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  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview
  • Estate of CRAIG COTTRELL Print Petition for Probate of Will and for Letters Testamentary  document preview


' ATrORNEY 05 PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: \r STATE BAR NO-I 106475 V FOR COURT USE ONLY DE-111 NAME:John G. Wurm FIRM NAME: Law Offices of John G. Wurm STREET ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1875 CITY: LAKE ARROWHEAD STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 92352 LE D FCOURT I (909) 336-3697 0F CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE No.: (909) 337-2557 FAX Nov: SAN BERNARDmo S'gBESIERS 0F msmucw‘ E.MAIL ADDRESS: SAN BERNARumo ATTORNEY FOR (name): Evan P. Cottrell, Petitioner SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO NOV O3 2021 STREEr ADDRESS: 247 West Third Street MAILING ADDRESS: 247 West Third Street CITY EST TE OF AND ZIP CODE: San Bemardino, 924 1 5-02 l 2 BRANCH NAME: San Bemardino District - Probate Division (name): Craig Cottrell aka Craig Evan Cottrell BY M&W— ASPEN J KSON. DEPUTY “1k DECEDENT fig E=I'IT|O|\'| FOR Probate of Probate of E E Lost Lost Will Will and for Letters Testamentary and for Letters of Administration CASE NUMBER: with Will Annexed PROSB 2100263 x Letters of Administration Letters of Special Administration with general powers E HEARING DATE AND TIME; DEPT; Authorization to Administer Under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with limited authority E va 15-2021 19:00 a.m. 5:76— name ofnewspaper): 1. a. b. E Publication E will be in Publication requested. (specifi/ Publication to be arranged. 2. Petitioner (name each): Evan p_ Come” a. E requests that decedent‘s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. b- E (name)-'Evan P. Cottrell E (1) executor annexed be appointed E (2) m (3) (4) administratorwith administrator special administrator will E with general powers and upon c. EE E Letters issue full qualification. limited authority be granted to administer under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. bond not be required forthe reasons stated in item 3e. d. E (1) (2) $ bond be fixed. The bond will be furnished by an admitted surety insurer or as otherwise provided by law. (Specify reasons in Attachment 2 if the amount is different from the maximum required by Prob. E (3) Code, § 8482.) $ r0 ( peel eed§s§1€ Ofélpusfi‘n Ins Itu Ion an oc a 0"): I deposits in a blocked account be allowed. Union Bank. Lake Arrowhead. California Receipts will be filed. Decedent died 0n at (Place}5 Fontana, 3- a- (1) (2) E D (date)-' a resident of the county 12/27 /2020 named above. a nonresident of California and left an estate in the county San Bernardino County, California named above located at (specify location permitting publication in the newspaper named in item 1): b. c. E Decedent was a Street address, citizen of a country other and county of decedent's residence city, than the United States (specify country): at time of death (specifl): 30764 Live Oak Dr., Running Springs, Ca 92382 (‘nuntv Page1 of 4 San Remardinn Form Adopted for Mandatoly Use PETITION FOR PROBATE Probate Code, §§ 8002, 10450; wwwcourls. ca. gov Judicial Council of California DE.111 [Rem July 1, 2017] (Probate—Decedents Estates) Westtaw Doc & Form Bui|der‘ V \t DE-1 11 CASE NUMBER: ESTATE OF (name): Craig Cottrell aka Craig Evan Cottrell DECEDENT PROSB 2100263 3. dV Character and estimated value of the property of the estate (complete in al/ cases): (1) Personal property: $ 28,000.00 (2) Annual gross income from (a) real property: $ (b) personal property: $ (3) Subtotal (add (1) and (2)): $ 28 QQQ QQ (4) Gross fair market value of real property: $ 21 5500000 (5) (Less) Encumbrances: ($ 184 0m) ()0) (6) Net value of real property: $ 3] QQQ QQ (7) Total (add (3) and (6)): $ named executor, and the e. (1) (2) E VWI waives bond. All beneficiaries are adults Special administrator and have waived bond, and the is the will will waives bond. does not require a bond. (Afflx waiver as Attachment (3) E E 3e 2 All(h)ei)rs . at law are adults and have waived bond. Sole persona| representative is (Affix waiver as Attachment 36(3).) a corporate fiduciary or an exempt government agency. f. (4) (1) (2) E E Decedent died Copy of decedent's intestate. will dated: 8-8-15 E codicil dated 8_1 1_(f6ecify for each): are affixed as Attachment 3f(2). (Include typed copies of handwritten documents and English translations of foreign- EE language documents.) The will and all codicils are seIf-proving (Prob. Code, § 8220). Will is self proving, codicil is not (3) The original ofthe will and/or codicil identified above has been lost‘ (AffiX a copy ofthe lost Will or codicil or a written statement of the testamentary words or their substance in Attachment 3f(3), and state reasons in that attachment why the presumption in Prob. Code, § 6124 does not apply.) g. Appointment of personal representative (check all applicable boxes): annexed: (1) (a) E Appointment E No of executor or administrator with will Proposed executor named is named as executor in the will and consents to act. (b) (c) S executor is Proposed personal representative is a nominee in the will. of a person entitled to Letters. (d) EE (Affix nomination as Attachment 39(1)(c).) Other named executors will not act because of other reasons (specify): E death E declination E Continued in Attachment 39(1)(d). (2) E Appointment of administrator: E (a) Petitioner is a person entitled to Letters. (If necessary, explain priority I'n Attachment 3g(2)(a).) Petitioner is a nominee of a person entitled to Letters. (Affix nomination as Attachment 3g(2)(b).) E E (b) (c) Petitioner is related to the decedent as (specify): Appointment of special administrator requested. (Specify grounds and requested powers in Attachment 39(3).) (3) (4) E Proposed personal representative would be a successor personal representative. h. (1) (2) E Proposed personal representative Q resident of California. is a nonresident of California (specify permanentaddress): 412 Bremen, Hurst, Tx 76054 (3) (4) m D resident ofthe United States. nonresident of the United States. Page 2 of4 DE-‘l 11 [Rev. July 1‘ 201 7] PETITION FOR PROBATE (Probate—Decedents Estates)