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  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx v. Stephen T. Greenberg c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, Alan Matarasso, Lenox Hill Hospital, 119 South Street Management Llc C/O Lucia Barletta, Pino Manica, Francesco Manica, Christina Manica, New York County District AttorneyTorts - Other (Conversion) document preview


At I.A.S. Part 6 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York at the Courthouse therefore, 60 Centre Street New York, NY on the 29th Day of May, 2023 PRESENT HON Kathy king Justice of the Supreme Court ---------------------------------------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, Index No. 800003/2022 Plaintiff, Proposed Order to Show Cause to Reargue and Renew -against- STEPHEN T. GREENBERG c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, et al Defendants, ________________________________________________ xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx sworn to on April 26th, 2023, and upon the exhibits attached to the affidavit, Exhibits A-M, N-NZ21, and O-U that are labeled on the NYSEFS. Please note the Exhibit T also includes the Notarized Affidavit in Support. Let the Party of Attorney in opposition show cause at I.A.S. Part 6 Room 351 of this Court to be held at the Courthouse, 60 Centre Street New York, NY on the 29th day of May at 9:30 AM or as soon as such party or attorney may be heard why an Order should not be made providing the following relief to reargue, revoke and renew Decisions + Orders filed on March 29th, 2023 in Supreme Court, and for such other and further relief this court may deem just and proper, for the reasons that are contained in paragraphs 1-23, followed by 1-123 and supporting documents contained in the NYSEFS Exhibits A-M, N-NZ21, and O-U. Sufficient cause appearing therefore let personal service of a copy of this order, the affidavit in support and all other papers upon which this order is granted, upon all other parties to this action or their attorneys who have appeared in this action on or before the 29th of May 2023 be deemed good and sufficient. An affidavit or other proof of service shall be presented to this Court on or before the return date indicated above. ENTER ___________________________________ Honorable Kathy King SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK _________________________________________ xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, Index No. 800003/2022 Plaintiff, Affidavit in Support -against- STEPHEN T. GREENBERG c/o GREENBERG COSMETIC SURGERY AND DERMATOLOGY, et al Defendants, __________________________________________ xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. The Judge is wrong and does not have any legal authority to make the decisions and orders that were filed with the supreme court on March 29, 2023, because there was another Decision made by the District Attorney’s Office on March 29th, 2017, when the Defendants in case 101223.17 attempted to have me arrested but the Prosecution declined, in favor of the accused. 2. The Judge cannot even interpret in her own mind any such reasoning for the decisions and orders. The Judge used the date March 29th to file an uninformed and misinformed decision that is deliberate. It reinforces the Judge in this case, engaged in exparte communications with other lawyers and non-lawyers, in the fall of 2022 way before the preliminary conference because one of the staff indicated that truth. 3. Fixers for Aaron Levy and Matthew Levy, in a prior case 101227/17 associated with both the Jewish Mafia and Italian mafia from Old Tappan wrongly are communicated barbaric sensationalist “fantastic” accusations about me to them rooted to Anna Pilato xxxxxx and Paul xxxxxx. They communicate “triggers” so that he and his other friends target me, personally and financially, without Anna xxxxxx or Paul xxxxxx ever facing criminal charges. 4. That case involved a premeditated “stunt” that occurred on February 26th 2019 where a person in uniform was set up to assert “fantastic” and “incredible” claims that people from the “French Connection” think I “know too much”. This “incredible” accusatory accusation to me was then followed by a very serious threat to my life by that same man, “are you going to tell on your friends from Old Tappan” “people disappear all the time” yet the point of this “fantastic” stunt was to influence Judge D’auguste to deny my motions for an Order of Protection and dismiss the case. Regardless that the torment and retaliation is from my ex boyfriends connections in the Jewish mafia, the triggers are fueled by Anna and Paul xxxxxx for her own motives. 5. The behavior I observed from the court clerk and other indications shows this case is biased and steered from the beginning and trying to suppress dissent. That is illegal and I can move to have a Judge face criminal charges and be admonished. The reason why I am stating this is because it happened before with Judge Diane Lebedeff, when Levy initiated a frivolous case against me, but the same Judge was then used by certain family members to attempt to do horrific things against my rights. The Judge was admonished. Therefore, I spot this a mile away and observant to the Judges that have been biased because the fact of the matter, it is my own family members who are involved in organized crime and concurrently have influence over law enforcement. 