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  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview
  • Ernest Watson, Abby Watson v. The City Of New York, Det. John Brady Shield No. 646, P.O. Rene Soto Torts - Other Negligence (False Arrest) document preview


INDEX NO. 162516/2019 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/02/2023 12:43 PM NYSCEF BOC. NO. 17 REC IVED NYSCER} 40/02/2623 moO NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 e LEV SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Present: HON. JUDY:H. KIM COUNTY OF NEW YORK Justice Index No.: 162516/2019 WATSON, ERNEST TAS: 05 Plaintiffis) Appearance No.: 007 -against- DCM Track: Standard CITY OF NEW YORK RJI File Date: 2/40/2020 STIPULATION AND ORDER Defendant(s) x ***REQUEST FOR REFERRAL TO ADR: YES _NO (Parties seeking court referred ADR shall check the box and wait further instruction from the court)*** ITIS HEREEY. STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between or among the parties named below as follows: Pome op eat 0 he eure st EBT ead ne nrasperty witness tp ptm ORDERED: Ae Per No Extensions of above dates & ‘ourt Order, uopon good. Cause-sho wn SC: [OLZ7ZS (Le NOI: TBO at Sc, ***The parties request a virtual conference with the court*** SO ORDERED: YES __ NO__ Number of attorneys attending the virtual conference nie Dated: RUIL 23 . JUD > KIM. Attomey for Plaintiff: Ww) Attorney fo: (6 A) do lobo. Com, LIV e-mail address: 4oh A e-mail address: Sh win WyiL-Gn Attorney for Defendant: Attorney for Defendant: e-mail address: e-mail address: Attorney for Defendant: Attorney for Defendant: e-mail address: e-mail address: Ps. of 1 of 1