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  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview
  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview
  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview
  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview
  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview
  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview


Filing # 66053004 E-Filed 01/03/2018 03:28:24 PM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION WILLIAM H. SCHMITZ and JANICE K, SCHMITZ As Husband and Wife, Plaintiffs, V. CASE NO.: 16-CA-001754 ALEXMAR PIMIENTA GARRIDO, JLL LOGISTIC INC and ROBERTO LI, Defendants. PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF SERVING EXPERT INTERROGATORIES COME NOW Plaintiffs, WILLIAM H. SCHMITZ and JANICE K, SCHMITZ, by and through their undersigned attorneys, and in accordance with the applicable Rules of Civil Procedure, propound the attached interrogatories to be answered separately and fully in writing under oath and to serve a copy of your answers on the attorney for the Plaintiff within thirty (30) days of service hereof. This discovery request is propounded pursuant to the legal authority of Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1.280(b) and the following case taw: Allstate Ins. Co. v. Boecher, 733 So. 2d 993 (Fla. 1999) (hereinafter “Boecher Il"), approving Allstate Ins. Co. v. Boecher, 705 So.2d 106, (Fla. 4 DCA 1998) (hereinafter “Boecher |’); Springer v. West, 769 So. 2d 1068 (Fla. 5" DCA 2000); and/or Morgan, Colling & Gilbert, P.A. v. Pope, 798 So. 2d 1 (Fla. 2d DCA 2001). The Florida Supreme Court stated in Boecher Il, “We find no indication from either the language of rule 1.280(b)(4) or our opinion in Eikins that the rule was intended to shield a party from revealing the extent of its relationship with an expert witness.” 733 So. 2d at 999 (Fla. 1999). As explained by the Fourth District Court of Appeal in the underlying opinion: It occurs to us that, in this pervasively computerized generation of doing business, any going concern would be sorely tried to establish burdensomeness in the mere retrieval of this kind of information. Surely Alistate has the power to pluck the data from its own cyberspace. The burden placed on this party should be presumed to be no more difficult than selecting the correct keys on a board or icons on a screen. Allstate has done nothing in this record to dispel such a presumption. Boecher |, 705 So.2d at 108 (Fla. 4° DCA 1998). Furthermore, “[w]here an insurer provides a defense for its insured and is acting as the insured’s agent, the insurer's relationship to an expert is discoverable form the insured. To hold otherwise would render Boecher meaningless in all but a small class of cases. ... [T]he information sought is relevant to the witness’s bias and will enhance the truth-seeking function and fairness of the trial, as intended by Boecher.” Springer v. West, 769 So. 2d at 1069 (Fla. 5" DCA 2000). As for discoverability of similar information held by defense counsel, please see Morgan. Colling & Gilbert, P.A. v. Pope, which upheld a trial court’s Order compelling discovery from the Plaintiffs counsel regarding any prior dealings or relationships between the law firm and the involved expert witness. 798 So. 2d 1 (Fla. 2d DCA 2001). Recently, the Fifth District, in dicta, has suggested that ‘a defendant may question a plaintiff about any relationship between his or her attorney and the plaintiff's expert.’ This conclusion is a natural and logical extension of the requirement that defendant insurance companies disclose their financial relationships with their chosen expert witnesses. id., at 6 (quoting Springer, 769 So. 2d at 1069 (Fla. 5" DCA 2000). In further support of this Request to Produce, Plaintiffs state that it is within the scope of Rule 1.280(b), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure; Plaintiffs need the opportunity to inspect these documents in preparation of this case; and that Plaintiffs are unable, without undue hardship, to obtain the substantial equivalent by other means. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE | HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing has been furnished by electronic mail to William Boltrek, Ill, Esquire, HENDERSON, FRANKLIN, STARNES & HOLT, P.A., Attorneys for Defendants, Post Office Box 280, 1715 Monroe Street, Fort Myers, FL 33902-0280, at the designated email address(es) of and, this aa < day of January, 2018, GOLDBERG NOONE, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiffs Post Office Box 190 Fort Myers, Florida 33902-0190 (239) 461-5508 (239) 461-3915 (Facsimile) By: Ara) Voc MichaeUM. Noone Florida Bar No.: 0105139 Email: Elizete D. Velado Florida Bar No.: 0099668 Email: