Motion to Quash - Petitioner's Subpoena Duces Tecum for Production of Business Records

On December 9, 2019 a writ of mandate unlimited case was filed by Rios, John, against West Valley Water District, in the jurisdiction of San Bernardino County. Judge Khymberli S Apaloo presiding.

~ No.2Uj3 F. 3/102 Jan. H. 2021 12:21PM Ruben Nacionales-Tafoya, Esq., SBN 194444 TAFOYA LAW GROUP, APC 316 W. 2““ Street, Suite 1000 Los Angeles, 90010 California [Exempt from Filing Fees pursuant Telephqne: (213) 617—0600 to Government£?qf @133] Facsumlei (2 1 3) 6 17—2224 …

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