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UY LVAD AYA CU MT ECT ET CFN 2018140849 Bk 5424 Pas 2715-2719 (5 Pas) DATE: 10/29/2018 9216242 An ARMANDO RAHIREZ? CLERK OF COURT OSCEOLA COUNTY RECORDING FEES $0.0) CERTIFICATE OF COSTS IMPOSED UNDER SECTION 939.185, FLORIDA STATUTES To meet the 2009 legislative amendment to section 939.185, Florida Statutes, the Osceola County Clerk’s Office is attaching this certified document to the final judgment and sentence rendered in this case to certify that the $65.00 cost contained in section 939.185, Florida Statutes, was imposed in this case. This certificate constitutes a lien against the person upon whom the costs are imposed and shall attach as a lien on any real property. owned by such person located in the county-in which such order is recorded. ise eames: Dated Oc ATe tp eS Oe ee oe aps ow we By: Pics SO em att io<0 | ow Depu (ct OF In the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit In and For Osceola County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA Case No: 2018 CF 000661 vs UL MEA EL AURD EL SD ANDREW CAULDWELL STITZER mtr lll ARMANDO RAMIREZ OSCEOLA COUNTY» DATE FILE & 2012126038 Bk 53B7 Pas 446-449 8/17/2012 09 23S209 An (4 PastREC FI EES $0.00 fe JUDGEMENT & SENTENCE / FINGERPRINTS cHaRGES= " Daw 1, OSCEOL, A CROSSRSSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE THIRD DEGREE FELONY CL ERX OF (ROSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA FIRST DEGREE MISDEMEANOR Judge: GREG A. TYNAN Defense Attorn SHLEY MORRISON Deputy: R.McCue #1933 / D.Wilson #338 Assistant State Attorney: J. Campa / oudreau /D. Carrier / C. Maisonet / T. Early / D. Grobmyer Defendant was tried and found guilty CHANGE OF PLEA: __|___ Plea to the bench \_ present not present Interpreter Translated SWORN AND PLED _—~ Guill Guilty-Best interest Nolo Contendre Count(s)_}, 2. as arged/LIO Count(s) as charged/LIO Count(s) Nolle Prosequi + Adjudged Guilty Adjudication of Guilt Withheld Minimum Mandatory Sex Offender (See attached) __ Sex Predator Habitual Offender Years Violent Habitual Offender Years Prison Release Re-offender ______ Youthful Offender _____ Departure Sentence Remand SENTENCE: { ! days/months/years(s) OCJ w/ oe Days CTS; Count 4 f L v condition of probation —— days/months/years(s) DOC w/ Days CTS; Count _ Split Sei ntence: Kony dim/y jail/doc, then dim/y C.C. 1/2, followed by d/m/y probation Report to Krobationy C.C. within “CY days/! outs) within days/hours following release from custody. Cc ‘oncurrent: to all counts & Sentences Consecutive: to all counts & Sentences ‘PROBATION: A‘ s to counts 42-, 2 eo ____d/mo/yr: CC1/2 followedtby State Probation / 2 dayspvyr cts_2- ; YB daysfmoryr cts. _/ County Probation days/mo/yr cts. —Drug Offender Probation: Monthly testing at own expense, treatment & counseling. PROBATION-SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Special conditions are to be started or completed within 60 days of sentencing violation. Victim Awareness Program: enroll within days, complete within days. _____ DWLS Class No Alcohol No weapons / firearms "DNA sample-pursuant to F.S. 943,325 Forfeit seized weapon(s) G.P.S, Monitor AIDS/HIV Test DUI Counter Attack School: enroll within days; complete within cays. Vv Bridge Program /PRC /Phoenix /Transition House/ Jail to hold until bed available >7ONOU in Impulse control class: enroll in days and complete within days. (NON INTERNET) LCommunity Service: / @Chours with to be completed by’ month. Anger management:___ 8 hr ___ 12 wks; to be completed within days / months, total by day/month(s). Batterer’s Intervention Program- enroll within days and complete within di lays / months. + Drug and Alcohol Evaluation and complete any recommended treatment. Enroll within Take all medications as prescribed Transfer to County-State within AQ days. No objection for defendant to travel to during pendency of transfer of probation, after initial report of probation in Osceola County, FL. 2018 CF 000661 Page | of 4. Driver's License: Revoked/Suspended for year(s) / day(s) / months(s) / life as to count B.P.L. Ignition Interlock Device for months/years Vehicle Impounded for days. Work Release Program: Judge recommends defendant for this program. Letter of apology: To victim(s) and give letter to probation of at least _ words/page(s), due within days. ‘—~ Drug Testing: Random drug testing. No Contact: with Victim(s) / Co-defendant(s) No Hostile Contact: with Victim(s) / Co-defendant(s) Do not return to the crime scene. Do not return to the victim(s) residence or any future residence of the victim(s). Submit to mental health / psychsexual evaluation and follow any recommended treatment. Early term/Admin Probation: After of probation is completed, all conditions completed (costs, fees, restitution, and not violation _ Must file motion with the court. Curfew: .M. - am. 7 Days a week may be modified for employment purposes > > MONETARY OBLIGATIONS: IF ON PROBATION, You are to make payments to Probation. If you are NOT ON PROBATION then pay Clerk of Court. Either way, you will pay the sums and in the manner herein directed. > > Pursuant to section 903.286, Statutes, the Clerk of Court shall deduct any Court fees, fines, and Costs from any cash bond posted on or after 07/01/05 Restitution: $ total, to be paid. As a condition of probation Joint & Several with: CO-DEFENDANT(S) Restitution Ordered Reserved as to it. Joint & Several with: CO-DEFENDANT(S) -— Court Cost $273 $410 Gal s_ Teen Cour nty