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  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 04/26/2022 12:31 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE ----------------------------------------------------------------x Index No. EF005114-2021 SUTTON HILL II LLC. Plaintiff, NOTICE OF -against- PRODUCTION OF DISCOVERY CAROLINE DUNLOP-RIPEN, DOCUMENTS Defendant. _________________________________________________________________.x PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff serves the following documents upon Defendant via e-mail and regular mail pursuant to the results of a court conference held on April 25, 2022 1. Copies of a statement of account for the lease agreement between the parties. . Dated: Commack, New York April 25, 2022 Smith Carroad I_evy Wan & Parikh, P.C. Kevin M. Knab, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff 5036 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 201 Commack, New York 11725 (631) 499-5400 To: Caroline Dunlop-Ripen 1 of 6 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 04/26/2022 12:31 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2022 Resident Statement 1122OftOnAvemie Omon,N107D13 Caroline Dunlop-Ripen AcamA f 14 Spring Stmet DEC Port3ervis, NY12771 Payment I Charges Payments Balance bate Descriptiott 0.D0 0.00 OAO Balanceforward SCLOD OSO 50k0 D6/01/17 AppHeation - Depcsit . 50.00 0.00 100.00 D6/01/17 Appication- CreditCheckFee 2,820.00 DAO 242040 36/D6/17 SecurityDeposit (S0.00) 0.00 2,870.OD D6/06/17 Application- Daposit(Qedk;) 1,S66.67 OAO 4,436.t)7 D6/06/17 MontNyRent(Q6/06-06/30) 2,62040 1,616.67 0 0 06/12/t7 136B102918 (C) - PY(securRy) 100.00 O 0 1,516.67 D6/12/17 1368102917 (CC)- FY(Move-InRent) IDEL00 0.00 - 0.00 DE12/L7 23706895556 (MO) PY(AppDep/CTCSE) 9940 (9940) PSID118522599 - Web PSID118522699" MC 0.00 D6/30/17 1,781.00 1480.00 0.00 D7/01/17 MonthlyRent(07/2017) 0.00 (1,781.0D) 0.00 D7/91/17 Concesslorr-5pedal (07/2017) SD.00 0.00 60.00 37/20/17 PoolPasses 4880.00 0.00 1,940.00 98/01/17 MontNyRent(08/201 2,128.00 18B.00 0.00 38/08/17 tate Chargelate Fee(08/2013, 10%of $18B0.00 D.00 1,MG.00 DB/10/17 Rev.LateFee- OnedrneSurtesy (186.00} 0.00 1,940A0 0.00 08/16/17 py - receivedat rentaloffia 8l9/17 0.00 1,880 1,880.00 39/01/17 MonthlyRent(D9/2017) 0.00 - WebPSB 124574595- MC 0.00 1,880.00 39/08/17 PSID124574595 1,8m.00 GAG LS60m 10/01/17 MonthlyRent(10/2017) 1480,00 0.00 10/D7/17 PSID126926916- RecurringP5ID126926916- ME 0.00 1480,00 0.00 1,880.00 11/01/17 HenthlyRent(11/2017) 0.00 - WebPSID129915177" ACH- Novemberrent 0.00 1,880£o 1148/17 PSID129913177 1,8m.00 0.00 1,88D.00 12/01/17 MonthlyRent(12/201 2,068.00 186.00 0.00 12/08/17 1.ateChargeLateFee(12/201 , 10%of $1t)0.D0 0.00 2,066A0 0.00 12/21/17 6000419579 (OC)- PY(ReCdat RenlalOmcs12/19) 302 30.00 0.00 12/27/17 1.egalFes- 3 day notice12/15/17 1,800.00 0.00 1,910.00 D1/U1/15 MonthlyRent(01/2018) . 0.00 940.00 970 0 31/05/18 PSID131853446 - WebPSID1310534%- ACH 188.00 0.00 1,158 O D1/08/18 LateChargeLateFee(01/2018),10% of $1880.00 0.00 . 1,158.00 0.00 D1/13/18 P51D135691697 - WebPSID135691697- ACH 1,aeo.oo e.o0 1,ee0,00 D7.le1/18 MorovyRenqo2/zols) 0.00 2,068.00 10s.00 D2/06/15 LateCharge1.ateFee(02/2018),10%of $1880.00 040 1,88040 1B840 02/08/18 PSID139021617 " Web PSID138021617- ACH 1480.00 040 2,068.DD 03/01/1B MontNyRent(03/2010) 2,068.00 0.00 PSID140226353 - WebP5ID 14D226353- ACH 0.00 03/07/18 1,880.00 1,880,00 D.00 o4/01/18 MonthlyRert (04/2013) 1,880.00 0.00 PSID142721344 - WebPsID 112721344- ACH 0.00 D5/07/18 1,880.00 - 1,660.00 0.00 D5/01/18 MonthlyRent(05/2013) 1.880.00 0.00 PS1D14b198537 - ACH - WebP5ID 145191153/ 0,00 05/o//111 0.00 1,800.00 1,880.00 OtV01/18 MonthlyRent(06/201B} 1,a80.00 9,00 - ACM - Web PSID,147317320 0.00 06/01[18 P5ID147317320 0.00 I,589.35 1ßB9.35 07/0U18 MontNyRçnt(074018) 25 Aays. D.00 1,892.58 D7/01/18 JLent(07) 8)f days Mcathf.y ..6... . . 305.23 2340 0,00 1,915.58 D7/02/18 AdditkmalSeoMty April20, 2022 WEdnesday, Staternent ResWent . . 2 of 6 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 04/26/2022 12:31 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2022 Resident Statement . ......... 1122CDftonAvenue 3finn, NJ07013 D.00 23.00 1,B92.58 07/02/18 25091983517 (M0) - PY(Add'ISecurily) 0.005 - WebPSID149443901- ACH 0.00 1,892.58 07/07/18 PE1D149443901 1,895.00 0.00 1,895.00 S/01/18 MontNyItent (06/2013) 109.50 0.00 2,001.50 08/08/18 LateChargetate Fee(08/2018),10% of $1895.00 08/08/18 PSIDIS1338795 - Web PS2 151338795- ACH 0.00 1,895.00 189.50 1,895.00 0.00 2,0B4.50 09/01/18 MonthlyRent(09/2018) 09/06/18 LateChargetate Fee(09/2018),10% of $1895.00 189.50 O,00 2,274.00 09/19/18 PSID153574589 - WebPsID 153674589- ACH 0.00 2,084.50 189.50 09/20/18 LegalFee- 3 day notice9/17/1B 30.00 0.00 219.50 10/01/18 1,895-00 0.00 4114,50 NontNyRat (10/2013) 1D/07/13 PSED155299965 - WebPSD 155299965- ACH- Askherinst conversationwith 0.00 1,895.00 219.50 management late fee wassupposedto be rernoved 1,895.00 0.00 1114.50 11/01/18 MontNyRent(11/2018) 11/07/I8 PSIO157314149 - WebPS1D157314449- ACH- Wehadspokenon the phone 0.00 1,895.00 219.50 andaneof the latepaymentswassupposedto bewaved 1,a95.00 0.00 2,1H.50 12/01/IS MonthlyRent(12/2010) - WebPSI0 159432718- ACH 0.00 1,900.00 214.50 12/07/18 951D159432718 Rent 1,895.00 0.00 2,109.50 01/01/19 Monthly (01/2019) 189.50 0.00 2,299.00 01/08/19 LateChargeLateFee(01/2019),10% of $1895.00 Rev.LateFee(06/2010)as perYL - onetime cantesy (189.SO) 0.00 2,109.50 01/16/19 tegal Fee- (3) day Notice1/18/19 30.00 0.00 2,139.50 01/21/19 0.00 139.50 2,000.00 01/23/19 25663863565 (MO)- PV(Reed 1/23 at LeasingOMce) 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 D1/23/19 25663863554 (MO) - PY(Recd 1/23 at t,easingOMce) 1,000.00 0.00 01/23/19 25663863543 (MO)- Py (Redd 1/23 at LeasingONice) 0.00 1,895.00 0.00 1,895.00 02/01/19 MonthlyRent(02/2019) P$1Dl63402BS4 - WebPSB 163402854- AQ1 0.00 1,895.00 0.00 02/07/19 1,895.00 0.00 1,895.00 03/01/19 MontNyRent(O3/2019) 189.50 0.00 2,064.50 03/08/19 LateChargeLateFee(03/2019),10% of $1895.0D 40.00 0.E 2,124.50 03/15/19 