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  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview
  • Wintrust Mortgage v. John E Fletcher, Tonner Lake Homeowners Association Inc, Leo Cedarville Regional Sewer Districtet alMF - Mortgage Foreclosure document preview


02 D03-2307-M F-00021 3 Filed: 7/21/2023 3:07 PM Clerl l ' Allen Superior Court 3 _ . Allen County; Indian: BE rv ' MDK # 23-007482 f _ D STATE OF INDIANA IN THE ALLEN COURT '95 74bNa. ) fl " '- COUNTY OF ALLEN )SS: ' :5 CAUSE;N9.£ 7 . ) Wintrust Mortgage, a division of Barrington Bank & Trust Company, N.A. Plaintiff, ,4 V. ZZfi/L/ "' 044 John E. Fletcher, et al. 6>l// 77 Defendants. '5 5,94% SUMMONS '4/0 THE STATE OF INDIANA TO DEFENDANT: John E. Fletcher ADDRESS: 13625 Ridgeview Court, Grabill, IN 46741 You have been sued by the Plaintiff named above, in the Court identified above. The nature of the suit is to foreclose the mortgage on your home, and the details are stated in the Complaint attached to this Summons. The Complaint also states what the Plaintiff requests from the Court and the amount demanded, if any, by the Plaintiff. To prevent a default judgment from being entered against you, you must file a written response with the "court within 20 days from the date you received these documenB. If you received this summons and complaint by U.S. mail, however, the time limit is 23 days. If you do not file a written response, the plaintiff can obtain a default judgment and foreclose on your home. You may be entitled to a settlement conference that will allow you to speak with your mortgage company and discuss alternatives to foreclosure in order to keep your home. If you want a settlement conference, you must request it in writing (and file it with the court) within 30 days after you received this Summons and Complaint. Keep in mind that the written response to the Complaint and the request for the settlement conference are two separate things. If you do not file a written response within 20 days (23 if you received these documens by U.S. mail) but request a settlement conference, the Plaintiff may still obtain a default judgment and foreclose on your home. If you file a written response but do not request a settlement conference, the court may decide you have waived your right to a settlement conference. The following manner of service of Summons is hereby designated: SHERIFF'S SERVICE. 23-007482_ MLL D20 7/21/2023 Date: 20 BB MM Stephanie A. Reinhart (25071-06) Clerk of the Allen Attorneys for Plaintiff Allen County, Indiana P.O. Box 165028 715 South Calhoun Street COUQXCOUNTYQ 433" Columbus OH 43216-5028 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 If service is by mail, stamped ad b with return receipt attached to nrepa - -fi essedfil 5L attorney. Original summons for Clerk and copy for each defendant to be prepared by attorneys. LNDJANE 23-007482_ MLL RETURN 0F SERviCE 0F SUMMONs I hereby certify that I have served the within summons: (1) By delivering a copy of the Summons and a copy of the Complaint to the Defendant, John E. Fletcher on the day of , 20 (2) By leaving a copy of the Summons and a copy of the Complaint at 13625 Ridgeview Court, Grabill, IN 46741, the dwelling place or usual place of adobe of the said Defendant, and by mailing a copy via U.S. mail to the following address: 13625 Ridgeview Court, Grabill, IN 46741. (3) Sheriff's Fees: Additional: Sheriff of Allen County, Indiana By: CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that on the day of , 20 , I mailed a copy of the Summons and a copy of the Complaint to the Defendant, . by certified mail, requesting a return receipt, at the address furnished by the Plaintiff. Clerk of the Court of County, Indiana Dated , 20 RETURN ON SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY MAIL I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the Complaint mailed to the Defendant were accepted by the Defendant on the day of , 20 I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the Complaint were returned not accepted on the clay of , 20 I hereby certify that the attached return receipt was received by me showing that the Summons and a copy of the Complaint mailed to Defendant were accepted by (Age) ,on behalf of said Defendant on the day of , 20 Clerk of the Court of County, Indiana SERVICE ACKNOWLEDGED A copy of the within Summons and a copy of the Complaint attached hereto were received by me at . this day of , 20 Signature of Defendant 23—007482_ MLL NOT FOR PBLIC ACCESS ' ' " seesaw—Immerse , _.'____- that a copy of this Subpoena was sent , hereby certify that cenrice by registeredloertlfied mail It Fort Wayne. hdiene. was deemed hereby certify. as indicated In the date issued field. I n the named person(s) at the addressles) furnished. by mgisteradlrzfllfied null at Fort and that as required by law In the persorl and address stand on the return eceipt attached; service was/was not made. ocmrd'mg to the infatuation contained mania. Wayne. Indiana. return metpt requested. Date Reunited: Date lssued: Clerk of Allen Circult and Superior Courts Glut of Allen Cir-mitt and Superia' Courts ' ADMISSION OF SERVICE and at this location: I received a copy of this Subpoena on this date . . Signature of Party Relationship (If not the within named person) RSI-U RN OF SERVICE BY SHERIFF OR OTHER OFFICER Place the letter in the space (__).to indicate the type of service. served a copy of this' ,1?' 7. I I 7*. Subpoena and the claim as specrfled below: ( 9 ) Zm'r.' ,5?!, ,. ». . (ii/x \ j _.Jt.n 3 1" O'DIA '1 " c ">3 ,m READING/deli'enng a copy .. (A) tothe within named party: . , _. . . '7" i." , I. " _ ~ . "I '1, 'V \S {up , LEAVING A COPY for the Within named party , . (B) with the SPOUSE, named: (F) with a SECRETARY, named: g; 15' . (G) with the ATTORNEY. named: ""3 ,5 ,I (C) with a RELATIVE, named: K (H) with this person (OTHER specify): - (D) at the RESIDENCE, located at: (E) with the EMPLOYER, named: or location where copy was left. Specify name of person, work supervisor, place of business, and (if applicable) by sending a copy of this Subpoena by first-class mail to the last known address of the within named ' person as indicated below: _._...- —u.u~-— .—_ ...—._.— Last Known Address of Fem Named in the Subpoena (or Change of Address) I did not serve the within Subpoena and claim because: ( ) (R) the party was on VACATION (S) the party was NOT FOUNDNACANT. ADDRESS. (T) the party was NOT FOUNDIMOVED. (I) the party was NOT FOUND/ND SUCH (U) the party was NOT FOUND IN THIS BAILIWICK (J) the comment EXPIRED. (V) INSUFFICIBIT ADDRESS OR INFORMATION WAS GNEN. (K) the party AVOIDED service. (W) they are NO LONGER IS BUSINESS. (L) the party REFUSED service. ' . (X) several attempts were made/UNABIJETO SERVE. at that address. (M) the partywes NO LONGER EMPLOYED OFTHE PLAINTIF. (Y) of the following reason (OTHER-specify): (N) the document was RETURNED BYTHEAUTHDRITY (D) the party is DECEASED. (P) the party was UNKNOWN AT THAT ADDRBS. OFF. (Q) the party was on SICK LEAVE/LAY true. (I affirm, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing . ., _ (We: _ _ _ __ _ \ IN\ "Jig ,QSK i representatiioiare JUL 2 (- 2023 Date Served/Attempted Time Served/Attempted Signature of Sheriff of Allen County, Indiana . (or otherOtIicer) Bir- (Printed Name of Process Server) (Signature of Process Sewer) 0165641/cclertdey