6. It is my own family members who have a history of extreme control tactics dating back to law enforcement involving cousins by the last name Khouri(y) that worked for the Port Authority police, extremely corrupt, and a history of drug involvement. My fathers late brother even built a bomb and exploded it in a gutter in Brooklyn. They have owned police attack dogs. I have been enduring extreme torment and a backlog of Judges that have made wrong decisions, based on their history and influence they have over police, investigators in the District Attorneys Office, and their paranoia for years and years that I think I know something about drugs. Its just another “stunt” This is why it was a trigger for Aaron Levy and other organized crime families from my hometown and New York to target me, including Defendant 119 South Street, and therefore all of these “stunts” and “fantastic” accusations about myself is simply invented. None of it is true, I live the most normal life I can considering, all it has made other Judges misconstrue and made very damaging decisions and has severely had a negative impact on me emotionally and financially, interfering in opportunities to enjoy a full and productive life. They have reached out to the defendants here in this suit, coming across extremely deceptive to empower themselves over others, as if they want to “help me” and I need to be “monitored”. It had become much worse with my brother’s ex-wife involvement of helping my brother and reaching out to her own family. I have found all of these court processes to be utter frustrating to communicate these real truths about my own family integrated with organized crime of government employees that clearly have decimated my attempted to get an order of protection against them, and from wrongly influencing other people, even if they have a have a history of their own bad acts, it has nothing to do with me, and it is not my job or responsibility to be an investigator or a detective for a Judge to see my side; as it has only been used to strong arm me and block my efforts in the normal, legal court processes and rules of the court. No one knows what it is like to have every aspect of your life tracked and interfered with, unless they have experienced it themselves, its hard to get others to relate the seriousness and repercussions f these matters, as they try to come across as simply the traditional old school family. I consider these people a nightmare, and its been a life long effort, at least when I graduated high school to live a separate life from them, These are predators. It did not start in the courts. There is one side, another side and then there is the truth, which is me, and then the Judge makes the decision. 7. Therefore, This is the reason why in the Notice of Entry, the decisions and orders contained in it are moot because there was another decision made On March 29th 2017, after a lenghy discussion with a prosecutor at the New York County District Attorney’s Office, that refused to prosecute me in favor of the accused, based on those certain family members matters and two family court cases where I attempted to get an order of protection against Paul and Anna, that triggered Levy to do the same, but having already made a formal criminal complaint about Levy in the Special Prosecutions Office of NYCDA. It is illegal to “reinvent” or “redo” facts and circumstances, by Defendants using past cases especially when it indicates that Judges were misled, lied to, and misconstrued the facts. 8. The decision was based on several reasons at various times where I was the victim and perpetrators suppressing dissent, also engaged in severe retaliation against me. Matthew D. Levy, highly connected with the Jewish Mafia and Anna xxxxxx, highly connected with the Italian mafia, invent falsehoods about the way I live my life, falsehoods about mental health, and other barbaric falsehoods to cover up their paranoia of drugs and drug trafficking, and something called the “French Connection”. I am not an investigator so I don’t know if there is a real issue with drugs or not but the issues at hand are they are intertwining me with garbage banter I have nothing to do with and are engaging in false accusations speaking on my behalf that are preposterous and ridiculous and considered to be vexatious and harassment in itself, yet apparently still act as triggers for people they communicated with. It resulted in a hit on my life suffering from 3 deep lacerations on my head, and needed 10 staples and a “fixer” that I recognized from the people v Lance Berry investigation, was there at the Emergency Dept at Lenox Hill Hospital, where I eloped after I saw him and after testing was done. That is a 15-year time to be stalked and tracked. 9. Decision made On March 29th 2017, the New York County District Attorneys Office refused to me in favor of the accused are also based on two family court cases, where I initially sought to get an order of protection in 2014 against the defendants Supreme Court case 101227/17 Paul xxxxxx so that it would include Anna xxxxxx as a third party. The case was sabotaged by investigators that showed up from the New York county district attorneys office then back to back, Levy initiated a case against me, claiming that I threatened his children, and asserted antisemitic slurs. This was false, and I did not even know about this case due to the fact that Paul xxxxxx and Anna xxxxxx they blocked income in my new career as a licensed real estate person, I was homeless for one year and ten months. 10. Defendants cannot use decision + orders of Judge Cohen, Alexander Tische, and D’auguste and are moot based on prior decisions regarding the same defendants in case 101227/17, Business owners in the Arthur Avenue area pointed the finger at Anna Pilato xxxxxx. Motives verbalizing reasons having to do with money and inheritance. They also pointed out Levy verbalizing falsehoods to restaurant owners and employees as they came to reason that no one would ever trust me with such “fantastic” information. Corrupt government employees have since then lied to Federal Judges, about these “sensationalistic” “fantastic” accusatory accusations that Anna xxxxxx and Paul xxxxxx claim they are coming from me, steered Supreme Court cases, and “engineered” the decisions and orders to the lower court with housing cases, just like Furman recently tried to do on December 1,2022 and again, on April 15thm 2023, as part of her job of the life support for the Jewish Mafia, Aaron Levy and Matthew Levy, friends and associates of her clients 119 South Street, Manica and Barletta, Gigante and Esposito families. 