Ordinance No, 4) Drug Case Fines: FDLE an OCDTF. Surcharge (FS 938.085) $151.00 and $201.00 Surcharge (FS 938.08) Prostitution Fine (796.07 6) $500.00 Fines: $ + 5% Surcharge: $ + Cost of Prosecution: 00. ____ DUI Costs/Fines $ Crimes Against Minor (938.10) $151.00 x/ Public Defender/Contract Attorney fee/Lien: $50 $150 (®)s Cost of $ Extradition Payable to the State of Florida $. Cost of Investigation $. Joint and Several —— Payments: You will pay $ , including restitution, on or before the Ist day of each month, first payment in day(s)/month(s), if probation, pay cost of supervision, and a 4% surcharge. > > > > PALL PAYMENTS SHALL BE APPLIED TO RESTITUTION, IF ANY, FIRST. < <<< <4 Final Judgment: Record in public records of Osceola County.: You must report immediately to the Clerk's Collection & Compliance Office (CCO) located on the 2nd floor to pay your Monetary obligations or make payment arrangements. If incarcerated, you must report within days of release. Consecutive to / any other case currently on CCO. Set up payment plan with probation. Payments through CCO shall be at the rate of $ per month / $ per month. Payments may be modified by CCO / Probation upon their discretion. Any monetary balance remaining after probation shall be paid through the CCO at same monthly amount. PS] WAIVED. PSI NOT NECESSARY PSI REVIEWER PRIOR TO SENTENCING Payments are a condition of probation and to be completed within the first of probation. Other Conditions: > > You must immediately report, in person, or the next working day, or upon release from confinement to the DOC Probation Office at 1605 N. John Young Parkway, Kissimmee Florida 34741 if on State Probation or the County Probation Office at 330 B eaumont Avenue, Kissimmee Florida 34741 if on County Probation. STANDARD TERMS OF PROBATION: 1 You will make a full and truthful report to your Probation Officer on or before the Sth day of each month. 2018 CF 000661 Page 2 of 4 2 You will pay cost of supervision of $20.00/$40.00 or such other sums as determined by judge; plus a 4% surcharge per month. 3 You will not change your residence, employment, or leave the county of your residence without prior consent of your Probation Officer. 4 You will neither possess, carry nor own any weapons or firearms. 5. You will not violate any laws or court orders, including pay child support. 6 You will not associate with persons engaged in criminal activity. 7 You will not use intoxicants if prohibited or in excess; or possess any drugs, narcotics, or paraphernalia unless prescribed by a physician, and then, only in accordance with prescribed dosage. Nor will you visit places where intoxicants, drugs, or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used. 8 You will make a good faith effort to be employed. 9 You will truthfully answer all questions directed to you by the Probation Officer, and allow them to visit your home, employment or elsewhere. You will comply with all instructions he may give to you. 10. You will pay restitution, costs and fees as order herein 11. You will submit to chemical tests (breath, urine, and blood) upon request of your Probation Officer; and submit to search of your residence, person or vehicle for the presence of controlled substance, weapon, firearms and alcoholic beverages if prohibited. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF COMMUNITY CONTROL: 12. You shall report once a week, or as directed. 13, You will remain confined to your approved residence except for one half hour before and after your approved employment, public service work or any other special activities approved by your officer. 14, You will maintain an hourly accounting of all activities on a daily log which you will submit to your officer upon request. 15. Pursuant to F.S. 948.03, your officer may place you on electronic monitoring. You will maintain a private phone line at your residence and you will be financially responsible for any lost or damaged equipment. If placed on monitor you will pay $30.00. > >» The Court reserves the right to rescind, modify or revoke probation to the extent provided by law. I have received a copy of the terms and conditions of my Probation/Community Control. I have read and understand these conditions. In addition, I hereby consent to the disclosure of any alcohol and drug abuse patent records, the confidentiality of which is federally regulated under 42CFR, part II, for the duration of my supervision. You shall submit your person, property, place of residence, vehicle or personal effects to a warrantless search at any time, by any probation or community control officer or any law enforcement officer. 2018 CF 000661 Page 3 of 4 FINGERPRINTS OF DEFENDANT: ANDREW CAULDWELL STITZER COUNT CRIME OFFENSE STATUTE NUMBER DEGREE OF CRIME | Poss - of Conbolled $13.80) 3 Suhtlaner L Ree. of Ag 844. KIC) Ud UA Woman Fingerprints taken by: R.McCue #1933) D. WAsere#333-— Title: DEPUTY SHERIFF 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing fingerprints are the fingerprints of the Defendant, ANDREW CAULDWELL STITZER and that they were placed thereon by said Defendant in my presence in Open Court this date. FILE OPEN COU! DONE AND ORDERED at Osceola County, THI: DAY OF wid 20 LF Flori This layo! 0 /F ARM. RAMIREZ, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT BY: 5 Van DEPUTY CLERK CIRCUIT JUDGE GREG A. TYNAN STATE DEFENDANT )DEF ATTY )BOND PROBATION JAIL )SO- PTR cco BK WK REL REC MTL HEALTH (_JCASHIERS (__)DHSMV 2018 CF 000661 Page 4 of 4