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  • Estate of AURORA GONZALEZ Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of AURORA GONZALEZ Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of AURORA GONZALEZ Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of AURORA GONZALEZ Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview


THE LAW OFFICES OF STEVEN G. GROSSMANN STEVEN G. GROSSMANN, ESQ, SBN 162044 455 East Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Suite 101 Thousand Oaks, Califomia 91360 E S%’BEL;R&(%YR§?§§§ (805) 497-8311 ' FAX: (805) 497-8312 gégfikgfifigm SAN BERNARDIN‘O DQSTth‘r Attorney for Executors MARCELA G. RANDLE & JOSE J. GONZALEZ N0 V 0 8 2022 ©00\l0\Lh-PWNH BY Mi!“ ALMA VALLEJO GAEbIA t V ‘ . DEPUTY ‘ ' SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO In re: the Estate of: ) CASE NO. PROSB2100238 101 3 ORDER SETTLING FIRST AND FINAL GROSSMANN ) ACCOUNT AND REPORT OF Suite ADMINISTRATION AND PETITION FOR 497-8312 360 ) 91 ITS SETTLEMENT; WAIVER 0F G. Boulevard, (805) AURORA SANCHEZ GONZALEZ ) STATUTORY EXECUTORS’ ) COMPENSATION; PETITION FOR California FAX: STEVEN ) Oaks . Decadent ) STATUTORY ATTORNEY'S FEES, OF Oaks, ) REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES TO Thousand 497-8311 ) EXECUTOR AND ATTORNEY, AND FOR OFFICES Thousand ) FINAL DISTRIBUTION (805) East ) LAW TEL: NNNNNNNNNr—Ir—H—u—It—h—r—ny—Iu—n ) Date . 455 Time 9:00 am. THE ____________________) Dept ) : : S37 Petitioners’ First and Final Account and Report ofAdministration and OOQGUIAUJNI—IONOOOQOMAUJNF‘Q Petitionfor its Settlement; Waiver ofStatutory Executors ’ Compensation; Petitionfor Statutory Attorney’s Fees, Reimbursement ofExpenses to Executor and Attorney, andfor Final Distribution, coming regularly before the Court and having been heard on U»— g " 22 at 9:00 a.m., in Department S37 of the San Bernardino Superi or Count, Central District, the Honorable , Judge, Presiding. The Coufi, afier hearing all the evidence and arguments, with good cause appearing, grants the petition, settles the account, and finds as follows: 1. All notices of the time, date, and place of the heating for the First and Final Accou nt and Report ..., have Been given as required by law. No one has requested Special Notice. ESTATE 0F AURORA SANCHEZ GONZALEZ ORDER SEWLWG FIRST AND FINAL -1- ACCOUNT AND REPORT \a \v 2. Aurora Sanchez Gonzalez died testate on Februaxy 12, 2021 in San Bernardino County and was a resident of that County. 3. The Decedent's Will was admitted to probate by Court Order dated on August 30, 2021. 4. The Decadent was not married, as her spouse, who was not a Medi-Cal recipient, \OOOQOUIAUJNn—s predeceased him. 5. The entire estate is the separate property of the Decedent. No Creditor's Claims have been filed against the estate. 7. No California or Federal Estate Taxes are due and payable by the estate. 8. The Co-Executors of the Estate of the Decedent have in their possession belonging to the estate, afier deducting the credits to which they are entitled, property on hand as follows: As of the date of the Balance on Hand in the First and Final Account and Report , the 101 2 GROSSMANN Suite 497-531 Co-Executors had a Balance on Hand of $225,387.08, consisting of the following described 91360 G. Boulevard. (805) property: Catifomia FAX: STEVEN ~ a. Cash assets: Oaks Oaks, OF $0.00 497-8311 Thousand OFFICES Thousand (805) Manufacturer’s Bank, Acct. No. xxx1274 $225,387.08 East LAW TEL: TOTAL CASH ASSETS: $225,387.08 455 NNNNNNNNNr—In—an—nr—I—p—d—It—twn—I THE b. Non-cash assets: None. 9. Petitioners have performed all duties required 0f them as Co-Executors of the Estate of WQQMAUJNHOQOOQQM#WNHO Aurora Sanchez Gonzalez, and the within Estate is finally ready for final distribution and in the condition to be finally closed. 10. Petitioners Marcela G. Randle and Jose J. Gonzalez have waived their request for compensation as sewing as Co-Executors of the Estate of Aurora Sanchez Gonzalez. 11. All allegations contained within the First and Final Account and Report are true and correct, and it should be approved, allowed, and settled, as filed. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED BY THE COURT THAT: 1. The First and Final Account and Report ofAdministration and Petition for its Settlement; Waiver ofStatutory Executors’ Compensation; Petitionfor Statutory Attorney's Fees, ESTATE OF ORDER SE'I'I'LING FIRST AND FINAL AURORA SANCHEZ GONZALEZ —2- ACCOUNT AND REPORT