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  • OneMain Financial Group, LLC -v- Hordonez et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • OneMain Financial Group, LLC -v- Hordonez et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • OneMain Financial Group, LLC -v- Hordonez et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • OneMain Financial Group, LLC -v- Hordonez et al Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


ArrORNEv 0R FARtY mmour AWORNEV (Nam. Stun, Bu n'unoar, um ma): FOR COURT USE ONLY Robert Scot! Kcnnarfl [11101 T). Kristen Bloom: (321173). Jouph HolMck (31‘258) Noluon I Korma"! 5011 Dudky Blvd Building 250. Bay G F l LE D McCMIan. CA 95652 SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE NO.: 910-820-2295 FM N0. (Optimal): COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO EMAIL ADDRESS (owomu: SAN BERNARmNo DISTRICT Anonnev FOR (Mm); munin Fauna.» Group. LLc SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO JUN 15 2022 STREET ADDRESS: 241 Wu! mm Strut MAILING ADDRESS: 2‘7 Won Third sml CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Bomirdlno 92415 BY BRANCH NAME: San Bomlrdlno Dlslrlc; CM! 0|lean BONNA SAUERBRUN. DEPUTY PLAINTIFFIPETmONER; anamm nnmuan oroup. LLc CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: Nordonu, Dlnllla CIV832204579 Roi. No. or Fin No; PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS 21-58183 1. At the time of serv|ce i was al least 18 years of age and nol a pany to this action. AG 2. Iserved copies of (specify documents): Summons; Complaint; Clvll Casp Cover Shunt; Notice o! Case Asslgnment for All Purposes: Alternative Dispute XVi Resolutlon (ADR) Packet; Certificate of assignmem 3. a. Party sewed (specify name o! party as shown on documenls served): Danlela Hordonaz b. D Person (other than the party in item 3a) served on behall ol an entity or as an aulhon‘zed agenl (and nol a' person under ilem 5b whom substituted service was made) (specify name and relationship (o the party named in ilem 36 ).' 4. Address where the party was sewed: 5, I sewed Ihe party (check proper box) a. D by personal service. personaliy delivered thadocumenm l service of procassfor the party (1) on (dare): lisled in item 2 to the party or person authorized lo receive b. D by substituted sorvlce. On (data): or atm'me): in the presence of (name and title'or relationship to person indicated I in item 3): left the documenls Ii‘sted in item 2 With (1) E (buslness) a person the person lo be sewed. al least l 18 years of age apparently in charge a1 the office or usual place 01 business of informed him or her of the general nature of lhe papers. (‘2) E (home) a competent member of the household (at least 18 years of age) al the dwelling house ofabode oi the pany. informed him or her of lhe general nature of the papers. I or usual place (3) D (physical address unknown) a person at Ieas‘ 18 years of age apparently in charge at the usual mailing address o! the person to be sewed, other than a United States Postal Service post office box. informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. I (4) E | thereafter served caused to mace where be mailed (by first class. postage prepaid) copies of the documents lo the person to be (5) D on l at the (dare): from the copies (city): were Iefl (Code or D Civ. Proc § 415.20). Documents were ma'iled attach a declaratlon of diligence stating actions taken firs! to attempt personal service. a dedaralion of mailing is attached. Pm 1 cl J Form Wad Ior Mammary Um CododCMl Pmdum § 417.10 Judbat Gourd o! Califomh POS- ouo mquanuary 1,2001} PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Tracking #:a 00851 74537 'REF; 21-53133 Hllllllllflllllllllllllfl llllil‘lllllflllmlllllllll PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: OneMain Financial Group. LLC CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: Hordonez. Daniela CIVSBZZO4579 c. E by mall and acknowledgement o! receipt of service. mailed the documents address shown in item 4. by firsl-dass mail, postage prepaid. I listed in item 2 to the party. to the (1') on (date).- (2) trom (city): (3) D withlwo copies of'the Notice and Acknowledgement o! Receiptand a postage—paid return envelope addressed lo me. (Ausch completed Notice and Acknowledgement a! Receipt) (Code Civ. Proc.. § 415.30) (4) D lo an address outside Calitornia with return receipt requested.- (Code Civ. Proc.. § 415.40) d. m by other means (specify means of service and authorizing code section): Servica was eflected pursuant lo California COde o! Civil Procedure Section 417.10(d) by written admission o! the party. D Additionat page describing'servioe is attached. 6. The 'Nolice lo lhe Person Served" (on lhe‘summons) w'as Completed as follows: as an individual dafendanl. as the person sued under the ficlitious name of (specify): DUES as occupant. .0- On behalf of (specify) under the following Code of Civil Procedure section: D 416.10 (corporation) 415.95 (business organization, lorm unkn0wn) E] 416.20 (defunct corporation) 416.60 (minor) E E 416.30 (joint stock companylassocialion) 416.40 (association'or partnership) DDDDDD 416.70 (ward or conservatee) 416.90 (authorized person) D 416.50 (public enmy) 41 5.46 (occupant) other. 7. Person who served papers Name: Blnh Nguyen Address: 316 W2nd St. 3rd Floon Los Angelas CA 90012 999?? Telephone number: 21 3.621 .9998 The fee for service was: S 17.00 am: I (1) E not a registered California process server; D A8 (2) exempt irom registration under Business and Professi'ons Code section 22350(b). XVJ (3) m D registered Califomia process server: m (i) (ii) oWner Regislration No.: employee 2019309243 E independentcontractor. (iii) Coumy: Loa An'geles am l Of declaraunder p‘enally ot perjury under the laws oi the State of-Califomia (hat lhe Ioregoing is true and correct. pngnvn POS-O10 IR". Jammy l. 2w?! PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS fi Tracking 00851 74537 ' #: REF: 21-58183 lIllillllflllllllllllllfllllll Iflllllllllllllflllllllllll