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  • Oneida Healthcare Center v. Barbara J PlumleyCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Oneida Healthcare Center v. Barbara J PlumleyCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: OSWEGO COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 09:58 AM INDEX NO. EFC-2021-1032 NYSCEF DOC. NO. d 5 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF OSWEGO STATE OF NEW YORK INDEX#ECC-9Loaf- ; o32 ONElDA HEALTHCARE CENTER AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS Plaintiff CONSTITUTING THE CLAIM -vs- THE DEFAULT AND THE AMOUNT DUE BARBARA J PLUMLEY Defendant(s) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF MADISON) SS: JEREMIAH SWEET, being duly swom, deposes and says: That he is the Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Plaiñtiff Corporation named in the above-entitled action; that this Affidavit is made by deponent because the Plaintiff is a corporation; that deponent's responsibilities include general knowledge of Plaintiff's billing and collection for services rendered; this is an action for the balance due for the agreed price and reasonable value of services furnished by the Plaintiff to the Defendant at the special instance and request of the Defendant; that all fees and charges billed to Defendant in this action are the usual and customary charges by Pisiñtiff for the services charged; that action will be commenced by service of the Summons and Complaint upon the Defendant. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands Judgment against the Defeñdant in the sum of that action will be commenced by service of the Summons and Complaint upon the Defendant. $2388.59 with interest thereon from June 9, 2021, together with the costs and disbursements of this action. O D HEXÍ_THCARE CENTER Sworn to before me this 27 ROTHMAN EVANS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW d/Y.) 20_2/ day of , 120 E. Washington Street Suite 107 AÖÚ _ Syracuse, NY 13202-4093 NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION EXPIRES JFE:SLO NARROW ANDREA L. 21-00918-0 State of New York Notary Public, No. 01NA6097273 Qualified in Oneida County Commission Expires Aug. 18, 20 1 of 1