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  • James Connally vs. Starbucks Corporation, d/b/a StarbucksOther Injury or Damage - Over $250,000 document preview
  • James Connally vs. Starbucks Corporation, d/b/a StarbucksOther Injury or Damage - Over $250,000 document preview


RECEIVED AND FILED FOR RECORD 04/12/2022 at 10:10 AM Melisa Miller, District Clerk CAUSE NO. 21-07-09781 Montgomery County, Texas JAMES CONNALLY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF VS. MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TEXAS STARBUCKS CORPORATION D/B/A STARBUCKS COFFEE COMPANY 457" JUDICIAL DISTRICT ORDER OF DISMISSAL FOR FAILURE TO FILE JOINT NOTICE On the 12th day of April, 2022 came on the Court's pre-trial review of the above-styled and numbered case. After being duly ordered under the Court’s Docket Control Order, the Parties failed to timely file the required Joint Notice Filing. The Court has previously noticed the Parties that failure to file the Joint Notice Filing may result in dismissal without further notice to the Parties. The Court, having considered the failure of the Parties to timely file the Joint Notice Filing and how heavily the Court relies upon the Joint Notice Filing in setting its dockets and trying its cases, finds that this case should be dismissed for want of prosecution. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the above- styled and numbered cause be dismissed and same is hereby removed from the docket of this Court. The Parties are hereby notified that upon filing a Motion to Reinstate the Movant must contact the Court via email to to advise that such Motion has been filed. Any such Motion will be set on the Court’s Submission Docket. The Movant is responsible for setting with the Court, filing and serving the Notice of Submission of the Motion to Reinstate. SIGNED on this the 12th day of April, 2022 wf“neg? . . GI. Fak VINCENZ6 SAMTINI, Judge Presiding Minute 12th of April, 2022