11. my attempts to get an order of protection against Paul xxxxxx and Anna xxxxxx were disrupted same investigators from the DAs office, Michael Wigdor, Louis Capalupo and influenced Matthew Levy to use family court to do the same, a case that I never knew about until years later but dismissed. 12. DA investigators Louis Capalupo Michael Wigdor and Mike Sheehan is responsible for arranging a girl to block me from crossing the street on chambers and Broadway and again assaulted me the same way Crespo assaulted me. It was just before a 3 year Order of Protection expires and that is why Downtown Hospital documents and 3 gold shields were present. 13. These investigators also made a false referral to the FBI to cover their tracks to block me from getting help from the FBI. 14. It is a statement of fact that that these certain investigators take orders from the mafia, which means they track me to other businesses at work, and block income. It is called extortion and a form of trafficking of the dept type. Defendant 119 South Streets lawyer works beyond the legal capacity of an attorney as there is probable cause to believe Furman is the ghost attorney for Michael Marinaccio. I have been threatened by this attorney claiming I have something against the Gigante family. Defendant 119 South Street is currently communicating with certain family members which is a mechanism to evade wrongdoing in this suit. Their mother Lucia Barletta hired a private investigator to follow her husband Pino Manica and wrongly accused me of being involved with her husband when Anna xxxxxx was in communication with them. Most recently, 119 South Street was involved with damaging personal belongings, plants, furniture, pictures and electronic equipment when I moved on December 6th, 2023; interestingly Flatrate movers did not even have my phone number to contact me, even though arrangements were made electronically. 15. The DA responsible for making this decision also noted that he no idea about Michael Wigdor does. But will admit that my email to Wigdor and Levy 16. Since these crimes cross over to Federal crimes and lying to Federal Judges, and that Shelly Crespo, a person influenced by Matthew Levy Anna xxxxxx and Paul xxxxxx with the help of these investigators, attempted murder, pled guilty in a Supreme Criminal Court, this means that The decisions of Judge D’auguste, Judge Tishe Judge Cohen and in this case Judge Kathy King are overruled any and consider moot. 17. Judges in past cases and in this case, do not have the authority to change a decision of a Supreme Criminal Matter. The People -v- Shelly Crespo, in favor of myself, because I am the victim, but the rest of the perpetrators can still be prosecuted. Directly related is Judges do not have the authority to change a decision of The New York County District Attorney’s decision not to prosecute me in favor of the accused on March 29th, 2017, because the perps that were never arrested in the Crespo matter are the same that acted out in harassment and in retaliation and can still be arrested. A Judge cannot reinvent the facts or misconstrue the facts. A Judge cannot reinvent Decisions + Orders, over other Decisions in my favor. Therefore, defendants cannot use the backlog of wrong or misconstrued cases be it State or Federal Case in their defense, because ADA Silberg pointed out I took out a criminal complaint against Matthew Levy in the Special Prosecutions office at NYCDA but that is influenced by my brother Paul xxxxxx and therefore did not prosecute me in favor of the accused. ADA Silberg may not have also realized that Paul Aramans obsessive control issues of me are in part triggered by his ex-wife Anna xxxxxx. Anna xxxxxx has also reached out to Dale Strang for help to harm me and in this case, the wife of Alan Matarasso, the wife and staff of Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg, in which Dr. Glasberg acts as a conduit for Matarasso, contacting other doctors on his behalf about me without my permission. Anna xxxxxx contacts colorists from Serge Normant Salon, colorists at Sally Hirschberger Salon, Fredrick Fekkai Salon, and my former landlord 119 South Street Management Lucia Barletta directly and by a third party. 18. Concurrently, Defendant NYCDA committed crimes against the Federal Court by government employees, lying to several Federal Judges including Judge Preska, about the facts and using a legal government job to engage in the life support of the mafia, up to and including their lawyers, and is the reason why Allison M. Furman must be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I know this because other real estate attorneys that work at brokerages informed me of government employees contacting them about me. For these reasons, the defendants can not use other cases from other courts in their defense but will admit that the defendants in past cases, specifically Aaron Levy, Matthew Levy, Ruth Levy, Paul xxxxxx, Anna xxxxxx and Dale Strang. are currently interfering in this case and therefore are no statutes of limitation. 19. The Judge engaged in exparte communications with Judge D’auguste in the fall, 2022, and I take this very seriously, as all judges must be held accountable for reckless endangerment of another person because the defendants in the case are connected with mafia and “ghost” attorneys, that plan crimes for their client by coursing surgeons and their wives to criminally assault me under anesthesia, and collude with Anna xxxxxx to claim mental health issues, when trusting the rule of law in justice and fairness to life changing matters. This was a hate crime to punish me by the Jewish Mafia, that is triggered by Anna xxxxxx then claiming I have mental health issues and need to be monitored. 