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  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview
  • Mathew Often, Chair and Member of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton et al vs. Grafton Zoning Board Of Appeals et al Zoning Appeal, G.L. c. 40A document preview


Date Filed 7/25/2023 2:53 PM Superior Court - Worcester Docket Number 2385C 00812 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS WORCESTER, ss. SUPERIOR COURT No. 2385CV00812 MATHEW OFTEN, ANDREW P JEFFERSON, ANN MARIE FOLEY, MARK ALIMO, RAYMOND MEAD, as they are MEMBERS OF THE SELECT BOARD OF THE TOWN OF GRAFTON, Plaintiff, Vv. BRIAN WALLER, WILLIAM MCCUSKER, KAY REED, PETER ADAMS, WILLIAM YEOMANS, and JIFFY THOMAS, as they are MEMBERS OF THE GRAFTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS and NICHOLAS CAPMAN, Defendants. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE IN COMPLIANCE WITH GL c. 40A. 17 I, Ginny S. Kremer, attorney for the Plaintiffs, Members of the Select Board of the Town of Grafton, depose and say: 1 That I represent the Plaintiffs in the above titled matter. 2. That on July 24, 2023, I filed a Complaint in the Superior Court, such complaint filed within 20 days of the filing of the Notice of Constructive Approval which is the subject of this matter. That on July 25, 2023, I filed a Notice of Appeal and copy of the Complaint with the Town Clerk of Grafton, MA, by hand delivery. Said notice was filed within 20 days of the filing of the Notice of Constructive Approval which is the subject of this matter. That within fourteen days after filing said Complaint, I gave written notice thereof with a copy of the Complaint by mailing same, certified mail, to all defendants named herein. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this 25" day of July, 2023, “Eby ne H26/8S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Ginny Sinkel Kremer, certify that on this day I have served a true copy of the within by mailing same, first class mail, postage prepaid to all defendants named herein. Givunis S. Krenaty Date: 7.25.2023