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  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Diane JonesOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Diane JonesOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Diane JonesOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. Diane JonesOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: MADISON COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2021 12:00 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-1489 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2021 O 50 V COUNTY 0F COURT . . TRANShUTTALSHEET ADMINISTRATIVE R3VIEW . DEFAULT JUDOMENTS IntlN CPLR)315(a) CARD DEST for CREDIT Defendent Numbert 6f Q©a . Index .. Check eB (het FILED IN dfUed apply SON COM CMS OM O Resubmissi h (Defect Checkilst attached) Wednesday, July 7, 2021 12:00 PM I, The (allow (nformation must be completed by ng l. Action commenced/Inde number Issued, .-Ó.- 2, Proof of service of sumnions and complaint Died: 3, Addit|onal notice of consumer credit transaction filed: 4 Additional notlee transmlÊted to Supreme Court (If appl(cable): DMV abstract submitted (lf appl|cable): 5. DefendanUs driver's Court (if appl|cable): 6. Defendant's DMV driver's abstract transmltted to Supreme 7. CPLR default judgment application Cled: 3215(a) . transmitted to Supreme Court (lf applicable): 8. CFLR default Judgment application 3215(a) that performs the me ng of olerk's offloe the respective It The InformatIon must be completed by following the additional notice pursuant to 22 NYCRR 202,27·b: L Additional notice malled to defendant period (20 expired (If appl|cable) 2. AddltIonal notlce service days) U,S.Postal Service (If appileable) 3. Additlonal notice returned as undeliverabie by D No D N/A applicable): O Yes DMV,driver's abstract address (if 4 Service address matches defendant's performs the substantive clerk's ofñce that On lesp@tive Information must be completed by 202,27·a: to 22 NYCRR III, The following appitcahon purshnt 3215(a)'default Judgment revlew of the CPLR applicatlori.reviewed clerk default judgment by L CPLR 3215(a) ODebt Buyer DOriginal Creditor 2. Pialntiff Is a/an: C Denled O Approved Judgment application: default ChecklIst, Result of clerk's review of CPLR 3215(a) attach Defect 1 card debt is DENIED, applleation for credit default Judgment NATR Ir CPLR 3215(a) 1 of 2 FILED: MADISON COUNTY CLERK 07/07/2021 12:00 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-1489 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/07/2021 NEOPOST $000.512 041 11451057 Madison County Clerk 138 North Court St WAMPSVILLE, NY 13163 DIANE JONES 9124 WALNUT POINT RD CANASTOTA, NY 130325408 2 of 2