20. It would be better for this Judge to step down, then for me to point out hypocritical behavior by the notes I took on December 15th including the minutes of the court and fake defendants and demand that Judge Kathy King step down now as it is my opinion you are not fit to hold the position of a Judge in any court. You cannot make any further decisions, and I want you to refer this case to a judge that has experience with criminal matters. You cannot allow your court to be treated like a circus or hire court attorney that promotes it. Get out of this case now. You are out of line to use the speculation of Anna Pilato xxxxxx using the mental health problems and barbaric accusations of my mother to steer this case and add insult to injury. 21. Please take notice that upon the attached affidavit(s) of xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, Plaintiff pro-se, sworn to on April 17/18, 2023 the exhibits attached to the affidavit(s) and upon all proceedings in this case to date, the Plaintiff, xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx will move this court at 9:30 A.M. on the 11th day of May, 2023, at the Courthouse 60 Centre Street, New York, NY in the Motion Submission Part Courtroom, Room 130, for an order, pursuant to the Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR), granting the following relief to the movant: 22. Reargue, Renew, and Revoke Decision + Order on Motions 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, restore to the court case/calendar, and for Summary Judgement awarding me the original relief and money judgments I am seeking of 30 million Dollars, and for such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper. 23. Please take further notice, that pursuant to Civil Practice Law and rules 2214(b) you are hereby required to serve copies of answering affidavit(s) on the undersigned no later than the seventh day prior to the date set above for submission of this motion Affidavit in Support continued 1. I am the Plaintiff in this matter. I am also the Witness and deeply knowledgeable of the facts and circumstances surrounding this case. I make this affidavit in support of Motions for an order to Reargue, Renew, and Revoke Decisions + Orders for Motion Sequence 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 and Restore to the Court Calendar. 2. For Proposed Summary Judgement awarding me the original relief and money judgments I am seeking, 30,000,000 and for such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper. 3. I believe the Court should grant this motion because the Court is wrong, misconstrued, and overlooked significant facts and law that is on my side. The defendants filed motions and CPLRs and defenses that do not apply to this case and are moot. Please see following pages, Table of Contents, explanations, and supporting documents. 4. A prior application has not been made for the relief now requested regarding Decision + Order and Notice of Entry filed March 29, 2023. 5. Decision + Order filed March 29, 2023, for Motions 01, 02, 03, and 05, Defendants seek to dismiss this case. The judge dismissed this case for defendants “Greenberg”. “119 South Street”. “NYCDA”, and “Matarasso”. B Decision + Order Notice of Entry filed 03.29.2023 6. The Decision + Order for Motions 01, 02, 03, 05 to dismiss is wrong. Although all the defendants (Greenberg, 119 South Street, NYCDA, and Matarasso) cited other cases where I was the Plaintiff, be it Local, State, or Federal case, where the Judge dismissed cases, defendants in this case used the same verbiage as the Judge on those other cases, such as “fantastic” and “fanciful’ and even threatened intimidation (NYCDA) purporting I am going to be arrested, pointed out in their Motions to dismiss, and/or on the minutes of the court, is illegal to intimidate or use coercion, to undermine my credibility and place in society, up to and including “Matarasso” in his Affirmation in Opposition, “As and for an eighteenth affirmative defense, Plaintiff lacks capacity to sue”, to bring to light true facts and expose corruption. C Matarasso Affirmation in Opposition June 10, 2023, page 5, pp 19 and Motion seq. 8, Public Health Law 2805-d(4) is moot Matarasso Affirmation in Opposition p.2 pp.5 7. The court overlooked my inherent human rights. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. 8. Under the State Human Rights Law, every citizen has an “equal opportunity to enjoy a full and productive life.” The defendants violated these rights in their motions, defenses, CPLRs, and are replete in the minutes December 15th, 2023, because they wrongly perceive me as someone who is not fit and because of that reason do not believe my claims are valid and true. 9. Also, the reason why it is a wrong decision to grant a motion to dismiss is because to understand why Judges made misconstrued and overlooked decisions and orders, you would need to go to the very first Judge, just like if you were at trial, it starts at the beginning of the case and not the middle or end or make up what defendants think this case is about which they have done in this case. 10. It is a statement of fact that former criminal court Judge Eileen Koretz enlisted in a politically motivated slew of criminal cases against me to intimidate and harass me. She did this just as she became a criminal court Judge in New York County from a position as a Bronx County Assistant District Attorney. She is married to a former Bronx Prosecutor, Joseph Giampaolo, has ties to Rudy Giuliani, that created a conflict-of-interest by interfering with the Manhattan North Detective Squads affinity for the mafia, and how cases were rendered. 