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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA Case No: 2018 CF 000661 Date of Offense: 02/10/2018 STATE OF FLORIDA vs ANDREW CAULDWELL STITZER 5100 HARKLEY RUNYAN RD SAINT CLOUD, FL 34771 Defendant ASHLEY MORRISON 2 COURTHOUSE SQUARE SUITE 1600 KISSIMMEE, FL 34741 Attorney NOTICE SETTING PRE-TRIAL HEARING AND TRIAL DATE AND UNIFIED PRE-TRIAL ORDER COURT DATES Defendant is hereby Ordered to appear for: Date Time Location Judge Event 9:00AM COURTROOM 4F GREG A TYNAN PRE-TRIAL 5/23/2018 9:00AM COURTROOM 4F GREG A TYNAN JURY TRIAL 6/11/2018 APPEARANCE UNIFIED PRE-TRIAL ORDER Judicial Circuit, State of Florida, including felonies, misdemeanors and This order applies to all criminal cases prosecuted in the Ninth criminal traffic cases in both Orange and Osceola counties. 1. Trial: during the entire trial s are expe: .cted to be ready for trial and be available A. State Attorneys, Defendants and their attorneys and witnesse period. Judge's court room until released by the B. State Attorneys, Defendants and their attorneys must be on time for trial and not leave the Presiding Judge. for trial and that the trial C. Scheduling a case for trial, during pretrial or other court appearance is a representation that the party is ready period/trial date is satisfactory to the party. and civil trials, regardless of whether the motions, hearings or D. Criminal cases set for jury trial take pres cedence over motions, hearings, Administration). Rules of Judicial civil trials are in county or circuit court. (Rule 2.55 0 of the Florida to a must bring updated calend: ces. Once a case is schedul led for trial any continuance due E. All Attorneys lars to all court appearan scheduling conflict will be not be granted absent extraordinary circumstances. of and contain a waiver of speedy trial if filed by the Defendant if the result IL. Motions to Transfer: All Motions to Transfer must be filed ten (1 0) days prior to trial form. granting the motion would delay the trial. The Motion must be in the approved Ul. iscovery: to the defense attorney upon the filing of a Notice Of Discover y. ‘The Assistant State Attorney shall promptly provide all discovery materials shall be filed immedia tely upon discover y of All parties shall commence and complete discovery prior to the Pre-Trial conferen ce. Any motions the grounds for the motion an dd shall be set for hearing prior to the Pre-Trial conferenc e. The only motion \s allowed after Pre-Trial will be those and before the trial period begins. directed to the conduct of the trial and they shall be set after Pre -trial IV. Pre-Trial Motions: pretrial. motions to continue must be filed before or at the time of Motions for Continuance: (1) Absent extraot dinary circumstances, ied by the approved form order. A. (2) Any such motion must be in writing on the approved form, setting forth g ‘ood cause and must be accompan (4) (3) If, after the case is schedul led for trial, a continuance is requested due to witness unavailability, th en it must be filed prior to the trial date. extraordinary circumstances. (5) A request for continuance based request for continuance due to scheduling conflict will not be granted absent ances. A upon the scheduling of a non-criminal jury trial case and/or bi ench trial or hearings shall be denied absent extraordinary circumst hearing prior to the (10) days prior to the Pre-trial conferen ce and schedule d for Motions To Suppress: (1) Shall be filed at least ten B. Pretrial conference, unless good cause is shown for the delay. (2) Shall clearly set forth evidence sought to be suppressed or excluded, the be on (3) Attorneys, Defendants and witnesses shall specific reasons for the suppression and a general statementdueof tofacts supporting the motion. attorney's unavailability unless e xtraordinary ci ircumstances exist. A time for the hearing. (4) Hearings shall not be conti inued the Attorney s are ex] pect ted to have back up counsel ready to conflicting trial or hearing date does notconstitute an ext traordina ry circumst ance. handle said motions. (5) Late filings of Motions to Suppress may result in denial with hearing. See 2d 1050(5th DCA. State v. Powell, 717 So. 1998) 8:36:49AM PTORV3 2018 CF 000661: ANDREW CAULDWELL STITZER Page2 of2 V. Miscellaneous: A. Interpreters: State Attomey and/or Defendant's attorney shall notify the Court at the pre-trial conference ifa language interpreter is required for the defendant or any witness together with notice of the relevant language. B. Trial Division: If the trial is moved to the Trial Division, counsel may not reargue motions already ruled upon. C. Defendant's Presence: Unless excused by the Court, the Defendant, if not in jail, shall be present with counsel at all preliminaryand/or conferences except for arraignment or pre-t trial conference if the attoey has timely filed a notice of appearance and waiver or arraignment re-trial conference. If the Defendant is in jail, Defense counsel | shall consult with the Defendant during the week preceeding the preliminary Pp conference, and if such jailed Defen .dant is to enter a plea, counsel must notify the Judge's assistant by 2:00 pm on the working day preceding the Preliminary Conference unless otherwise scheduled by the Judge. ofrelease. Failure to stay in D. Clients represented by the public defender must stay in contact with the public defender as a condition contact with your public defender may result in revocation of your conditions of release and you may be incarcerated. DONE AND ORDERED THIS 16TH DAY OF MARCH, 2018 IN COURTROOM 4F. GREG A TYNAN, CIRCUIT JUDGE I certify that copies have been furnished on 16TH day of March, 2018 By: KATHERINE C., DEPUTY CLERK DEFENDANT SIGNATURE x0 a“ - ANDREW CAULDWELL STITZER DEFENDANT MAILED HAND DELIVERED ASHLEY MORRISON 2 COURTHOUSE SQUARE SUITE 1600 eeu KISSIMMEE, FL 34741 DEFENDANT'S ATTORNEY EMAIL “ HAI AND DI PROSECUTOR MAILED HAND DELIVERED —— ST. CLOUD BAIL BONDS 2425B 13TH ST. SAINT CLOUD, FL 34769 7 BONDSPERSON MAILED. HAND DELIVERED to appear will result in NOTE: Defendant's presence is required, unless otherwise noted above, and failure of defendant forfeiture of the bond. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to on of participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provisi certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Court Administration, Osceola County Courthouse, 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 6300, Kissimmee, Florida, (407) tely upon 742-2417, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immedia than 7 receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711. $.36:49AM PTORV3,