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  • Three Rivers Federal Credit Union v. Aaliyah Henderson, Tony Lamar HendersonCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • Three Rivers Federal Credit Union v. Aaliyah Henderson, Tony Lamar HendersonCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • Three Rivers Federal Credit Union v. Aaliyah Henderson, Tony Lamar HendersonCC - Civil Collection document preview
  • Three Rivers Federal Credit Union v. Aaliyah Henderson, Tony Lamar HendersonCC - Civil Collection document preview


Filed: 10/24/2023 2:46 PM Clerk Allen County, Indiana ED * Michael Hamel RB. Box 3:9225a For: Wayfle, El 46852 "'5 26%)450v7324*mecom007@?}';1hoocom Proof of §ewloo of iodiaoa \m—1 State Cause # 32;} 03 12$] CC 6.657 ) S S: 3 County ofAllsn ) 13m under the penaliios @3962 the 'Eype of Boomaotz Nazis of New Claim Contempt Citation and Order on Motion _ Notics of Alias Claim "\fi/(other) [4%'45 Skin/710m E Defendants(s) sewed .a copy my speniflud: Ad ham '97 Mflwn Reading/ delivering a copy (A) 'fo fine wéx'fxin gamed pany Leaving a cop}' for the withm named party (8) With the spouse, named: (F) Wifll a secrotaljy, named: (C) WM) a relative; named: (G) With the Attorney, named: (D) Affilo residencaJocatE/d atzflgb E au/d/ysq [gal "P71: é Erwyég/é (E) With me employesy named: (B) will] this person {513653}? L And by mailing a copy of this document by first'class mail to the last known address and flailiSd person as indéczued above. Edit] nu! serve the wriucn downmll bemuse: Q E! (I) the party was not found/ no such address (R) the party' was on vacation (I) ma document expired (8) the 3323;! was not found/vacant (K) the party avoided service (T) the part3! was not found! moved L) She party refusso' senile: (U) "the part}! vas 30? found in {his bailixviclq (M) tho partsr was no longer employed at address (V) insvfiicient address or infomafion given (N) the document was returned to plaintiff (W) they are no longer in business (0) the party is deceased (X) several attempts were made/ unable to ser'ze (P) the pany was unknown at that address (Y) of the following reason (other specifi)— (Q) the party' was on sick leave/ lay ofi" i affia'ma of pofiorya / uméor 3m: penalties films Elm foregoing {r {presematéongaré figs-are and «cor'reeé (o filer: has: of my lulowledga , / ) /0//s(/';23 97170 385:6 serves? Time Signed: Mfihael Moor—4,15%? MS Fee: {Eensii paymezlé 9:0 Michael Maniac?) For? 'Wag/ne 65$}! 33 g _00 @ul OfGPUEij' 3 =Emfies x ,50 Firsl Class Mall llmmediaée Services 3 Total: 3' g QSWShSCl-C # f/ S TATE OF INDIANA ' Filed: 9/22/2023 5:06 PM ,/ ) IN THEALLEN SUPERIOR COURT Clerk )SS: 715 SOUTH CALHOUN STREET "'9" County, Indies; COUNTY OF ALLEN ) ALLEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE, ROOM 201 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 46802 Three Rivers Federal Credit Union (260) 449—3491 PLAINTIFF CAUSE NUMBER: 02D03-2307-CC—1568 V. Aaliyah Henderson and Tony Lamar Henderson ALIAS DEFENDANT(S) SUMMONS TO: Aaliyah Henderson 2736 E Paulding Rd Apt 6 This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information Fort Wayne IN 46816 obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector. You have been sued by the person(s) named petitioner(s)/plaintiff(s) in the above entitled Court in Allen County Indiana. The claim made against you is attached with this summons. The manner of delivery notice and the time with which to answer this claim are designated by an "X" below: certified mail; you or your attorney must file a written answer to the claim within twenty-three (23) days, commencing the day after you receive this summons, or judgment may be entered against you as claimed. __X_)£ personal service; you or your attorney must file a written answer to the claim within twenty (20) days, commencing the day after you received this summons, or judgment may be entered against you as claimed. An answer is considered filed when it is received in the office of the Clerk of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts, Room 201, Allen County Courthouse, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802. The method you choose to deliver the answer to the Clerk is up to you; however, you should be able to prove that you filed your answer. If you have a claim against the petitioner(s)/plaintiff(s) arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. The date and time of any hearing requiring your attendance is shown on a Notice Of Hearing attached as a separate document. Examine all pages carefully. Failure to appear may result in judgment against you as claimed. Unless documents indicate otherwise, all hearings will be held in the designated court at the Allen County Courthouse, Fort Wayne, Indiana. OP 9/25/2023 ~ 9' Dated: CIETIE of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts ' Beckman Lawson, LLP Ceumrkfie'e "Y" '2, Attorneys for Plaintiff 201 W. Wayne Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 (260) 426—6911 SEAL PRAECIPE DESIGNATING MANNER OF SERVI '02? NP» TO THE SHERIFF This Subpoena shall be served as follows: - TO THE CLERK This Subpoena shall — be serv '7 __ personal service certified mail __ leaving a at dwelling or place of employment registered mail agent, publication _ other (describe in particular and note Trial Rule) other (describe in particular and note Trial Rule) Private Process 430812.001 (U