11. It was a premeditated to use the platform of criminal court a slew of times for the sole purpose of wrongful claims that I am a danger to myself and others, wrongful charges of obstruction of justice, wrongful “ghost” claims that I am selling my body for sex. There is the existence of law enforcement catering to politically connected people integrated with the mafia that is paranoid about the “French Connection”. The detectives from the Manhattan North, communicated falsehoods that I was knowledgeable of information regarding drugs and the French Connection and therefore people from my high school, Old Tappan and their friends and relatives in New York City, have been targeted me ever since. My brothers exwife Anna xxxxxx is using this as leverage against me. The repercussions are severe. I have the right to enjoy a full and productive life. 12. This Court overlooked that the matters in this case must be treated as crimes; crimes in the form of injuries to me, and crimes in the form of human trafficking of the intent to wipe out funds and put in debt type, launched by Koretz, her political connections integrated with the mafia, and her association with her friends and associates with Midtown North. This is the core of the issues at hand. It has not changed for almost 30 years now, nor has any decision been made on it, and is still coming from law enforcement in the investigative unit at NYCDA, Michael Wigdor, and that is why other people are compelled to go along and do harmful things to me. This court overlooked the existence of public corruption in this case that is the driving force behind the causes of action. The following paragraphs are facts to help the Court understand the real dynamic of this case, since I am not an attorney myself 13. The barbaric campaign against me was launched during a constructed investigation of a young person named Lance Berry. During the investigation, Detective Dugal assigned to the case, said he needed to interview me regarding the incident. He came over to my apartment and asked me unrelated questions having to do with what he asserted to me as the French Connection, and if I knew anyone from my hometown of Old Tappan, NJ that was involved in drugs. I said the only thing I know was something my high school boyfriend (Mark Bramwit) told me in that he used to hang out with a larger group of people but that there was an incident where cops stopped a car full of kids in Old Tappan and when they opened the car door, a bong fell out. That is the extent of my knowledge and zero knowledge of anyone from Old Tappan associated with the French Connection. I do not use drugs. Bramwit is now a radiologist at a hospital in NJ. I have asked him to stop contacting my mother telling her falsehoods that I am selling my body for sex. Apparently, he knows something about a drug issue and lashing back by telling my mother, a repressed woman of delusions of grandeur, a falsehood I am selling my body for sex directly or by a third party. 14. Berry was arrested for stalking me, but he did not commit this crime alone. Matthew D. Levy, an exboyfreind, the son of Aaron Levy, and his friends from Atlantic Records were involved and had the help of Detectives from Midtown North, specifically pointing out Detective Noak impersonating Lance Berry on the phone because I recognized his voice when I went to the detective squad later in 1996, and wrongly arrested me when I brought this to their attention. The P -v- Lance Berry F.O.I.L in which you can see the surveillance trace on my phone was deleted from the complaint by former ADA Kelly Donovan. 15. The surveillance of my phone was never taken off and was used to document a quantum of unwanted phone calls to the Detective Squad doing it to themselves, other people, and to former Supreme Court Justice Diane Lebedeff chambers, to frame me and initiate wrongful criminal charges by easy access to 315 West 55th street building and basement where a wall of phone lines were labeled with the matching apartment number where I lived. There was also other law enforcement from One Police Plaza living at 315 W 55th Street. It was never disclosed whose house Berry was house sitting. Dugal introduced me to someone not employed by NYPD that referred to him as “the big boss”. I was wrongly fired from my job of one year, when Berry was arrested but is associated with an IMCR Complaint against Levy, and a theme of criminal activity to me, thereafter, that is associated with the Jewish Mafia and his friends related to the Gigante family. D Warner Bros Appraisal 1page, IMCR 1 page, The P -v- Lance Berry F.O.I.L 6 pages, WB-Inter Office Memo 1 page 16. This led to a launch of related wrongful arrests in 1996 for unwanted calls and obstruction of justice where Eileen Koretz was the criminal court judge in New York County Criminal Court at 100 Centre Street for Plaintiff, for her friends and colleagues at Midtown North Detective Squad that further made false claims to Bureau 30, former ADA John Brancato and former Nuella O’Dorherty that I was “working” at the time of arrest, claimed that I owned a handgun, and claimed I was a danger to myself and others that put me in Rikers for 3 months. They used family members with existing mental health problems of repression and radical control to frame me. E M 376 96N 208 1996, M9 381 96N 013 1 1996, M 96C 363 1996 17. The slew of wrongful arrests happened concurrently when Levy initiated a frivolous suit against me for alleged relentless phone calls to him but was founded in the original complaint with the NYCDA, that he was impersonating me in an area of a chatroom with his account on AOL and verified by an AOL Attorney. Levy’s attorney, Brian Caplan intimidated my mother to agree to dismiss the case behind my back. F. Motion 04 Aaron Levy -v- xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx 127650/95 (2 pages) and document signed by Beverly xxxxxx (1 page) 18. Koretz presided over Midtown Community court from 1997-2006 which is right next door to the Detective Squad. Koretz wrongly intervened with what was clearly retaliation