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  • Lent -v- Blue Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Lent -v- Blue Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Lent -v- Blue Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Lent -v- Blue Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview


-‘~H~ \i \r JUD-1 00 m-ronuev OR'PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, scare hammer. and amass); Fm coum' use ouLv Daniel Lent D.B.A Capital Reclamations "P.O. BOX 64 Running Springs, CA 92382 TELEPHONE No.2 (9 5 1) 2 3 141 1 1 FAX NO. (Optional): LE D E—MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): - SUPERwRFCAUR-LOBERCSkggfigA SA mS‘I R&CT - . ATTORNEY FOR C33“; EXQSARDWO . (Name), SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Bernardino STREET ADDRESS: DEC _1 4 Z MAJUNG AooRess; 247 W. Third Street I cm'ANszpcooe: San Bernardino CA 92415-0210 BY Dopmy BRANCH NAME; San Bernardino Courthouse PWNTIFFI Daniel Lent D.B.A Capital Reclamations Rina Phillips DEFENDANT: Bryant Blue. CASE NUMBER: x 3y Clerk By Court E ay JUDGMENT Default On Stipulation E E After Cour: man Defendant Did Not CIVSB2205694 Appear at Triai JUDGMENT 1. BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was properiy served with a copy of the summons and complaint. time allowed by law. b. Defendant failed to answer the complaint or appear and defend the action within the c. Defendant‘s default was entered by the clerk upon plaintiffs application. Clerk's Judgment (Code Civ. Proc., § 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contract or judgment of a court‘of d. this state for the recovery of money. (D . E E Court Judgment (Code plaintiffs Civ. Proc.. § 585(b)). The court considered testimony and other evidence. D (1) (2) plaintiffs written declaration (Code Civ. Proc.. § 585(d)). 2. E 0N STIPULATION a. Plaintiff and defendant agreed (stipulated) that a judgment be entered in this case. The court approved the stipulated judgment and b. c. m E the signed written stipulation the stipulation was stated in was filed open court in the case. E the stipulation was stated on the record. 3. E] AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence. a. The case was tn’ed on (date and time): before (name ofjudicial officer): b. Appearances by: D Plaintiff (1) (name each): . - C] Plaintiff‘s (1) attorney (name each): (2) (2) E Continued on Attachment 3b‘ E Defendant (name each): D Defendant (1) 's attorney (name each): (1) (2) (2) [j Continued on Attachment 3b. c. D Defendant did not appear at trial. Defendant was properiy sewed with notice of tn'al. d. E A statement of decision (Code Civ. Proc., §632) E] was not E was requested. Page 1 ofz Form Approved for Options! Cdflomia Use JU DGMENT Code oi CM: Proaedua. §§ 535. 664.6 Judicial Council of JUD-100 [New January 1, 2002] l. a n V V POS-01 0 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. Sula Barnumber, and addw): FOR COURT USE ONLY ' Daniel Lent D.B.A. Capital Reclamations P.o. Box 54 Running Springs, CA 92382 TELEPHONE No.: (951)231—4111 FAX N0. (Oprlonal): E-MAxLAuukessmpzianat): ATTORNEY FOR (Nam): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F San Berna rdino smearwonsss: MNUNG mnaess: 247 W. Third Street cmmozu: cone: San Bernardino CA 92415-0210 BRANCH NAME; San Bernardino Courthouse PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: Daniel Lent D.B.A. Capital Reclamations CASE NUMBER C|V532205694 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: BrYa “t B'Ue Ref. No. or Ftle Na; PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS (Separate proof of service is required for each pany served.) 1. At the time of service | was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. )served oopies m of: a- summons P' complaint Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) package BDEEB Civil Case Cover Sheet (served in complex cases only) cross~complaint other (specify documents); Notice of Order to Show Cause Hearing, Certificate of Assignment 9° m Party served (specify name of party as shown on documents served): . Brya nt Blue b. E Person (other than the party in item 33) served on behaif of an entity or as an authorized agent (and not a person under item 5b on whom substituted service was made) (specifi/ name and relationship to the patty named In item 3a): 4. Address where the pafly was served: 36523 25th St E Apt N18, PALMDALE, CA 93550 sewed the party (check pmper box) 5. l a. m by personal service. l personally delivered the documents listed receive service of process for the party (1) on (date):6/5/22 in item 2 to the party or person authorized to 1:40pm b. D by substituted in the presence of service. On (date): (name and tide or relationship to at (time): person indicated in item I (2) at (time): left 3): the documents listed in item 2 with or (1) E (business) a person at teast 18 years of age apparently of the person to be sewed. l in charge at the ofice or usuaI place of business informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (2) [:3 (home) a competent member of the household (at least 18 years of age) at the dwelling house or usual place of abode of the party. infomed him or her of the general nature of the papers. I (3) E (physical address unknown) a person at least 18 years of age apparentty address of the person to be served, other than a United States Postal Service post office box. in charge at the usual mailing I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) E I thereafter mailed (by first—class, postage prepaid) copies of the at the place where the copies were left (Code Civ. Proc., § 41 5.20 documents to the person . I mailed the documents on to be sewed (date): from (city): or a declaration of mailing is attached. (5) [j l attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. Faun d2 Code CM! Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS of Procedure, § 417.10 POS—O1O (Rev. Jammy 1. 2007]