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  • Iconex LLC v. Facts Paper Company INCPL - Civil Plenary document preview
  • Iconex LLC v. Facts Paper Company INCPL - Civil Plenary document preview
  • Iconex LLC v. Facts Paper Company INCPL - Civil Plenary document preview
  • Iconex LLC v. Facts Paper Company INCPL - Civil Plenary document preview


as. Filed: 9l20l2023 9:47 I ' _ . . Ci: . Allen County, lndia IN THE ALLEN SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF ALLEN S . nECEi\ — v MEN CAUSE NO. 02D02—2307-PL-3 05 g6: ' a3 .1 u HELL?! court £25 '9 2,3 Bill -23 ' - . 9 ICONEX, LLC, U 0 0 01 0 Piaintifits), vs. ALIAS SUlVIMONS FACTS PAPER COMPANY INC, Defendant(s). TO: Facts Paper Company Inc I c/o Marsha Coffelt, Reg. Agt. an as: 727 E Paulding Road Fort Wayne, IN 46816 ._.—-_ You have been sued by the person(s) named above. The claim made against you is attached to this summons; please examine ailpages carefully. The "X" marked below indicates the time limit you have to FILE YOUR ANSWER. _Certified Mail:. You or your attorney must file a written answer to the claim WITHIN. TWENTY-THREE (23) DAYS, commencing the day after you receive this summons, orjudgment may be entered against you as claimed. - A Personal Service: You or your attorney mist file aWritten answei- to the claim WI'I'IflN TWENTY (20) DAYS, commencing the day after you receiVe this summons, or judgment may be entered against you as claimed. Your answer is considered filed the day it is received in the office of the Cleric of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts, 715 S Calhoun Street, Rm 201, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. The method you choose to deliver the answer to the Clerk's Office is up to you; howeVer, you should be able to prove that you filed your answer. If you wish to file a claim against another party associated with this case, you must state it in your written answer. Ifyou are required'to appear, the date, time and location will be shown on an attached Notice of Hearing form. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR. A JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAmST YOU. "W 9/20/2023 OP Dated: CLERK OF AKLEN CIRCUIT AND SUPERIOR COURTS Parker L. Moss (Piaintifi'i c0UNf ,. Attorney Party Represented 4646 West Jefferson Blvd. Suite 230 Street Address Fort Wayne. indiana 46804 City, State, Zip Code SEAL (260) 422-1589 #10349—02 Telephone Number Attomey No. 4 MANNER OF SERVICE @DlANb SHERIFF shall serve this Summons as follows: OTHER manner of service: ' _ personal service _ attomcy to serve ' leavilig a copy at dwelling or place ofemployment ' private process server. CLERK shall serve this Summons as follows: other (describe in particular and note Trial Rule) regular mail (Superior Court only) certified mail NOT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS "at A CERTIFIED MAIL thereby certify. as indicated in the date issued fieId. that a copy of this Subpoena was sent I hereby cenity that service by registeredtcertitied mail at Fort Wayne. Indiana. was attempted to the named person(s) at the addresstes) furnished. by registeredlcenified mail at Fort as required by Iawto the person and address' stated 'on the return receipt. ' attached; and that Wayne. Indiana. return receipt requested. service wasMas not made. ,- to the contained , Date issued: Date P ' Clerk of Allen Circuit and Superior Courts Clerlt of Allen Circuit and Superior Courts ADMISSION OF SERVICE I received a ccpy of this Subpoena on this date and at this location: Signature of Party Relationship (if not the within named person) RETURN OF SERVICE BY SHERIFF OR OTHER OFFICER Place the letter in the space (_) to indicate the type of service. Iserved a copy of this Subpoena and the claim as-specified beIow: ( ) READING/delivering a copy (A) to the within named party: LEAVING A COPY for the within named party (B) with the SPOUSE, narrted: (F) with a SECRETARY. named: (C) with a RELATIVE. named: (G) with the A'I'I'ORNEY. named: (D) at the RESIDENCE, located at: (H) with this person (OTHER specify): - (E) with the EMPLOYER. named: Specify name of person. work supervisor. place of business. or location where copy was left. \. and (if applicable) by sending a copy of this Subpoena by first-class mail to the last known address of the within named person as indicated below: Last Known Address of Person Named in the Subpoena (or Change of Address) I did not serve the wrthm Subpoena and claim because: (W r , (R) the party was on VACATION is) the party was NOT FOUNDNACAN'F. (I) the party was NOT FOUNDINO SUCH ADDRESS. (T) the party was NOT FOUNDNOVED. (J) the dowment EXPIRED. (U) the party was NOT FOUND IN THIS BAILIWICK. (K) the party AVOIDED service. IV) INSUFFICIEN'I' ADDRESS OR INFORMATION WAS GIVEN. (L) the party REFUSED service. (W) they are NO LONGER [5 BUSINESS. (M) the party was NO LONGER EMPLOYED at that address.. (X) several attempts were madeIUNABLE TO SERVE. (N) the document was RETURNED BYTHE AUTHORITY OF THE PLAINTIFF. (Y) of the following reason (OTHER-specify): t0) the party is DECEASED. (P) the party was UNKNOWN AT THAT ADDRESS. - (0) the party was on SICK LEAVEI'LAY OFF. I affirm, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing representatio ns are tru . . ' OCT 0 9 2023 Date Served/Attempted Time Served/Attempted Signature of Sheriff of Allen County. n ana [or other 0111er By:- (Printed Name of Process Server) (Signature of Process Server) 0171637Ikellert