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  • LVNV Funding LLC -v- Brisco Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • LVNV Funding LLC -v- Brisco Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • LVNV Funding LLC -v- Brisco Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • LVNV Funding LLC -v- Brisco Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


A V l DocuSign Envelope ID: DOAD981B-70F5-48F/y F3-D7841A8A2568 31'“:.'?:o COUNTY OURTOF CAL, ED . SA” SA ‘ Fr)u\.v' \ 1 FLINT c ZIDE, SBN 160369 / SARKIs s. KARAYAN, SBN 316926 BERNARDI~B<§5I§AT§%N LAW OFFICE OF HARRIS & ZIDE 2 JUL 1445 HUNTINGTON DRIVE, SUITE 300 1 . 4 2022 3 SOUTH PASADENA CA 91030 CY ,fl N» .7 TELEPHONE: (626)799-8444 “‘35st“ * 4 FACSIMILE: (626)799—8419 Ows 05mm _ ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF 5 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 7 8 SAN BERNARDINO JUSTICE CENTER, CIVIL CASE 9 10 LVNV Funding LLC CASE No. Clvsezzossoz 11 PLAINTIFF DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F APPLICATION ’ 12 VS FOR ENTRY OF JUDGMENT C.C.P.585 (d) 13 14 Rachelle Brisco 15 DEFENDANT(S) l6 17 18 The declaration is attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein. l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 " FILE. BY FAX { ”Mm -..,-.~,»—v—~-~~—«*~ é i .. 3Ww DocuSign Envelope ID: DOAD981B-7OF5-48FA F3-D7841A8A2568 IllllIllHlllllIfllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllll 681474327 SUPERIOR COURT OF Califomja, COUNTY OF SAN BRNAWNO COOQONMAUJNH LIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION LVN V Funding LIE, Case N0. CIVSB2205602 PlaiIm'fl: DECLARATION 1N SUPPORT OF vs. APPLICATION FOR ENTRY OF Rachelle Brisco , et aL, DEFAULT JUDGMENT PURSUANT Deferfianfis). TO CIVIL CODE§ 1788.60 I, the undersigwd, declare as follows: 1. I am an authon'zed representatiw 1hr LVNV Fmding LLC (“Plainfeflfi and RESURGENT CAPITAL SERVICES, LP (RCS), servicer ofthis account on behalf 0f Plainnfl and I am authon’zed on Plainttfi’s and NNNNNNNNNr—lt—An—AHHr—np—np—n—nn—A RCS's behalfto nuke the stateImnts, representations and avemtnts herein OONQMAWNfiooooflmm-RWNHO 2. I am a competent person over eighteen years of age and Imke the stateIIBnts herein based won my personal review ofthe records pertaining to this account Plaintifi‘is the cunent owner offln obh'gtion sued upon, and was assigned all the riglrs, title and interest to Defindant's account XXXXXXXXXXXX9828 (hereinafier “the Account”). 3. Plaintiflpurchases portfolios of delinquent accounts fiom either the orig'ml creditor or a subsequent purchaser of the account As pan of its operations, RCS, as servicer fbr Plaintfl operates and naintains corrputer systems into which electronic records and infimmtion received fiom the seller in respome to the sale and assignment connlmication regrding the individual accounts are integrated ' ‘FILE BY FAX Page 1 DP” APATmM—m SJPP PRT OF APPLICATION FORENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDQAENT PURSJANT TO CIVIL wDE § 1788.60 m 1.001