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  • Iconex LLC v. Facts Paper Company INCPL - Civil Plenary document preview
  • Iconex LLC v. Facts Paper Company INCPL - Civil Plenary document preview


021302-2307PL-000305 ' - . Filed=712 112023 12: 09 Pi _ '. Ciel ' ""9" County, STATE OF IND'iANA ' '. - ALLEN SUPERIOR COURT Indian .w,,,.n""'"'.s""e'iii¢1°fi% I . SS: SHLRJ 1 ' , ' " COUNTY _OF ALLEN WWUNI'I, ! 15.913135111171194,- CAUSE NO. ' ' ' . m ' ICONEX,LLAC,1 Plaintiffls), _ ~ ' 1. 090529891523 . ' . . ' ® {143'}: SUMMONS ~ I" ' ' ' vs. ' ; . ' _' 'V . ' FACTS PAPER COMPANY INC, DefendanKs). . a TO: . ~ - , ' . . 6' [j l'6' ' ' ' ' _ ' Facts Paper Company Inc .. x71. - c/o Malsha Coffelt, Reg. A'gt. [pg/1740:]. 6429 Georgetown North Blvd _Ste G— URiiLMUWLi' u-J TH!) 'BuleES 'S _ 4101'}? £P/€;-' Fort Wayne, IN 46815- -7032 UémXEQ- Ci 0550'_00- M011. 65' You have been sued by the person(s) named above. The elairn made agamst you is attached to this summons;Ipleaseexamine all peg es carefully. .- The "X" marked below indicates the time limit you have to FILE YOUR ANSWER. _Certii'ied Mail: You or your attorney must file writtén answer to the claim WITHIN TWENTY-TIREE ( 23) DAYS, ' a' commencing the day afier you receive this summOhs, or judgment may be entered against you as cla med. X Personal Service: You or your attorney must file a Written answer to the claim WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS, commenemg the day afier you receive this summons, or Judgment may be entered against you as claimed. . 1 Your answer is considered filed the day it 1s received inthe office of the Cleric of the Allen Circuit and Superior Courts, 715 S Calhou11 Street, Rm 201, Fort Wayne, IN 46802. The method you choose to deliver the answer to the Clerk's Office Is up to you; however, you should be able to f prove that you1 led your artsy/er. If you wish to file a clain1 against another party associatedwitir this case, you must state it in your written answer. Ifyou are required to appear, the date, time and location will be shown an an attached Notice ofHearing form. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR, A JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU. M fl/WB 7/21/2023 Dated: CLERK OF ALLEN CIRCUIT AND SUPERIOR COUR'i'S Parker L. Moss . (Plaintiff) . (Seal) ' " Attorney Party Represented -, 4646 West I efferson Blvd. Suite 23 0 Street Address COUNF Fort Wayne. Indiana 46804 City, State, Zip Code Q60) 422-158'9 _ #10349—02 Telephorre Number Attorney No. MANNER OF SERVIC SEAL! SHERIFF shall serve this Summons as follows: . OTHER'manner of service: _ personal service _ ' attorney JANL~ " ' _X__ leaving a copy at dwelling or place of employment _ private process server, CLERK shall serve this Summons as follows: _ _ other (describe in particular and note Trial Rule) regular mail (Superior Court only) certified mail