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  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • Sutton Hill Ii Llc v. Caroline Dunlop-RipenOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 11/30/2021 12:14 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/30/2021 REQUESTFOR JUDICIALINTERVENTION (r, °o193 SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF ORANGE Index No: EF05114-2021 Date Index Issued: 07/21/2021 0pl CAPTION Enter.the completeéäse caption.Dorfoluse etal o é â VieledãEikh ¼áäjnion rideëshee IAS Entry Date SUTTON HILL IILLC Plalntiff(s)/Petitioner(s) JudgeAsalgned -against- CAROLINE DUNLOP-RIPEN RJIFiled Date Defendant(s)/Rsandat(s) NATURE OF ACTION OR.PROCEEDING . Check onlý one boiahd%ØèàltpWÉ 196 MtBWe $ COMMER1GAL MATRIMONIAL O BusinessEntity (includes corporations, partnerships, LLCs,LLPs,etc.) O Contested O Contract NoTE: If there are children under the age of18, complete ond attach the O Insurance{where Insurance company is a party, except arbitration) MATRIMONIALRJiADDENDUM (UCS-840M), O uCC(includes salesand negotiable |ñstiün nts) for Uncontested Matr!rmr:!al actions, use the Uncontested OlvorceRJi(UD-13). O other Commercial (specify): TORTS NOTE:For Commüüu|Division assignrnent requests pursuant to 22 NYCRR202.70(d), O Asbestos complete and ottach the mMMERC'AL DIVISIONRJiADDENDUM (UC$¬840C). O Child Victims Act REALPROPERTY Specify how many properties the application includes: O En±:nmcatal (specify)· ___ O Condemnation O Medical, Dental or Podiatric Malpractice O Mortgage Foreclosure(specify): O Residential Ocommerclal O Motor Vehicle Property Address: O Products Liability (specify): NOTE:For Mortgage Foreclosureactions involving a one to four-fornily, O Other Negligence(specify): owner-occupied residential property or owner-occupied c: O Other ProfessionalMalpractice (specify): complete and attach the FORECLOSURE RJIADDENDUM (UCS-840F). O Other Tort {specify): O Tax Certiorari SPEGALPROCEEDINGS O Tax Foreclosure O CPLRArticle 75 (Arbitration) [see NOTEin COMMERCIALsection] O Other ReafProperty (specify): _ O CPLRArticle 78 (Body or Officer) OTHERMATTERS O Election Law O certificate of Incorporation/Dissolution [seenoTEin CoMMEeaALsection1 O Extreme RiskProtection Order O Emerpacy Medical Tretment O MHLArticle 9,60 (Kendra's Law) O HabeasCorpus O MHL Article 10 (Sexoffender Confinement-Initial) O LocalCourt Appeal O MHL Article 10 (SexOffender Confinement-Review) O Mechanic's Lien O MHL Article 81(Guardianship) O Name Change O Other Mental Hygiene (specify): O Pistol Perrnlt Revocation Hearing O Other Special Proceeding (specify): O Saleor Financeof rwiisic::/Not-for-Profit Property 9 Other (specify): Breach of Contract STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING Answer YESerNOfoAdvèi†ýUesthie $entèr Information where indlated, YES NO Hasa summons and complaint of summons with notice been filed? 9 O If yes, date filed: 07/21/2021 Hasa summons and complaint or summons with notice been served? 6 O If yes, date served: 07/27/2021 Is this action/proceeding beIng filed post-judgment? Q Q If yes, Judgment date: NATURE OFJUD1CIAL INTERVENTION Check one box onlye4ïéitteriádditfahaMñ$M$öAwhere 1hdicated, . . O infant·sC:mpromisa O Extreme RiskProtection Order Application O Note of Issue/Certificate of Readiness O NotIce of Medical, Dental or Podlatric Malpractice Date IssueJolned: O Notice of Motion Relief Requested: Return Date: O Notice of Petition Relief Requested: Return Date: O order to Show Cause Relief Requested: Return Date: O Other ExParte App!bt Relief Requested: Q Poor PersonApplication ® Requestfor Preliminary Conference O ResidentialMortgage ForeclosureSet±ment Conference O Writ of HabeasCorpus O Other (specify): Filed in Orange County 11/30/2021 12:14:39 PM $95.00 1 of Bk: 5145 2 Pg: 1974 Index: # EF005114-2021 Clerk: SW FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 11/30/2021 12:14 PM INDEX NO. EF005114-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/30/2021 RELATED CASES List any related actions, For Mc-c:-::: cases, listany rgl¼te,d-cdintopjp Farhily Court cases. If none, leave blank. If additional space is required, complete and ittâcbÍlibRJ R¾ÑÓÛR(ÙCS-ll40A). CaseTitle llndex/Case Number (Court udge (if assigned) Relationship to Instant case . For partles without.anattorney; number.dsdfrn;il.iln eprovkled. PARTIES checl5 tffe 13‡N (âdetesQhetW thyspÿ if ádditiGñal Space Is eye!ted/cdfnpfete shdÊä Ñ DD I cÈê##0AV . . . Un- Partles Attorneys and Unrepresented LItigants Issue folned insurance Carriers Rep List parties In same order as listed In the For represented parties, provide attorney's name, firm name, address, phone and For each defendant, For eachdefendant, caption and Indicate roles (e.g., plaintiff, emall. For unrepresented partles, provide party's address, phone and emall. IndIcate If Issuehas Indicate Insurance defendant, 3'd party plaInt1ff,etc.) beenjoined. carrier, if applicable. Name: Sutton Hill ll LLC Smith Carroad Levy Wan & Parikh, P.C. O YES O NO RoleMPlaintiff 5036 Jericho Tpke, Suite 201, Commack, NY 11725 Name: C2Foline Dunlop-Ripen 22 Fox Hill Dr. O YES O NO Role(s):cagna Middletown, NY 10940 Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Role(s): Q YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YEs O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO Name: Role(s): O YES O NO I AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, UPON INFORMATION AND BELIEF, THERE ARE NO OT RELAT TIONS OR PROCEEDINGS, EXCEPT AS NOTED ABOVE, NOR HAS A REQ.UEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION BEEN PREVIOUS ILED IN IONfR PROCEEDING. Dated: 11/30/2021 Signature Pragna Parikh Attorney Registration Nurabar Print Name 2 of 2