1.egalFee- (3) day notice 3/13/19 1,B95.00 0110 4,019.50 D4/01/19 MonthlyRent(D4/2019) . - WebPSID167178299- ACH- #1of Marchandalmosthalf of 0,00 2,835.00 1,184.50 !04/07/19 P51D167370299 April 189.50 0.00 1,374.00 04/10/19 I.ateFee{04/2019) 30.00 0.00 1,404.00 o4/23/19 LegalFee- 3 day notice4/17/19 30.00 0.00 1,434.00 04/30/19 LegatFee- 3 day noticeof Petition/Pedtlan4/25/19 1,895.00 0.00 3,329.00 05/01/19 MonthlyRent(05/2019) Otk# 25942926960- :0tECKscanPayment- receivedat RentaFOffice5/11/19 0.00 1,000.00 2,329.00 05/11/19 45,00 0,00 2,374.00 35/14/19 LegalFee- CityCourtFee4/23/19 500.00 0.00 2,874,00 05/14/19 t.egalFees- PerCourt4/30/19 (94,75) 0.00 2,779.25 D5/17/19 Adj to ApriiLateFeeperCourt Chk# 011212- :CHECKscan Payment- Peoplesfor Peoplesrec'dS/2Qf19 0.00 895.00 1,894.25 05/20/19 Chke25942927601 Payrpent- Receivedat rentpl0 Ce.05/21/19 - :CHECKscan 0.00 1,000.00 884.25 05/21/19 O** 25942927612 Payrnent- Receivedat rentaloNice05/21/19 - :CHECKscan 0.00 500,00 384.25 05/21/19 1,895.00 0.00 2,279.25 06/D1/19 MonthlyRent(06/2019) 189.50 0.00 2,468.75 D6/D8/19 1.ateChargeLateFee(06/2019), 10%of $1895.00 1,500.00 968,75 06/14/19 :AOi-WEB- OnlinePayment- EFFPayrnent.MabileWeb- ResidentSerylces 0.00 395.00 573,75 06/28/19 :AC11-WEB- OnlinePayment- EFTPayment.MobileWeb - ResidentServkes 0.00 1,614.52 0.00 2,188.27 07/01/19 MonthlyRert (07/2019)26 days 305.65 0,00 2.493.92 37/01/19 MonthlyRent(07/2019)S days 50.00 D.00 2,543,92 D7/10/19 LateFee(O7/2019} - OnlinePayment- EFTPayment.MqbileWeb- ResidentServices 0.00 1,920.I7 623.75 D7/11/19 :ACH-WEB 1,925,00 0.0D 2,548.75 08/01/19 MonthlyRent(D8/2019) 50.00 0.00 2,598.75 08/0419 LateQiergeLateFee(08/2019] - On8nePayment- EFTPayrnent.14obileWeb- ReskientServices 0.00 1,925.00 673.75 DB/13/19 :ACH-WEB NSFedby strly 1366887AutomaticNSFQWDDQ9KlQ.13, ReturnCoderR01 UncollectedNSF 30.00 0.00 703.75 08/19/19 Retumedcheckcharge - NSFreceiptCtr(4 1366117 D.00 (1,9h00) 2,628.75 OB/19/19 :ACH-WEB 32.50 D.D0 2,661.25 06/23/19 LegalFee- 14 day notka B/19/19 3,925.00 0.00 4,586.25 09/01/19 MonthlyRent(09/20191 1,000.00 3,586.25 Chk#25545768985 - CHECKucan Pe/ment received.atRersaloffice 8/27/19 0.00 D9/05/19 D,00 925.00 2,661.25 09/05/19 Chk#25545765996wCHECKscan Payment roo redat ReritejOfficq8/27/ 9 50.00 0..00 2,711.25 09/06/19 LateChargeLateFee(09/2019) April20,2D22 wednesday, ResidentStaterment 3 of 6 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 04/26/2022 12:31 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2022 Resident Statement 1122CEftonAvenue Olfton, NJ07013 09/30/19 LegalFee- 14Notice9/12/19 32.50 0.00 2,743.75 10/01/19 MonthlyRent(10/2019) 1,925.00 0.00 4,668.75 10/06/19 LateChargeLateFee(1D/2019) 50.00 D.00 4,718.75 10/11/19 LegalFee" Noticeof Pe0tion/Petition/Filing10/4/19 32.50 D.00 4,751.25 10/1U19 1.egalFee- CityCourtFee9/30/19 45.00 0,M 4,796.25 10/21/19 LagalFet - Prepof Naticeof Petition/Petition9/27/19 15D.00 0.00 4,946.25 10/23/19 Chk# 36128768015 - :CHECKscan Payment-receivedat RentalOffice10/22/19 0.00 1,000.00 3,946.25 10/23/19 Chk# 26126768026 - :CHECKscan Payment- receivedat RentalOltice10/22/19 0.00 1.000110 2,94625 11/01/19 MonthlyRent(11/2019) 1,925.00 0.00 4,871.25 IVOB/19 LateCharge(11/2019) 50.00 0.00 4,921.25 11/11/19 LegalFee- CourtAppearance10/15/19 200,00 0.00 5,111.25 11/14/19 Oats 26128775496 - :01ECKscanPayment- receivedat RentalOffice1L/12/19 0,00 100.00 4,421.25 11/14/19 O$# 26128775485 - :CHECKscan Paynent - recalvedat Ranta(OfHce11/12/19 0.00 1,000.00 3,421,25 12/01/19 MonthlyRent(12/2019) 1425,00 0,00 5,346.25 12/08/19 LateChargeLateFee(12/2019) 50,00 D.00 5,3¾25 12/12/19 LegalFee- Orangecry shedff'sDept 11/26/19 152.40 0,00 5,548.65 12/12/19 LegalFee- DbtaMJudgment/Warant11/7/19 75.00 0.00 5,623.65 12/3U19 Removeiterns/debrisleft In theapartment 90.00 0J00 5,713.65 12/3L/19 CleaningCharge 350.00 0.00 6,063.65 12/31/19 ParkingPass(Not Returned) 50,00 0.00 6,113.65 12/31/19 ReplaceMicrowave(Damaged) 203.27 0.00 6,316.92 12/3V19 ReplaceCarpet[StEdns, Neolect& Burns) 834.52 0.00 7,151,44 12/31/19 :5ecurityDepostcredit (2,843.00) 0.00 1,300.44 01/01/20 RvseMonthlyRent(01/2020) Evicted (1,925.00) 0.00 2,383.44 01/01/20 MonthlyRent(03/2020) 1,925.00 0.00 4,308.44 Current 30 Days 65 Omys over 90 Current Owed 0.00 0.00 0.00 4308A4 430844 Re9klent5tatement Andl10,2022 Wednesday, 4 of 6 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 04/26/2022 12:31 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2022 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK )ss: Kimberly Sciacca, being sworn says: I am not a party to the action, am over 18 years of age and reside at East Islip, New York. On April 26, 2022, I served a true copy of the annexed Notice of Production of Discovery Documents by mailing the same in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid thereon, in a post-office or official depository of the U.S. Postal Service within the State of New York, addressed to the last known address of the addressee(s) as indicated below: TO: CAROLINE DUNLOP-RIPEN 22 Fox Hill Dr Middletown NY 10940 Kimberly Sciacca Sworn to before me this 26th dn f April, 2022 Notary Public KEVIN M. KNAB Notary Public, State of New York No. 2KN4991773 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY Commission Expires February 10, 2026 5 of 6 FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 04/26/2022 12:31 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/26/2022 Index No. EF005114-2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ORANGE SUTTON HILL II LLC Plaintiff, -against- CAROLINE DUNLOP-RIPEN Defendant. NOTICE OF PRODUCTION OF DISCOVERY DOCUMENTS Smith Carroad Levy Wan & Parikh, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address 5036 JERICHO TURNPIKE COMMACK, NEW YORK 11725 (631) 499-5400 To Attorney(s) for Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated, Attorney(s) for .................................... Yours, etc. Smith Carroad Levy Wan & Parikh, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address 5036 JERICHO TURNPlKE COMMACK, NEW YORK 11725 (631) 499-5400 Attorney(s) for 6 of 6