of corrupt law enforcement colluding with other people from Old Tappan who are involved in illegal drug activity according to Detective Dugals line of questioning of me, illegal surveillance, and violations of privacy seeking to destroy opportunities to enjoy a full and productive life and frame me. At that point, Koretz should have been removed from the bench and Detective Squad prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 19. NYCDA should have made a referral to the inspector General instead of enlisting in this political corruption by further making a false referral to the FBI about me. NYCDA and ADA John Brancato of bureau 30, knew all these cases were politically motivated and integrated with the mafia. The NYCDA knew law enforcement was wrongly associating me with other investigations with people living an unsavory lifestyle up and including a Brazilian prostitute the landlord William S Hocking rented to at 77 Pearl Street, and further claimed I was getting evicted because of Dr. Alan Matarasso in 2005. 20. It is not my job to investigate corruption or criminal acts: This is the job of NYCDA and their investigators. I cannot be held responsible for the NYCDA failure to recognize and report corruption and organized crime, negligence, or lack of ethics that has acted as a roadblock for me. It put my life on hold, while defendants, like Matarasso, attempt to claim the statute of limitations which is not fair to me. The court is wrong to grant their motion and overlooked the lack of doing anything as damaging my right to enjoy a full and productive life and blocking my efforts to collect money damages. Eileen Koretz illegal activity is analogous with an abuse of political power integrated with the mafia. Her self-entitlement is criminal, taking it upon herself to have me punished for charges and allegations that are only in the minds of sick distorted law enforcement and their fantasies extreme control, played out in criminal court. The repercussions have extended to law enforcement lying to many other Judges, misinforming, and un-informing other judges and is the reason why past Judges overlook facts and misconstrue information. 21. It is a statement of fact that my father, affiliated with the mafia and known crooked cops had spoken to Aaron Levy, Matthew Levy’s father, on the phone and whatever the conversation was about ignited all of this. It is called paying for the sins of your parents. Both Alex xxxxxx and Aaron Levy are affiliated with the mafia and made accusations that Aaron Levy used against me that knew he can use family members to frame me. The DAs office pretended to claim that cases against me were because of the police, making a complaint against me, but it was the police who pushed me around for Aaron Levy and Matthew Levy, highly connected in the music industry and the Jewish Mafia, then diverted the matters to family members to be steered and coerced in the courts. G Letter to Alex xxxxxx 22. This specifically pertains to people who have harmed me and the attorneys that represent them. In Aaron Levy et al -v- xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx, the Plaintiffs’ attorney for Aaron Levy and Matthew D Levy, Brian Caplan, an entertainment lawyer, and fixer, used the North Squad Detective to intimidate me and push me around, used certain family member mental health issues and control issues to project serious falsehoods in that case and regarding hostile accusations of living an unsavory lifestyle and mental health issues. That case is a result of my own illegal criminal court cases, up to and including the same for the defendants in this case and their attorneys who have claimed the exact same thing. By projecting these same claims is then also aiding and abetting in corruption of law enforcement and people of vast connections and resources, specifically, Allison Furman representing “119 South Street” who is associated with the Genovese Crime Family of New Jersey and New York. 23. The suppression of dissent and harassment I experienced became so overwhelming, I sublet my apartment to Ryan Gallagher from Philadelphia that told me he was taking over the apartment. The NYPD at the 18th precinct told me to put this belonging in the hallway because he was there under a month. Gallagher went to the North Squad detectives and arrested me for Unlawful Eviction, a case that was dismissed and sealed. The Judge asked me if I wanted to lodge a complaint with the NYPD but my attorney, hired by my mother refused which indicates that my father is involved with the police and the people the police is politically connected to and integrated with the mafia, to have me arrested a slew of times. Gallagher had destroyed the apartment and my furniture, electronics, stole two champagne glasses, and there was indication of doing drugs there. 24. The mailman tipped me on how to get his forwarding address which is 67 East 77th Street New York, NY down the block from Lenox Hill Radiology, the other residence of the late Vincent Gigante and the Esposito family. The Criminal Court case 1995-18-015 was dismissed and sealed in favor of the accused. 25. Therefore, it is both wrong and unfair for the defendants to be granted a motion to dismiss, and further unfair to project verbiage…fanciful…. fantastic…, claim I lack the capacity to sue, because it is rooted to former criminal court Judge, Eileen Koretz that enlisted in a politically motivated slew of wrongful criminal cases against me to intimidate and harass me which has been used as an ongoing criminal mechanism to target and retaliate against me by politically motivated court matters that it is integrated with the influence of mafia. 