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  • Metropolitan Towers, LLC vs Kim L. Phillips, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview
  • Metropolitan Towers, LLC vs Kim L. Phillips, John Doe, Jane Doe Eviction (UD) document preview


27-CV-HC-23-1429 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/19/2023 3:24 PM STATE OF MINNESOTA FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF HENNEPIN DISTRICT COURT Metropolitan Towers, LLC, File N0. 27-CV—HC-23— VS. Plaintiff, 1429 Kim L. Phillips; John Doe; Jane Doe, Hearing Date: 3/23/2023 Defendant, Time: 1 :00 PM AFFIDAVIT 0F Memo LEGAL SERVICES SERVICE BY POSTING STATE 0F MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY 0F HENNEPIN i Neil Hanson, being duly sworn, under oath states that on 3/16/2023, at 2:35 PM he served the: Summons & Complaint in Eviction Action upon the defendant(s) by posting a true and correct copy of each document in a conspicuous place upon the premises, namely on the front door, located at Unit 203, 8421 22nd Ave S in the City of Bloomington, State of Minnesota. ldeclare under penalty of perjury that everything l have stated in this document is true and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116. 3//é /2023 Neil Hanson, Process Server Metro Legal Services, lnc. 616 South 3rd Street Minneapolis, MN 55415-1104 -1- RE: 5216.126/Phillips '2588967 ~ 1'