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  • Jahary Canto v. Cine Magic East River Studios, Llc, Java Landing, Llc, The City Of New York Torts - Other (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Jahary Canto v. Cine Magic East River Studios, Llc, Java Landing, Llc, The City Of New York Torts - Other (Slip and Fall) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 04/05/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 66 INDEX NO. 519697/2018 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/10/2023 Pras 3 )a& At die City/TA Fart of The Supreme Court of the State of Mew PC Date: 1 1/08H?021 York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse Prior CC Dates: 07/19/ 2022 located at 3JS0 Adams Street, Brooklyn New York on the Current NOT Date : uv? rjn?o 2k day of March 2023 - Hon. Rachel fc, Freier PRESENT: »QaxtatiaflBcqDttH»& AISC JAHAftY CANTO X . CAL NO.. Plaintiff . OTY/TA COMPLIANCE -a&uiwt- CONFERENCE ORDER C1NE MAGIC EAST RIVER STUDIOS, LLC and JAVA LANDING, LLC AND TIIE CITY OF NEW INDEX NO. YORK, o ON DEFAULT City TT#: 2018-076394 Defendant!- rfON CONSENT -X AFTER ORAL ARGUMENT Plaintiff shall file a Note of Issue on or before 1 2/03/2023 or action may be dismissed . Plaintiff must comply with the Uniform Rules Of Kings County for placing action on the Trial Calendar . Plaintiff to provide at!outstanding authorizations on or before . . All outstanding responses to Discovery and Inspection requests on or before Deposition of plaintiffs): held 3/ 22/2023 to be held G/ O/B: Deposition of defendants): held. , to be held O/G/ B: {See Below ) Independent Medical Examinations held . . or to be noticed by 05 /21 / 2024 Exams to be completed by 07 /20/2023 .and Reports to be exchanged by 09 /03/ 2023 Today's CC is rwiofuftrf us fiWlnujg - 1 \ A ; MailM abnvf * ? ) ritlfl FRT in hA hrfd toirJW fK / nP /PfLDT 2) Tana|qfiHij] jr PRr[ frr 13 / pQ /Pf|D 3 ^ - M r J TL. r A) .iljLFRT .srhprlnJrrl far 05/?dtt0? 3 O':- $ ) City to respo. itrk pr rt / ro - if :; . ss r; Unjustified failure of any party to comply with the terms of this Order wilt result in sanctions .4^? V. ! ENTER: use 2“‘1 page as needed Hon. fggjij Freier ralNTFiiud NAME ttUNT A1TCBNEY KAME ATTORNEY FDtM GOLDSTEIN ± HANQWERKER , LLF StCVW Golden FOP, PiAuffiFFfS) Jahary Canto . ^ ATTORNEY FIRM EUSTACE PREZIOSO & VAPCLIANYK by Robert M - Mazaei FOR. DfeFMDiANTlSl CuiC MajjlC ATTORNEY RUM GREGORY B- COBURN b Gtefi Coburn ^ .FOR UBfENDANTfSi Java Landing ATTORNEY navi Corooraii &n Counsel by SHR t» Desiree Alexander by HS .FOR PEFEKDAHHS) Cit¥ (SPi .io 1 of 1