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  • FIELDBAY DEVELOPMENTS, INC.   vs.  WPVA, LP VIA ITS , et alOTHER (CIVIL) document preview
  • FIELDBAY DEVELOPMENTS, INC.   vs.  WPVA, LP VIA ITS , et alOTHER (CIVIL) document preview
  • FIELDBAY DEVELOPMENTS, INC.   vs.  WPVA, LP VIA ITS , et alOTHER (CIVIL) document preview
  • FIELDBAY DEVELOPMENTS, INC.   vs.  WPVA, LP VIA ITS , et alOTHER (CIVIL) document preview


CAUSE NO. DC-22-‘l4‘698 FIELDBAY DEVELOPMENTS; INC., § IN THE DISTRICT COURT V ’ Plaintiff, CL g v. _ _ . g 116“] JUDICIAL DISTRICT ‘ " WPVA, LP and. KEELEY MEGARITY, g i ._ Defendaizts; g _ ~ DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTED SERVICE 0N DEFENDANT WPVA,.LP the Court considered the Motion and attached exhibits,: 'of Plaintiff Fieldbay On this" (lay, DevelOpments,'Inc. (“Plaintiff’), in this Canse, fOr Service of citation on Defendant WDVA, LP (‘;WPVA” or other than by delivery in person or by certified mail or . “Defendant”), bywamanner , . , \ _ registered mail. The Court, after considering said lJVIotion, is of the opinion that said Defendant WPVA’s-registered agent’s residencefia‘nd usualplace of abodeiha's been shOwn to be 3741 Jardin Street, Houston, Texas‘77401x, and that'service has been attempted by Serving Defendant WPVA’s' registered agent, Keeley Megarity, pursuant £0 the TEXAS RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, but that such attempted Service has not been successful. Further, the Court is ‘of the opinion that the manner of service ordered will be reasonably effective to give Defendant WPVA notice of herein . this suit. . . ,IT IS ACCORDINGLY ORDERED that service upon said\Defendant WPVA be accOrnplished by either (1) serving a-copy of the Plaintiffs Original Petition, Citation,lwith " attached, thereto upon any person oVer the age of sixteen (l 6) years at Defendant WPVA’s registered agent, Keeley Megan'ty’s usual place of abode and residenCe, which is 3741 Jardin ' Street, ‘Houston,'Texas 77401 , or (2) attaching the Citation and Plaintiff’s Original Petition, to the / '\ ' ' ORDER FOR SUIjsSTITU’i‘ED SERVICE V ' 1, . ( door or main at said and that a trile copy of such order for Substituted Service 1 front entry address, "b‘e‘attached to; and inciud'edWith the‘EGitation and Originai PetitiOn, to be served upon Defendant . I 1’ I DeEIWPVA 7 is. ._ _ ’_ I 3 , IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the return of the officer be endorSed and/or attached to the Citation, state when and how C1tat10n Was served, and be signed and sworn toby -, the the 1' officer serving same. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of thisOrder shall be attached to any and all . : \ such processes writs. or SIGNED this the _5_ day of January, 2023. ORDERFOR SUBSTITUTED’SERVICE' ~ . . 1 2 : ‘ L