitioDe(s) or Autbqriz€d R€ptesentatiye(s) 8nd Tax Assessing Mutriciprlily to bereby wi&draw(s) te lbov9ertirlod Small Clsims Ass€$smeot Rcviqw Petitio[. The aboye-cntitled mstt]sr shal bs discontinued without co36 or disbunement! as Egainst onc m thc other. DATED: plzlzt PETmONER(S) OR REPRESENTATIVE(S) OR TZFJ] RtrRESENTAII!'E SO ORDERED i HEARING OFFICER €rio noelle fuuert Rev. 82020 1 of 1