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  • Wood, C Lane Vs Wood, Sheryl K Real Property Mortgage Foreclosure document preview


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 20TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASENo. — 11-2009-CA-006482 IRONSTONE BANK, Plaintiff. vs. C. LANE WOOD A/K/A CLINTON LANE WOOD, et. al., a 3 Defendants. So oe28 BS = : = > / Xe, v 5 8 AFFIDAVIT OF COSTS Ny. Oy — STATE OF FLORIDA Say * COUNTY OF BROWARD eo, =. @ Se = oy The undersigned, after having been first duly sworn, deposes and says: 3 wos np 1. He/She is a member of the law firm of GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A., the attorneys of record for Plaintiff in the above-styled cause, and he has personal knowledge relative to the following costs. 2. The following items of costs have actually and necessarily been incurred on behalf of Plaintiff in the prosecution of this cause: Clerk's filing fee $1,950.00 Service of process $710.80 Title Related Services $425.00 TOTAL: $3085.80 FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. ? Affiant “— 4 SWORN TO aM, SY) SCRIBED be: re me this 3 day of OI , 2009 by the Affiant, , who took oe, pare known to me. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA _/ My Commission expires: (Notary Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF FLORIDA *, Nalini Maharaj ‘ommission # Db699922 xpires: JULY 29, 2011 BONDED THRU ATLANTIC BONDING CO, INC.