26. The motive of law enforcement including Michael Wigdor at the New York County District Attorney’s Office is making a business out of their telling falsehoods about drug matters that have zero to do with me but use my person as a way to get people who are politically connected and integrated with the mafia to target me, knowing they have an edge due to the nature of truly radical controlling family members and evade arrest. They are trafficking me of the debt type. When a family member is involved, it is familial trafficking, and it is a crime. This is violating my inherent human rights. They have constantly disrupted the normal process of my life. 27. Defendant 119 South Street use law enforcement, court officers or court employees as a support system of organized crime, and represents a threat to the legal justice system, and to the current self-regulation, and are the same people who are associated and related to Genovese, meaning they are affiliated with the Gigante family in Old Tappan and the Esposito’s on the Upper East, Matthew D. Levy, Anna Pilato xxxxxx, the exwife of my younger brother Paul xxxxxx The last three people claimed that I was talking to the FBI about their friends and relatives in the Arthur Avenue area of the Bronx, repeated again by a man in a work uniform on February 26th 2019 with threats directly to me “you know too much” “are going to tell on your friends from Old Tappan” “it’s like you never left Old Tappan” “people disappear all the time”, repeated again by a man in a work uniform, from June 2020 to December 2022 while living in the building the Manicas and Barletta’s own, at 42 Peck Slip. They have engaged my father, Paul xxxxxx and xxxxxx to purge them from any wrongdoing, as this transpired when Alvin Bragg was in Office but is manipulated by Michael Wigdor of the investigation unit at NYCDA and since then harassed by a person named Kian Khatibi, a criminal defense attorney and restaurant owner in the Seaport District friends with 119 South Street, accusing me of talking about drug related matters and the Barletta/Manica family, owner of 118 South Street Management LLC. I am not talking to the FBI about drug deals or drug trafficking. 28. It is a statement of fact that former ADA Kelly Donovan, who was assigned to prosecute the People -v- Lance Berry, failed to acknowledge the association with Detective Dugal and other persons tied to that crime or the significance of deleting the surveillance form the complaint although she went on to serve as Chief Counsel, Commission to Investigate Public Corruption in the Morland Commission. And now works at KPMG. I was interviewed years before the Morland Commission to investigators that intentionally held an office in soho away from the New York County District Attorneys Office. 29. Although the NYCDA pointed the finger at family members at fault, which is true, they also concurrently use them to purge any other person from wrong doing who have used family problems and their barbaric false accusations about me to harm me or make me suffer financially which is what Defendants in this case are doing inappropriate communications with Anna Pilato xxxxxx the exwife of my younger brother Paul xxxxxx, directly and by a third party. 30. Anna Pilato xxxxxx, since the time of her involvement with Paul xxxxxx has been communicating very severe falsehoods to Matthew D. Levy and several other men which has added another curve ball this these court matters. There is a district pattern of criminal activity of her engaging different men that I don’t believe in relationships that I am selling my body for sex, that I have something against Italians, against people of the Jewish Faith and most of all projecting accusatory accusations that are about her. She is doing this to manipulate my family members who she knows has mental illness and other radical controlling issues that is intended to aid and abet in delusions of grandeur of how family members perceive me. 31. Anna xxxxxx is a calculating evil person and is responsible for colluding with Matthew D. Levy regarding another related wrongful criminal case in from 1999 to 2001 by getting the mafia to direct the police to have me arrested for unwanted phone calls to a person that I dated a short time, a former Assistant US Attorney. The case arose because this attorney believed that I had every right to contact the police for assistance given the overwhelming amount of harassment I received and odd incidents that made me fearful. But through the police, the mafia convinced the former US Attorney that I was a prostitute and somehow affiliated with alleged brothels that were on Pearl Street by the Brooklyn Bridge. 32. This was also the time that Daniel Moro who was a Federal Narcotics Agent at the time, contacted me that apparently had wrong information about me as well and had just suffered from a family tragedy of an auto collusion that killed several of his children. I don’t believe he was thinking clearly at the time. And although years later I had learned of this incident, and that it was an accident, I personally do not believe it was an accident, and that his friends in high school who grew up to be medical doctors, evaded intense pressure from the mafia by passed blame on me to Paul xxxxxx and Anna xxxxxx to cover it up. I believe that Dan Morro has friends from high school that are medical doctors now to avoid immense pressure from the mafia they used to slander in high school there is probable cause to believe they passed blame on me because they know my family will cover up for other people’s crimes and bad acts. I do not fully believe 33. I am the victim of other people who are politically connected and integrated with the mafia that have barbarically targeted me over many years, because certain law enforcement is telling them I know information about drug deals and drug trafficking and something called the French Connection that are coming from my own family members, specifically Paul xxxxxx this is covering up for Matthew D Levy and Anna Pilato xxxxxx. Matarasso 34. Matarasso accused me of being affiliated with people in “the black market” and harassed