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  • Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company v. Jose Del CidCT - Civil Tort document preview
  • Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company v. Jose Del CidCT - Civil Tort document preview
  • Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company v. Jose Del CidCT - Civil Tort document preview
  • Progressive Southeastern Insurance Company v. Jose Del CidCT - Civil Tort document preview


37 _ ' Filed: 512312023 3:10 PM STATE OF INDIANA ALLEN cmcurr COURT Cl fk '7' Z Z "new," i Indifna ' .17.. COUNTY OF ALLEN CAUSENO- 02009-2306-CT-000447 PROGRESSIVE SOUTHEASTERN INSURANCE Allen Superior Court 9 r— COMPANY 5920 LANDERBRO 0K DRIVE (W MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, OH 44124 pLAIN'IIEE vs. ALL c: ' El: COUNTY S C) HER m JOSE DECLID EAST WAYNE ST 1213 PAID 4-.— m FTWAYNE, IN46803 .4 DEFENDANT c: E :5 1;!) IF" "_ L'- SHERIFFSUWONS ' IF -I THESTATE OF INDIANA TO: 1051913362119 '23 ADDRESS: 12135EASTWA' \l' m . ' WAXEILIN 468031 You have been sued by the person named "Plaintiff" in the Court stated above. The nature of the suit against you is stated in the complaint which is attached to this summons also states the demand which the plaintiff has made _ against you. You must answer the complaint in writing to be filed with the Court, by you or your attorney, within-twenty (20] days, commencing the day afier you receive this summons, (you haVe twenty-three (23) days to answer if this summons was received by mail), or judgrnent will be entered against you for what the plaintifi' has demanded. If you deny the demand andlor have a claim for relief againstthe plaintiff arising from the same transaction or occurrence, you must assert it in your written answer. It is suggested that you consult Witt: an attorney of your choice regarding this matter. The following manner of service of summons is hereby designated: personal or copy service by sherifi'. 6/23l2023 WELTMAN, WEWBERG & R318 00., LPA. NATHAN DUVBLIUS 35520—15 CLERK "W RJ MICHAEL J. CHAPMAN, 22922—53 ALLEN CIRCIJIT COURT 312 ELM ST. SUITE 1200 715 s. CALHOUN STREETRMBOQ CINCINNATI, on 45202 FT. WAYNE, IN46802 PHONE: 513-723-2200 FAX: 5 13-723-2239 EMAIL: CINATTY@EEEL'IMAN.COM cOUNf WWR#: 041035780 SEAL 109 Rev "12020 NOT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS ' CERTIFIED MAIL I hereby certify. as Indicated in the date issued field. that a copy of this Subpoena was sent - - I hereby certify that service by.registeredlcertiiied.mall at .EortWayne. Indiana.vwes attelnpted _ _ to the named person(s) at the eddress(es) furnished. by registered/certified rnali at Fort as required by law to the person and address stated on the return receipt attached; a nd that service waslwas not made. according to the information contained therein. Wayne. Indiana. reium receipt requested. Date Issued: Date Rammed: Clerk of Allen Circuit and Superior Courts Cleric of Alien Circuit and Superior Courts ADMISSION OF SERVICE I received a copy of this Subpoena on this date and at this location: Signature of Party Relationship (if not the within named person) RETURN OF SERVICE BY SHERIFF OR OTHER OFFICER Place the Ietterin the space (_)toindicate the type of service. I sewed a copy of this AT THE ADDRESS Subpoena and the claim as specified below: ( - ) LISTED BY READINGldeIivering a copy (A) to the within named party: COPY AND MAIL LEAVING A COPY for the within named party (a) with the SPOUSE, named: (F) with a SECRETARY. named: (C) with a RELATIVE. named: (G) with the ATI'ORN EY, named: (D) at the RESIDENCE, located at (H) with this person (OTHER specify): - (E) with the EMPLOYERI named: Specify name of person. work supervisor. place of business, or location where copy was left and (if applicable) by sending a copy of this Subpoena by first-class mail to the last known address of the within named person as indicated below: Last Known Address of Person Named In the Subpoena (or change of Addreg) I did n_ot serve the within Subpoena and claim because: -(__) (R) the party was on VACATION (S) the party was NOT FOUNDNACANT. (I) the partywas NOT FOUND/ND SUCH ADDRESS. (T) the party was NOT FOUND/MOVED. (J) the comment EXPIRED. (U) the party was NOT FOUND lN THIS BNLIWICK (K) the party AVOIDEJ service. (V) INSUFFICIENI' ADDRESS OR INFORMATION WAS GIVEN. (L) the party REI'USED service. (W) they are NO LONGER [S BUSINESS. (M) the party was NO LONGER EMPLOYED at that address. (X) several attempts were madeIUNABLE TO SERVE. (N) the document was RETURNED BYTE-IE AUTHORITY OF THE PLAINTIFF. (Y) of the following reason (OTHER-specify): (O) the party Is DECEASED. (P) the party was UNKNOWN AT THAT ADDRESS. (0) the party was on SICK LEAVEILAY OF. I affirm, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing representations are true. JUL 1 7 2023 Date Served/Attem pted Time ServedIAttempted Signature of Sheriff of Allen County, Indiana (or other Officer) BY- (Printed Name of Process Server) (Signature of Process SI erver) 0162259Ihguingrich