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  • Crown Asset Management Llc v. Jessica L WalkerOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Crown Asset Management Llc v. Jessica L WalkerOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: WASHINGTON COUNTY CLERK 08/12/2020 03:39 PM INDEX NO. EC2020-31819 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 3 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/12/2020 sem anse at- mne Suimble ap sewke SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OFjWASHiNGTON AFFIDAVIT)OF SERVICE Index no :EC2020-31819 Date of Purchase: 07/17/2020 Office No; 377150 Plaintiff(s): CROWN ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC Defendiln . essi a L Walker STATE OF NEW YORKCÒUNTY OF WARREN ass: I (Kyle Vanaerwarker) bein sworn deposes and says I arn over the age of 18 and reside in New York State duly On 08/05/2020 at 9:09 AM I served the within SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT WITH NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION SUBJECT TO MANDATORY ELECTRONIC FHANG on Jessica L Walker at 814 Comity Route 52, Greenwich, NY 128342719 in the manner indicated below: Sy deliverigand icavdng a frue copy or copies of the afemientioned documents with said DAVE WALKER CO OCOUPANT person þf suitable age and discretion)Person spoken tomated that said prernines is leend d recipients residence within the state, Comments: The defendants address served was confirnied by the NYS DMV record, which was obtained ander rules of the Drivers Privacy Protection Act. A description of the Defendant(s). or other person sca ved on behalf af the Defendant(s) is as follows: Sex Color of skin/race lColor of hair Age(Aporox1 Heichn Approx) Weight (Approx) Male White Brown 50-65 5f t 9- 6ft Over 2001bs Other Features: ---_________________ On 08/07/2020 I deposited 16 the United States mail a true copy or copies of the aforementioned documents properly enclosed and sealed in a posppaid wrapper addressed to said Defendant(s) at 814 Cotmty Route 52 , Greenwich, NY 128342719, That address being the last known residence seal place of abode of the Defendant(s); Deponent asked the indicated person whethe¾the defendant abd/or present occupant was presently in the military service of the United States Governmetit or on actjve duty in the military service of the State of New York or a dependant or anybody in the military and was told defengant and/or present occupant was not Copy mailed 1st class mail marked personal & confidential not indicating on the outside thereof, by retum address or otherwise that saig notice is rom an attorney or concerns an action against the person to be served. Swom to and subscribed be tre me on X Kyle Wnderv arker W ssiv Legal Support Valley Stream, NY 11582 516-218-2050 Clerk: Clerk9 Notary Public C† LYNN li CANil9 NOTA PUGUO, SWE OF NEW YORK Registration No, 010A4945794 Quanfied in Wanan Obunty cornmission Expires Januarj/ 27, 20 1 of 1