me regarding incidents with the phone poking fun of the wrongful arrest in 1999. He and his staff should have had no knowledge of it and this line of accusatory accusations were not part of the business plan to jump start my career in acting and modeling again sfter a brak up with Angelo Cutrone. He also accused me of contacting his wife which is preposterous. The fact of the matter is that I 30.had just come out of a relationship with Angelo Cutrone, that had been abusive, and is also, as I have learned, associated with Anna xxxxxx and Matthew Levy. I was trying to move forward with my life, doing something wonderful for myself, but it turned out the same people were communicating with Matarasso and his staff, about me, for example Marie his nurse, and front desk employee, which had a negative impact on my experience then resulting an infection in my left breast that severely got worse and used the same verbiage the other defendants did in court to threaten my credibilyt when describing my symptoms, and the color of the discharge which was a pinkish /salmon color because it was the infection discharging through my left nipple mixed with a little blood. 35. Matarassos’ behavior, influenced by Anna xxxxxx communications in beauty/publishing industry, by mafia contacting him via law enforcement, dictated the lack of the Standard of Care that Matarasso is required to have that. Even though the immediate result of surgery was good, it turned into an emergency, that was severely delayed in treatment. I suffered from an infection of my left breast. 36. Matarasso displayed hostile behavior and in denial that nothing was wrong or that it had to do with his surgery. Apparently Matarasso contention that he is a world-renowned surgeon means to him that he is also above the law. 37. Matarasso went on a long-winded list of accusations and defenses that have nothing to do with this case and is written as if Matarasso is responding to a different case. Matarasso created a conflict-of-interest siding with criminals that also work in publishing. The nature of the criminal acts Matarasso engaged family members used to speak on my behalf, make calls on my behalf, contact employers past and current, and use my social security number. Matarasso comprised the doctor/patient relationship by using me as a business card to try and get an editorial page with a Elle magazine to keep current and cutting edge in the media, and with disregard to respect, understanding and care, and privacy. Anna xxxxxx and her family connected with the mafia reaches out to others with the intent to cause great harm and injury to my life. 38. 34Matarasso speaks of Supermodel Linda Evangelista’s cosmetic procedure gone wrong but that is not because he cares about what happened or if it is corrected, he just is interested in the media attention it will give him to bring in more clients. 39. I am speaking of penal laws in relation to Matarasso through medical malpractice. Simply put, Matarasso needs a criminal defense attorney. He engaged with politically connected people integrated with the mafia to harm my body. And covers a segment of time from about September 2003 to November of 2005. Therefore, the court is wrong and overlooked the dynamic of what this case is about. 40. Matarasso claims that the statute of limitation is long over from May of 2022. This is wrong, but court was not aware that Matarassos’ colleague, Dr. Scot Glasberg, a third party, communicated with other people politically connected and integrated with the mafia on Matarassos’ behalf, made phone calls about me on Matarassos’ behalf, and did the same with other doctors up to and including Greenberg, and a dermatologist I periodically go to, Dr. Howard Sobel. Glasberg has also contacted doctors at the Dermatology Department at Mount Sinai who I see for my mild diagnosis for psoriasis on my fingers. Glasberg was also interviewed on a television show commenting to the crew where he talks about people wanting to look like their relatives. 41. Glasberg is affiliated with Lenox Hill Hospital and MEETH. I did not give Glasberg permission to contact people on Matarassos’ behalf nor did I ever agree or approve of the false accusations that he says about me. Matarasso also has been communicating with Anna Pilato xxxxxx through Glasberg and before I knew this, Glassberg had taken out 10 staples from my head that is associated with a felony crime to me in the Bronx Anna Pilato xxxxxx is responsible for. Glasberg wrote a deliberate medical report describing the three lacerations and staples in the first half but inappropriately stated information of an annual exam for something unrelated. This medical report points out Glassberg communication with Anna Pilato xxxxxx and the mafia that helped her commit this crime, with Glassberg acting as an accomplice to a crime through Matarasso, by wrongly including information in that crime report that I was there for at the Drs office for a checkup for breast reconstruct following a diagnosis with cancer. The medical report meant to show as documentation from a doctor reinforcing the damages to me in the felony assault of The People -v- Shelly Crespo, were meant to give a false alibi of breast reconstruct to evade arrest and prosecution of Anna Pilato xxxxxx, who is indeed behind criminal defendant Shelly Crespo mistaking me for a former employee that took her place. 42. 39The reason why I was assaulted and needed staples in my head was because both Anna xxxxxx and Paul xxxxxx were telling the mafia in the Arthur Avenue area of the Bronx that I was talking to the FBI about them and drug dealing. I was also told that Matthew D Levy helped them circulate this falsehood. 43. 40This letter is written as if it could be used as a reason why there was an altercation, and oddly looks like it could be because I had radical surgery, but I did not know the girl who assaulted me, moreover, the girl who